Sunday, November 14, 2010

Do You Need An Arrow Rest?

was thinking these days about all the people who have left this world.
The most recent was Berlanga, English film director. Rodo including "Welcome Mr. Marshall", or "heifer."
also been dead for While little, Marcelino Camacho, founder of the Workers' Commissions and historical member of the Communist Party of Spain.

O Labordeta, famous singer in the transition for songs like "Song of Freedom" or "Aragon." He was deputy to the Congress by the Aragonese.
Not to mention others that I have signs up at this forum, as Saramago, Andrés Montes, and Michael Jackson.

Unfortunately everything has a purpose, and for these people has come. And the rest of us will one day later, earlier, but we will.

I would say that 95% of people are afraid death. Maybe one of the 95%, there are many who just think about that, do not worry about it. But the few times I think about it, sure they're scared.

Death is often a taboo subject, to dodge, which is not pleasant for a conversation, when he comes out rather change the subject, or be solved with a "that's life", or "life is."

But I want to talk about it, because it is one thing that worries me, as almost everyone, although it is not pleasant.

I remember once at a concert, the bass had stuck a sticker on their instrument reading "Is there life after death?" In English. Y a fellow who was near me said he heard a chapter in a series, the question "Is there life before life?".
And is that 2 things are related. Everything has to do with the birth and death. The beginning and end.
The question that we often make is on the sticker. But commenting on the episode of the series, we do not we usually do. Curioasa is one thing, because there is much uncertainty about it. It
creating the universe, galaxies, stars, planets, ours, life evolves, and we arrived at a time for 80-90 years if all goes well. And then nothing. It is a time peíodo well short of that we are aware. That until the moment we are born we were aware "before birth? If we had certainly not agreed. And I do not mean when we're a fetus, but the question, if existed before in one form or another, if we were somewhere in that we remembered and this time on Earth is just one more.
And at the moment we die, do we exist? Obviously with our body, because it will eat the worms devoured by flames. But we will still have consciousness soul, we will be somewhere? Only when we die we'll know.

Religions explain this by saying that yes there is life after death. But it's very hard to believe, and there are many questions. Why would there be life after death? Death is death, you die and you're done, nothing more. Is the natural cycle of things, of living beings, the ecosystem. Although humans are the only animal that is aware that life is and that is death, and maybe that means something, right?
I do not think that religions are a total invention ... it is not that one has come to a gentleman and all follow him ... but is a cumulative process of many years of history, and do not think that all based on a lie. I mean religion itself, not the activities that each religion can have on the various issues of life.

I'd like to believe that there is life after death, either one way or another. Obviously I do not like the idea of \u200b\u200bdying and all I know is extinguished for me. I guess most people also want to be something after death.

Another thing. I accept the idea that life is to enjoy it and not have to spend all his time worrying about death. And I try to live my life. But think about death, and I do 2 things are contradictory.


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