Tuesday, October 28, 2008

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Declaration National Film CEPA Green Thursday, October 30, 20 hours

GREEN CINE continues the cycle , this Thursday 30 at Sed invasion dropwise. More information on the blog: cineverde-uns.blogspot.com

Thursday, October 23, 2008

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Something stinks in the UNS

Source: www.frenteacano.com.ar

recognize that there are "pressures" on UNS

As will advance yesterday, the weather at the National University South to Election Day is not the best, as it reported patoteriles actions and pressure from a group allegedly linked to the coalition that now governs the House of Studies. Yesterday afternoon, representatives of all opposition rose from their seats and left without a quorum for the meeting of the Higher University Council. Several directors and agents various lists supported the motion that the body would serve as the special committee to deal with the complaint of harassment against the chairman of the Electoral Board, as well as a student's complaint about possible irregularities in the polls and face threats administrative staff of that board of elections. However, although a report had made these allegations, the document did not reach the whole to be treated. Since the arc opposition blamed the ruling and said through a press release asked to adopt the necessary measures to ensure the normality of the polls. "With this attitude of looking the other hand, it has jeopardized the institutional University, "they said. In this regard, Mr. Ricardo Gutierrez, former rector of the UNS in front Cano said that" elections are difficult times "and acknowledged that there are" pressures. "" The University is a public space but autonomous is also a political space, "he said. He said then that" one way of doing politics is based on the pressure. When things go well, that power is fine, but when things happen rejection as those now emerging to light ". The holder of the PHI list acknowledged that the criticism aimed at the students listed MNR Challenges" with direct links University with the ruling. "institutions are in danger of the house of higher learning, recognized as well. For his part, Colonel Leonardo, activist and leader of the Socialist bahiense said the Socialist Party has no connection with the MNR group Challenges ( linked to the ruling coalition SNU), accused of using such practices. "While some of its members are party members, practices that take place have nothing to do with socialism organizational decisions," said . He said in conclusion that "we are very concerned that game is the name of the party by a group of young people, by some political mischief, do anything to achieve their goals. "

And in the Bay Socialist :

Thursday October 23, 2008


Delhi, October 22, 2008 in the Higher University Council meeting of today's date several counselors and parents of different lists supported the motion that the body would serve as commission to deal with the complaint of harassment against the President of the Electoral Board, a student complaining of a possible irregularity and staff of the department. In the meeting of the Board of Elections on October 20 it was noted the events in a document which was signed by most members of the same. Despite repeated requests from several advisors and incomprehensible reasons the record did not reach the whole of today's date as would have been entitled. This undoubtedly is a serious irregularity must be investigated. During the meeting also mentioned the inappropriate behavior of an officer of Rector becomes even more worrying that the climate surrounding the election act of October 24. The UNS officials refused to address this issue would have to elucidate the situation and take measures to ensure the normality of the polls. With this attitude, decided to look the other way endangering the institutions of the University. Faculty List Faculty List Online Integration Phi Intercentros List List Auxiliary Auxiliary Phi Line Blue List Teachers List Student No Student List Generation

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

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October 24, choose! Continued

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FILMS GREEN in the Department.

continue with the cycle "Cinema of Truth." This Thursday, October 23, at 20 hours, Time "THE ILLUSION stalks." More 's blog