Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Snowmobile Scrapyards In Ontario

happening in the Biocentre

"The pain that remain are the freedoms that we lack "

Through this we express our strong rejection profoundly undemocratic handling the MNR has had as driving Challenges of Biocentre (Student Center Biology, Biochemistry and Pharmacy).

last 5 years have not stopped the problems: first, attempts to break the independence of the Student Center after the fraudulent elections, street gangs, the persecution, threats. Now follow the cowardly aggression a member of the MNR-Challenges (which is not even the SNU student : Electricity works SNU) to a student who was reporting on the plight of courses Biocentre.

The Challenges MNR is responsible for having transformed the Biocentre in "empty shell" that does not even driving. Undemocratic methods and persecutory, defamation own public arguments, the dictatorship, fraud and proscription, have been the consistent practice over the years to prevent students participate and be part of a facility that belongs to everyone.

refer The facts are an open violation of the democratic life of the university and give land to the most basic principles are already conquered 91 years with the Reform university. We make public our condemnation of what happened, in strict defense of democracy and participation, and the firm view that the students were able to recover Biocentre. Only then can we say - as did the Reform youth 18 - "we now have for the country with less shame and more freedom."



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