Saturday, May 21, 2005

Windshield For Sand Buggy

That is positivism previous
three stages to
Classification of sciences
Positivism and the philosophy
in Physics Research foundations Religion
positive social


Positivism in America society structures

Positivism consists of not admitting other scientifically valid knowledge, if not those who come from experience, rejecting, therefore, any notion a priori and all universal and absolute concept.
The echo is the only scientific reality and experience and induction, exclsivos methods of science. Authors

John Stuart Mill David Hume Saint-Simon D'Alembert
Ernst Mach Immanuel Kant, Auguste Comte
James Mill
Turgot Thomas Henry Huxley
Condillac Mr James Chadwich
Lagrange Herber Espence BIOGRAPHY / historia/contextos/2480.htm Previous

Comte Auguste

Before there were other conosedores positivist ideas, it occurred in France, most were physics and mathematics.
the idea of \u200b\u200bpositivism, was influenced in three streams, the physical nwtoniana the mecanismogeometrico Cartesian and British empiricism. Three stages

Positivism to wear it as a political strategy devider devia be structured by modern thoughts and ideas, and their authors vçbasaron three ideas, the theological, the metaphysical, and positive.

speaks of the theological beliefs of a religious being, which is atribullen, deserts miraculous powers, embodied in imajenes, and the idea of \u200b\u200bbeing unique in the world as the all-powerful.

metaphysics according to positivism, is responsible for analyzing the essence of beings, and thus have a natural explanation.

and finally the positive idea, which is sine only to realism, it's just desert everything that you can see, everything that is here and only dedicated to the pursuit of facts and laws, not causes or principles. Match

allowed only six basic sciences, mathematics, astronomy, physics, chemistry, philosophy, and sociology, but after taking the mathematics as the primary language of other sciences, and the mechanics will be a main idea comprovacion.

Positivism and the philosophy

This defines us well that plays important role in the positivist philosophy, such that philosophy is the theory needed for an all sciences, that philosophy is a reasonable explanation consistent; On the other hand, according to this, science would be the exact explanation of everything that an explanation of existence nesesito

Investigation of the fundamentals in physics
establishing a strong criticism on the mechanics, because according to the idea of \u200b\u200bphysics all beings have a DEVIDA sustaining its performance under the explanation of the laws of physics, but it conflicts at the alleged existence of an essence, influenced by a supreme being.

Religion Religion in the midst of all these rafters, is based on dogma and is manifested through worship, like Judaism, Christianity, the Icelandic and Buddhism, and establishing a beneficial social behavior.

Social character here sought

socedad and analyze the changes through a science created by Auguste Comte, sociology as, here too we see a shift from a military society to an economic society, there is also a critical period transcinción and solvent and Protestantism help with this solution.

This comes as the end of this movement in the twentieth century and draws emphasis on experimental and rejection of the expression of the spirit, it also brought the study of the phenomenon of man mestizage latinoamericanoresaltando.

Positivism in America

This movement brought thanks to his disciples to follow expansionism in america asia nineteenth century, but society and education continued to present colonial schemes, also came as a philosophical novel, and the country where he had more influence mexico which was under a life policy, educational and social, to the point that Gabino Barreda, discipleship of comte organized education in the country.


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