Saturday, May 21, 2005

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Positivism consists

no scientifically valid support and other knowledge, but those who come from experience, rejecting, therefore, any notion a priori and all universal and absolute concept. The fact is the only scientific reality, and experience and induction, the exclusive methods of science. On the negative side, positivism is the negation of every ideal, of absolute and necessary principles of reason, ie, metaphysics. Positivism is a mutilation of human intelligence, which makes it possible not only the metaphysics but science itself. This, not the ideal principles, is reduced to a classification of facts, and science is a collection of experiences, but the general idea, the law that interprets the experience and crosses. Considered as a religious system, positivism is the worship of humanity as a whole being and simple or singular.
Evolution. Positivism
The term was first used by the French mathematician and philosopher Auguste Comte nineteenth century, but some of the positivist concepts back British philosopher David Hume, the French philosopher Saint-Simon, and the German philosopher Immanuel Kant.
Comte positivism chose the word based on reality and pointing out that he claimed constructive tendency for the theoretical aspect of the doctrine. In general, became interested in the reorganization of social life for the good of humanity through scientific knowledge, and in this way, control of natural forces. The two main components of positivism, the philosophy and the Government (or program of individual and social behavior), were later unified by Comte in a whole under the concept of a religion in which humanity was the object of worship. Many disciples of Comte rejected, however, accept the religious development of their thinking because they seemed to contradict the original positivist philosophy. Many of the doctrines of Comte were later adapted and developed by British social philosophers John Stuart Mill and Herbert Spencer as well as the Austrian physicist and philosopher Ernst Mach.
Comte, Auguste (1798-1857).
French positivist philosopher and one of the pioneers of sociology. Born in Montpellier on January 19, 1798. From an early age rejected the traditional Catholic and monarchical doctrines. He managed to enter the Ecole Polytechnique Paris from 1814 to 1816, but was expelled for participating in a student revolt. For some years was secretary to the theoretical socialist Claude Henri de Rouvroy, comte de Saint-Simon, whose influence would be reflected in some of his works. The last years of French thinker were marked by mental alienation, the crisis of madness in which he sank for prolonged time intervals. He died in Paris on September 5, 1857.
To respond to the scientific revolution and industrial policy of his time, offered a reorganization Comte intellectual, moral and social policy. Adopt a scientific attitude was key, thought so, any reconstruction.
claimed that the empirical study of the historical process, in particular the progression of various interrelated sciences, showed a law called the three stages and that governs the development of mankind. Analyzed these stages in his voluminous work Course of Positive Philosophy (6 vols., 1830-1842). Given the nature of the human mind, he said, each of the sciences or branches of knowledge must pass through "three different theoretical stages: the theological or fictitious stage, the metaphysical or abstract stage, and finally, the scientific or positive. In the theological stage events are explained in a very basic way by appealing to the will of the gods or a god. In the metaphysical stage phenomena are explained by invoking abstract philosophical categories. The last stage of this evolution, the scientific or positive, is determined to explain all material facts by clarifying the causes. All attention should focus on finding out how phenomena occur with the intention of reaching generalizations in turn subject to observational verification and verifiable. Comte's work is considered the classic expression of the positivist attitude, ie the attitude of one who asserts that only empirical science are the proper source of knowledge.
Each of these stages, said Comte, has its counterpart in certain political attitudes. The theological stage is reflected in these concepts that speak of the divine right of kings. The metaphysical stage includes concepts such as social contract, equality of people or popular sovereignty. Positive stage is characterized by scientific analysis or "sociological" (a term coined by Comte) of political organization. Highly critical of democratic procedures, Comte longed for a stable society governed by a minority of scholars who employ methods of science to solve human problems and to impose new social conditions.
Although he rejected the belief in a transcendent being, Comte recognized the value of religion, it contributed to social stability. In his book Positive Political System (1851-1854, 1875-1877), proposed a religion of humanity that would stimulate a beneficial social behavior. The greater relevance of Comte, however, derives from its influence on the development of positivism.
The Law of the three states.
According to Comte, knowledge goes through three different theoretical states in both the individual and the human species. The law of three states, the foundation of positive philosophy, is both a theory of knowledge and a philosophy of history. These three states are called Theological
. Metaphysical
. Positive
. Theological
is fictional, provisional and preparatory. In it, the mind seeks the causes and principles of things, deep, distant and unattainable. In it three distinct phases:
Fetish: which personify things and they are attributed a magical or divine power.
political: the animation is removed from material things to move it to a number of deities, each of which presents a group of powers: the waters, rivers, forests, etc.
Monotheism: the highest stage, that all these divine powers are concentrated in one meeting and called God.
In this state, dominates the imagination, and corresponds to the infancy of mankind. It is also the primary provision of the mind, which again falls in all ages, and only a slow evolution can make the human spirit apart from this conception to move to another. The historical role of theological state is irreplaceable. State
Metaphysical: O
abstract state, is essentially critical, and transition, is an intermediate stage between the theological and the positive state. In it are looking for absolute knowledge. Metaphysics tries to explain the nature of beings, their essence, their causes. But that does not resort to supernatural agents, but abstract entities that give it its name ontology. The ideas in principle, cause, substance, essence, designate something different from things, but inherent in them, closer to them, the mind that after throwing away, is getting closer, step by step things, and so as in the previous state powers are summarized in the concept of God, here is the nature, the great general entity that replaces it, but this unit is weaker, both mentally and socially, and character of the metaphysical state, is about all critical and negative, in preparation for the transition to the positive state, a kind of crisis of puberty in the human spirit, before reaching adulthood.
Positive State:
is real, is definitive. It's imagination is subordinated to observation. The human mind sticks to things. Positivism seeks just the facts and laws. No causes or principles of essences or substances. All this is inaccessible. Positivism is consistent with the positive, what is given, or given: it is the philosophy of data. The mind, in a long decline, was arrested at the end to things. Resignation to what is futile to try to learn, and seeks only the laws of phenomena.
The positive spirit must establish a social order. The creation of a positive knowledge is the condition that there is sufficient social authority, y esto refuerza el carácter histórico del positivismo.
Comte, fundador de la Sociología, intenta llevar al estado positivo el estudio de la Humanidad colectiva, es decir, convertirlo en ciencia positiva. En la sociedad rige también, y principalmente, la ley de los tres estados, y hay otras tantas etapas, de las cuales, en una domina lo militar.
Comte valora altamente el papel de organización que corresponde a la iglesia católica; en la época metafísica, corresponde la influencia social a los legistas; es la época de la irrupción de las clases medias, el paso de la sociedad militar a la sociedad económica; es un período de transición, crítico y disolvente; el protestantismo contributes to this solution. Finally, the positive state is for the industrial era, governed by economic interests, and it has to restore social order, and this must be based on a mental and social power.
Positivism and Philosophy.
is apparently a reflection on science. After been exhausted, there is a separate object for philosophy, but they themselves, philosophy becomes a theory of science. Thus, positive science becomes unity and consciousness of itself. But the philosophy is clear, disappear, and this is what happens to the positive movement of the nineteenth century, which has very little to do with philosophy.
But Comte same is not true. Besides do you think is what they actually do. We have seen that:
is a philosophy of history (the law of three states.)
A metaphysical theory of reality, understood as original characters and be as new as the social, historical and relative.
A whole philosophical discipline, the science of society, to the point that sociology, in the hands of sociologists later, has never reached the depth of vision that reached its founder.
This is definitely the most real and interesting aspect of positivism, which makes it really, despite all appearances and indeed of all positivists philosophy.
This positive science is a discipline of modesty, and this is its virtue. The positive knowledge humbly complies things, it is to them, without interference, without jumping over to jump to false ideas games, no longer calls causes, but only laws. And thanks to this austerity does these laws, and has accurately and with certainty.
Over and over again Comte, the most explicit, the problem of history, and claims it as its own domain of positive philosophy. This relationship is the historical character of this philosophy, which can explain the entire past.

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That is positivism previous
three stages to
Classification of sciences
Positivism and the philosophy
in Physics Research foundations Religion
positive social


Positivism in America society structures

Positivism consists of not admitting other scientifically valid knowledge, if not those who come from experience, rejecting, therefore, any notion a priori and all universal and absolute concept.
The echo is the only scientific reality and experience and induction, exclsivos methods of science. Authors

John Stuart Mill David Hume Saint-Simon D'Alembert
Ernst Mach Immanuel Kant, Auguste Comte
James Mill
Turgot Thomas Henry Huxley
Condillac Mr James Chadwich
Lagrange Herber Espence BIOGRAPHY / historia/contextos/2480.htm Previous

Comte Auguste

Before there were other conosedores positivist ideas, it occurred in France, most were physics and mathematics.
the idea of \u200b\u200bpositivism, was influenced in three streams, the physical nwtoniana the mecanismogeometrico Cartesian and British empiricism. Three stages

Positivism to wear it as a political strategy devider devia be structured by modern thoughts and ideas, and their authors vçbasaron three ideas, the theological, the metaphysical, and positive.

speaks of the theological beliefs of a religious being, which is atribullen, deserts miraculous powers, embodied in imajenes, and the idea of \u200b\u200bbeing unique in the world as the all-powerful.

metaphysics according to positivism, is responsible for analyzing the essence of beings, and thus have a natural explanation.

and finally the positive idea, which is sine only to realism, it's just desert everything that you can see, everything that is here and only dedicated to the pursuit of facts and laws, not causes or principles. Match

allowed only six basic sciences, mathematics, astronomy, physics, chemistry, philosophy, and sociology, but after taking the mathematics as the primary language of other sciences, and the mechanics will be a main idea comprovacion.

Positivism and the philosophy

This defines us well that plays important role in the positivist philosophy, such that philosophy is the theory needed for an all sciences, that philosophy is a reasonable explanation consistent; On the other hand, according to this, science would be the exact explanation of everything that an explanation of existence nesesito

Investigation of the fundamentals in physics
establishing a strong criticism on the mechanics, because according to the idea of \u200b\u200bphysics all beings have a DEVIDA sustaining its performance under the explanation of the laws of physics, but it conflicts at the alleged existence of an essence, influenced by a supreme being.

Religion Religion in the midst of all these rafters, is based on dogma and is manifested through worship, like Judaism, Christianity, the Icelandic and Buddhism, and establishing a beneficial social behavior.

Social character here sought

socedad and analyze the changes through a science created by Auguste Comte, sociology as, here too we see a shift from a military society to an economic society, there is also a critical period transcinción and solvent and Protestantism help with this solution.

This comes as the end of this movement in the twentieth century and draws emphasis on experimental and rejection of the expression of the spirit, it also brought the study of the phenomenon of man mestizage latinoamericanoresaltando.

Positivism in America

This movement brought thanks to his disciples to follow expansionism in america asia nineteenth century, but society and education continued to present colonial schemes, also came as a philosophical novel, and the country where he had more influence mexico which was under a life policy, educational and social, to the point that Gabino Barreda, discipleship of comte organized education in the country.

Saturday, April 16, 2005

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How important is scientific positivism in the development of ideological processes of modernity? Recommended Recommended

Through the ages, history has taught us the changes of all mankind, these changes have been social, political and economic, but in order to have a proper management of these changes requires a strategy, in this paper, we have analyzed one of the strategies that have tried to use to manipulate society, positivism. And also try to solve a question, how viable would apply the positivity in a society?.
Now, first take the definition of positivism, and in this page will find one of the recommended sites on the Internet for better analysis and also the pages to get to know history of positivism.
According to these definitions, in a phrase you could say that the idea of \u200b\u200bpositivism is a political movement, drawn from the development of knowledge (theological, metaphysical and positive) in order to have control of a company, but what views we have to favor a society dominated by science?; In this idea "positive" we can see that the management of a company could be very useful, because the fact to apply science in society, we generate mental evolution, scientific, technological, and puts us ahead of other companies, at political and social, every law would have a lift, on verifiable facts of the sciences have no room for error, and in this society have a government run by philosophers, theologians and giving way to enlightened intellectual exploitation.
And now let us look from another point of view, what we have reasons to oppose positivism?, I think the only compelling reason, serious when positivism was at its peak, the company would become "machines human ", which only produce material competition, and would leave aside the idea of \u200b\u200ba family consisting of happiness, because if positivism everything has to be based on a science approved, how we could sustain the feelings and emotional relationships, you will lose all those events that grab the belief of a family.
conclusion, would leave the right of millions of people, whether they should implement these ideas, we would leave as the most competent in our time, but we become the most inhuman of the world that respect to another person we should be thinking of his family, if this text is left to think, then we can say, and then only are their views, which will wait for possible corrections.

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recommended on this page, not only can find very good information, but in each link we offer, we can find the information collected detailed, available through various ilustradas.Aquí left an example of what we can find Auguste Comte Expo London Royal Albert Hall of Arts and Sciences Demonstration J. Scientific Dewar of liquid hydrogen Faraday in his laboratory > The PositivismoÉpoca: EuropaRevolucionariaInicio: 1830Fin Year: Year 1870Antecedentes Large schools of thought A former secretary of Saint-Simon, Auguste Comte , relied on the theory of Saint-Simonian the three stages of development of knowledge (theological, metaphysical and positive) to support a theory that tried to put all the social reality under the domain of science. Positivism would, in Biddis, believing that the scientific method provides the main or even unique, system for the attainment of true knowledge. The main work of Comte, his course of positive philosophy, was published between 1830 and 1842 and was instrumental in extending the belief that natural science was the only one who could validate the knowledge and make possible a true cosmovisión.Detrás of such claims to obtain a global vision of reality was an attempt to put in place a secular religion, which became clear after the publication, between 1851 and 1854, its positive governance system, which was an attempt to integrate social laws with an alleged religion of humanity. Some supporters would fall away from Comte thereafter (between JS Mill them and TH Huxley, who said that the proposals amounted to Comte Catholicism without Christianity), but it remained an intellectual reference inexcusable for those who strove to find the key to a unitary interpretation of social reality. His attempt at a positive religion represented the zenith of the secularization of European thought, which wrote O. Comte's positivism Chadwick.La replica in England represents Herbert Spencer (Social Statics, 1851, Synthetic Philosophy, 1862), engaged in an attempt to organize all of human knowledge and to set the laws of social development, according with demands of their environment. In that sense, Spencer believed that industrial societies were better endowed than what he called society activists, who suffered coercion by the military or religious.

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This is one page that little would recommend that the information found there is not reliable, it is not taken in any encyclopedia, but from the opinions that others have written, we can also see that in this page, there is much information, but without proper support. Http://