Thursday, November 25, 2010

Berkeley Freshman Questinoaire

Indefinite Strike all deaths are not equal death

Today is November 25, days against gender violence. is

a scourge to society, but I think they are exaggerating their deaths. Either that, or that others are underestimating (probably this 2 º).
is, each day that death is a gender violence in Spain, makes the news. The same when a death by terrorism, floods, earthquakes, hurricanes or natural disasters. Even when there are wars. But leave far less deaths from accidents, accounting adjustments, or of all immigrants who die at sea.

hopefully be a day when we worry of all deaths equally and not give some more important than others. Because for me all immigrants who have fled their country due to poverty, corruption and authoritarianism that is submitted by the multinationals, and die trying to reach Europe to work on sites that do not want the Europeans and then receive insults, beatings and being an immigrant, expulsions, no paperwork, having to survive committing crimes, being locked in detention centers, and suffer exclusion from society that says that too ... the whole situation and the deaths and injustices that occur because of this I find so troubling, so reportable, and so outrageous, and deaths from domestic violence or violence of ETA. And I also say that they are condemned (Kill for political purposes, that well, others struggle by killing them, destroying families, destroying lives, be proud,

or otherwise kill out of jealousy, remove the problem of the way, also destroying life, affecting the others, especially children ... for them the violence is the solution.)

But as I say, the 2 types seem reportable death. Just as the worker who fell off the scaffolding because the subcontractors who do not meet safety and allow the politicians.

Or a person who is shot to death because it upsets another (Reckoning). None of these deaths is praised so much. No associations of victims of accidents, there is no institutional campaigns against subcontractors that cause, or against immigrant gangs and the multinationals that plunder the resources of their countries of origin. No action was taken against it.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

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Sunday, November 14, 2010

Do You Need An Arrow Rest?

was thinking these days about all the people who have left this world.
The most recent was Berlanga, English film director. Rodo including "Welcome Mr. Marshall", or "heifer."
also been dead for While little, Marcelino Camacho, founder of the Workers' Commissions and historical member of the Communist Party of Spain.

O Labordeta, famous singer in the transition for songs like "Song of Freedom" or "Aragon." He was deputy to the Congress by the Aragonese.
Not to mention others that I have signs up at this forum, as Saramago, Andrés Montes, and Michael Jackson.

Unfortunately everything has a purpose, and for these people has come. And the rest of us will one day later, earlier, but we will.

I would say that 95% of people are afraid death. Maybe one of the 95%, there are many who just think about that, do not worry about it. But the few times I think about it, sure they're scared.

Death is often a taboo subject, to dodge, which is not pleasant for a conversation, when he comes out rather change the subject, or be solved with a "that's life", or "life is."

But I want to talk about it, because it is one thing that worries me, as almost everyone, although it is not pleasant.

I remember once at a concert, the bass had stuck a sticker on their instrument reading "Is there life after death?" In English. Y a fellow who was near me said he heard a chapter in a series, the question "Is there life before life?".
And is that 2 things are related. Everything has to do with the birth and death. The beginning and end.
The question that we often make is on the sticker. But commenting on the episode of the series, we do not we usually do. Curioasa is one thing, because there is much uncertainty about it. It
creating the universe, galaxies, stars, planets, ours, life evolves, and we arrived at a time for 80-90 years if all goes well. And then nothing. It is a time peíodo well short of that we are aware. That until the moment we are born we were aware "before birth? If we had certainly not agreed. And I do not mean when we're a fetus, but the question, if existed before in one form or another, if we were somewhere in that we remembered and this time on Earth is just one more.
And at the moment we die, do we exist? Obviously with our body, because it will eat the worms devoured by flames. But we will still have consciousness soul, we will be somewhere? Only when we die we'll know.

Religions explain this by saying that yes there is life after death. But it's very hard to believe, and there are many questions. Why would there be life after death? Death is death, you die and you're done, nothing more. Is the natural cycle of things, of living beings, the ecosystem. Although humans are the only animal that is aware that life is and that is death, and maybe that means something, right?
I do not think that religions are a total invention ... it is not that one has come to a gentleman and all follow him ... but is a cumulative process of many years of history, and do not think that all based on a lie. I mean religion itself, not the activities that each religion can have on the various issues of life.

I'd like to believe that there is life after death, either one way or another. Obviously I do not like the idea of \u200b\u200bdying and all I know is extinguished for me. I guess most people also want to be something after death.

Another thing. I accept the idea that life is to enjoy it and not have to spend all his time worrying about death. And I try to live my life. But think about death, and I do 2 things are contradictory.

Friday, November 5, 2010

Los Angeles County Plazma Donor

intolerance of atheists

long post I was planning this post, but now with the Pope's visist me the opportunity has arisen.

The truth is that the visit, as far as I remember, more rejection is caused by the secularists, arguing that spends a lot of money in a time of crisis, or that the Church wants to eliminate AIDS in Africa, recalling his opposition to abortion, gay marriage and pedophilia ...

What I wonder is if for example Spain came to an atheist leader, not someone important for atheists, Noam Chomsky type anti-globalization movements. If a person came very influential in the atheist's visit to Spain, and saliesen Catholic bishops to head to demonstrate against the visit of such person, and say, "out", "you're welcome", "do not support,"
and cartoons in their media, ridiculing their ideas, or music groups singing against the beliefs of atheists, or had a picture of children chasing an atheist, or campaigns to stop hiciesen to be atheist, you probably would be that atheists were angry and spoke of the intolerance of Catholics, their fanaticism, that do not allow freedom of expression ... And I seem normal that they should tell and who are outraged.

But with this visit of the Pope, his cartoons have appeared in the media opposed to this visit, he ridiculed their beliefs, there are bands that sing not only against the errors of the Church (Inquisition, support Franco or pederasty ), but even sang ridiculing the beliefs of Catholics, there are signs of "out", "you're welcome" or "do not support," campaigns for apostatía or an image of a priest on the hunt for children ... and I think the same intolerance that the Catholics might have for atheists. Have the same intolerance of atheists to Catholics.

Of course, that's fine to criticize the pope's visit, missing more, are within their rights to freedom of expression. But cartoons or songs ridiculing people who believe in God seem excessive.
suppose that atheists or secular say that would seem OK for Catholics criticize the ideas of atheists or secular because they would be within their rights to freedom of expression, but does not seem so normal to have cartoons or songs ridiculing the beliefs of atheists.

Monday, November 1, 2010

Lorna Morgan

The Tea Party and the ultra

U.S. Reflecting on Obama and you realize that promise many things, generated high expectations and then disappoint people. Guantanamo is not closed. The wars in Iraq and Afghanistan are going badly. Problems remain with North Korea and Iran. The Palestinian conflict is not resolved. Continue to bomb Pakistan and Yemen. Do not get unemployment down and recover the economy. The agreement on climate change is ridiculous. Measures to control a few speculators. You have not got their hands against the National Association Rifle.

And the most you've got health care reform is forcing people to buy insurance if it is not Social Security. Interestingly
this, which is his greatest achievement is what has brought more rejection in humans. And the U.S. is the world's most capitalist country, more confronted communism in the cold war banner of individualism and the abstention of the state.
People are tired of Bush, endorsed Obama. But now he is disappointed at the slowness of change, and right channels as well. Talk about health care reform or the bank bailout as socialism, accuses Obama of Socialism.
The truth is that Communists in the U.S. must be hallucinating. Think that people have no idea of \u200b\u200bcommunism when they accuse Obama of being socialist.

In a country as anti-communist, a communist is beating very careful not to show their cards. It's almost like in the era of witch hunts.
And they say the U.S. is the world's largest democracy. Yes, a democracy where voting is only 30%, where as a candidate for there to be a billionaire, and also one of the 2 major parties. In short, people do not vote, can only be made billionaires, and 3 rd parties are doomed to marginalization (as the system U.S. election means that if for example in Texas the Republican Party gets 20 seats, the Democrat 18, Green 2 and the 40 seats in Texas to pass the Republican, leaving the other parties without seats, making it impossible to represent parties small). However
not lose hope. This country has known anti-Vietnam War, the Black Panthers, the hippie movement for peace, Martin Luther King, Malcolm X, groups of music critics and anti-capitalist as Rage Against the Machine in California, activists, as Brad Will, who was killed in Oaxaca by paramilitaries, and influential people such as Noam Chomsky, or the filmmakers Michael Moore and Oliver Stone.

But the truth is that few people get moving. Right move
get more. The Tea Party, with Sarah Pallin to the head, is booming, recovering the hegemonic discourse of God Bless America, proud to be Americans, to go against state intervention, anti-immigration discourse (with the immigration law of Arizona), going against Muslims (remember the outcry over the approach of building a mosque on Ground Zero and the proposal of a crazy Pastor wanted to burn the Koran in public), or going against blacks saying they are drug addicts and criminals. will be very difficult with this picture someday see a real change in America. I've been studying all presidents (here 1, 2 , 3 ,

4), to see if I continue to work, but few have been good presidents in the U.S..

seems that with the right-wing economic crisis is booming. At the moment I am reminded of the crisis of 29. In Germany, fearing that the communities cause a riot due to the monetary chaos that existed, the bourgeoisie, which today would be the majors and the big banks, supported the Nazis. In Italy, where there was a crisis between 1918 and 1920 just after World War I, is supported Mussolini. In Spain, because leftist reform policies, were raised by imposing a military dictatorship under Franco in the lead.

Well, this situation reminds me of the current. In Latin America is having change left. And already tried charging Chavez with a coup in 2002 to Morales in the referendum on autonomy in 2006, Zelaya took him out of his house in pajamas and imposed a fascist dictatorship in Honduras. Correa recently police almost killed him. In Paraguay, Lugo rumors against and in favor of the coup are constant. Now that you have been elections in Brazil, has launched a major smear campaign against the leftist candidate. The same happened in Peru when he showed Ollanta Humala, who lost because of it. Happened to be Alan Garcia, who has repressed natives, but of course, does not question the economic system.
In Chile, after a major media campaign, also won a right-wing businessman.
In Colombia, trade unionists were murdered. In Mexico, in the progress of the Good Government repression there, like the protests in Panama.

In summary, Latin America, which is where the center of leftist reforms, is where they are trying to stop it. Have had many dictatorships and economic crises and the people now stand in the fight.
Argentina had a great economic crisis. Now that Kirchner has died, try to turn right.

In Europe, the crisis we are living now. The social democracy that has taken the right-wing liberal policies, is collapsing even in Sweden, which allows the right to govern vey. But people are starting to get tired and gain strength from both the far right and the Greens. The far right is strong in Hungary, the Netherlands, Austria, Italy, France, Switzerland, and even some in the UK. Garaci do discourse both anti-immigrant racist cove between people.
But many obstacles that immigrants bring, they will keep coming until it improves the situation in their countries. And the situation in their countries is wrong because the multinational plunder their resources and do not leave anything to live. The problem is capitalism.
greens grown in countries like France and Germany. We'll see what they do, but everything indicates that it is a movement to curb the real left and serves as a bailout of the Social engaging in something that worries people such as climate change.
The left wins in places like Portugal and Greece. In Cyprus in control, and nothing bad indeed. Are expected to grow in places like Spain or Germany. However, do not grow as much as the far right and the Greens. And this can cause what happened after the 29 happen again.

The crisis goes for long, and we can find Obama imprisoned before the Tea Party, a European country in the hands of the far right, a proud Berlusconi, a brutally cutting Cameron ...
We'll see where it tips the balance. The look has to be directed to Greece, Portugal and Germany. The trouble with these countries is that the elections have been recently. In France did not take long, but we'll see what makes the French Socialist Party, because seen what they've done their fellow Europeans little hope left.

is a game, and parts are on the table. Will he win the bourgeoisie with the support of the far right and anti-immigration discourse, the cuts, to safeguard the Greens and the Social? Or win the workers, unity, struggle, strikes and electoral gains?