Thursday, October 28, 2010

Foamy Urine Causes Std?

For March 2011 general strike is called in the UK. The 1 st since 1926. Yes, you read correctly, not 1962. It is 1926. There, unions have little strength and are closely linked to the Labour Party. Now, however, have not been forced to convene by the brutal cuts that made Cameron government supported by Clegg. When were the British elections wrote an entry

about them saying it could have been worse. However, it is difficult to imagine. I thought when writing that post that the Liberal Party and would slow things soften the Conservative Party.

However, Liberal Party has taken the side of the Centre and different party, and has been shown as it is. Another more right wing party. What a disappointment, Mr Clegg.

has also been the same in France. If you remember the debate between Sarkozy and Segolene Royal, Le Pen appeared occasionally, but there was another aparaecía (left drew not much). That was one that appeared Bayrou, who said his party was a rural party, Central, unlike the other 2, it was clear that he was ending the bipartisan ...

Well, the pension reform that Sarkozy has launched and strikes have cost 7 general and student protests, Bayrou, who said he was from Central and that was different from the other 2, has supported the reform of Sarkozy. Speaking

center parties reminded me UCD when the transition in Spain. At the beginning it was fine but then ended up agreeing with the right.

Now Spain is UPyD, which aims to fill that space. We'll see what actually happens with this game.

However, all have happened so far experince he proved one thing: The Center does not exist. There will be parties that say they are from Central and will be more on the Left or higher on the Right, but shall never Centre.

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Boos Of Indian Heroins

Center no changes in government

had been demanding was a long time. More than a ministerial reshuffle, a ministerial reduction. 2 ministries have been abolished (housing and equity).

In my opinion should be suppressed even more. What matters is not the ministries, but the policies, and these can be done but do not have ministries. It is also appointing ministers to launch that this policy works and are then very small ministries that do nothing. It is better to have more political ministries and memos. So if I were president, would have vital ministries: Defense, Foreign Affairs, Health, Education, Economy, Labor, Justice, Culture, Agriculture, Industry, Environment, and Development. 12 instead of 15. The Vice-Presidents may also be owners of ministries.

change was known to the Minister of Labour. He was said to help in Catalonia, but the truth is they want to give a makeover after the cuts, strikes, and poor performance in the polls. That brought one of UGT who participated in the demonstration of the strike. Try to soften the reforms and agreed with the unions, with the hope of obtaining votes.

With the defeat of Trinidad Jimenez Madrid primaries have offset the freight elevator. As Minister of Health to Minister of Foreign Affairs. Leire Pajin deals with its place in health, and Marcelino Iglesias Aragon will combine the post with that of secretary of the PSOE.

Having seen, would have been better had won the primaries, because he taught the door to Moratinos, who is not expected, since he was scheduled for the next political agenda month, in which a key appointment was to overthrow the common position towards Cuba (no possible dialogue with Cuba until they democratize) which held the EU. It had been a bet Moratinos, who won the release of "political prisoners" to overthrow the common position. Now I know how to defend Trinidad Jiménez.
I said, would have been better had won the primary. Now Moratinos, who had from the beginning (2004) with the government goes out the back door unexpectedly. Poor Moratinos. If I were him, would keep a grudge against Zapatero for long.

But apart from these changes (reduction Ministries, change the Minister of Labour, Trinidad Jiménez compensation), there have been other much more unexpected.

The most striking is the departure of De la Vega. Personally I think that particularly upset the pay cut for civil servants, as she had previously agreed with the unions an increase of 0.3%. Then, with all the cuts and poor performance in the polls, will be gone discouraging. We must remember that De la Vega is not affiliated with the PSOE. At the end he say, look, I to defend this, I can. And it was.

And he assumes office Rubalcaba. Say it's communication strategy, but I think that De la Vega is also a good communicator. They also say that is because it is the best is in the polls and has good image. But De la Vega also is the same. Also a woman, something valued by all this gender equality in the ministries. I think it's been replaced by the best he could, not because De la Vega was bad at his job or anything, but in my opinion, because I was tense. Normal to what the defense played. Rubalcaba is a man of the match, the longest since he went Solbes, for it was with Felipe Gonzalez, is used to defend these things.

important addition is also the issue of ETA. Batasuna is taking steps, is moving away from violence, mounting pole sovereigntist, and is expected to ETA, more slowly, go down the same path. So one of the tricks played by the PSOE ETA is to end this term. And for this we need good experts and spokespersons, such as Rubalcaba, Interior Minister and leader of the struggle both accounting ETA also becomes vice president, Ramon Jauregui, socialist Basque Parliament rescued after being there 2 years (which shows the low esteem that has the PSOE the European Parliament, to which they send to people who no longer serves or who later recovered).

The last of the striking changes is the incorporation of Rosa Aguilar to the Ministry of Environment to replace Elena Espinosa. This issue is a pure political marketing operation. Elena Espinosa was little known, was a discrete image, and replaced by Rosa Aguilar, well known in the media.
was mayor of Cordova for IU. He had problems with management, then voted for the PSOE citing the useful vote was in favor of agreeing with them. At the end dropped out of IU, and Chaves, when he was President of the Junta de Andalucía, recruited her to Minister of Public Works, adhering well to the PSOE government. Of course, this Ministry is the small left and Minister now. Environment. Surely something to soften all the pro-nuclear issue.
We'll see what he does. But of course this woman is totally discredited after political transfuges. He has given up their ideology (if they ever did) for power.
Anyway, for what little that will last a year and a half until the PSOE lost the elections, nor will be for a long time in power.
I would have changed more things, like eliminating the ministry of science and innovation Garmendia or Regional Vice President Chaves. That does not mean eliminating the policies as I said before. Of course remove Sinde (no downloads) and replace it. It's a shame that the Minister lowest rated even Aido, remains at the forefront of Culture.

And of course remove Elena Salgado. I liked when he was Minister of Sanida with the smoking ban (by the way now magnified, they could have done at once, anyway better late than never) or when he was Minister for Public Administration. But Solbes tired, wine Elena Salgado giving money to the regional financing and appease the nationalists, the markets came to impose their dictates, and Salgado, obedient, cut.
to remove from the medium without hesitation.
The other change would be in defense. You have to leave Afghanistan but now.
also improve justice,

end nuclear policy or reform.

What happened was that the PSOE will not do any of this, of course. So lose the election.

Because that is another. The PSOE lost the elections. The polls put him 14 points below the PP. Now imagine you've uploaded something, but not much. In this year and a half will trace something, but not nearly make a complete comeback.
guess there will be no cuts and reforms made in accordance with the Unions, because of the PSOE contario politically committed suicide, and after another change of government does not think it is for the work. It is the work of winning elections.
But that had to have done what IU has been saying for quite some time. Do not submit to the demands of the market, have not removed the property tax, failing to cut taxes to businesses or the rich, have pursued more tax evasion, and not have privatized many public enterprises. If he had done all that, we would have a Welfare state is much broader and could have withstood the crisis better without having to resort to all anti-social reforms or the bank bailout.

was not done that, but bowed to the demands of the market and became anti-social reforms and the bank bailout. Now he can not turn back, because then not only recover the image to the citizens, but would give bad image to the market. So go ahead, as I said, with agreed reforms. But it will not help to win elections. People are sick and the PSOE and being deceived. PP

And it takes advantage of the situation and harden his anti immigration. We'll see if they govern. Also toughen its foreign policy toward Latin America in particular. Will be seen to do with Morocco. And even more economically privatized, and will not do better than the PSOE.

People must be left to waste a vote and abstention. It is clear that the vote úitl only serves to make the PSOE political rights. What are you going to stop right if the Right is already in power? Anyway one another. Let yourself useful voting and vote on the left. A true left that puts the interests of the citizens to markets.
nationalists as always, do not care to go with the PSOE to PP. They're being taken for their land and ideology do not care. If the PP does not take an absolute majority will be forced to agree with them and give them concessions.

Until we reform the electoral law will not change. Will govern the PSOE or the PP, depending on how bad it can make everyone (Felipe Gonzalez to the GAL, corruption and privatization, Aznar with the Iraq war, the decretazo and Prestige, and ZP with welfare cuts The war in Afghanistan and labor reform) agreeing with the nationalists who draw for them.

Well, there's a way you can change without change the electoral law. That people are fed up of PP and PSOE because after all are the same, and say, because for them to know I'm going to vote differently, I will vote for IU (leftists) or UPyD (people below left). And then, leaving useful and forgotten the vow to abstain, and voting for these 2 minority parties in protest state, may become important numerical strength and force tilting the balance the interests of citizens ending the nationalist PPSOE + .

Monday, October 18, 2010

How Long Does A Humidifier Take

France in struggle.

in France and 8 are general strikes to stop the pension reform that aims to delay the retirement age from 60 to 62 years.

Unlike Spain, the public service employees are the ones who are mobilized. Both the transport sector (metro, rail, airports), as in education (colleges, universities), or refineries, the strike is almost total.

A major unions in the country do not shake the pulse strike after strike call to try to stop the government. Unlike Spain, do not consider "Sucks" a general strike.

People do not care whether something will strike, or losing a day's salary, or criticize the unions. People join the protest, or even if it does support it.

conformarn unions not to call a strike and stop if they have not achieved their claims. Remain and continue to try to win.

are in Spain a negative feeling toward the French, calling gabachos or Frenchies. I've never had that feeling, and after example of commitment, unity, struggle, bravery and courage they are showing, I hope many people will take away that feeling. Mood

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Images Of Stomach Polyps

The media will only tell what they are interested

As Venezuela and Bolivia are making policies that favor companies, these, through the actions they have in the media are engaged in discrediting these countries. Beginning with Bolivia

make the world a story. The phrase that eating chicken causes homosexuality, made by Evo, was highly publicized by the media, branding Evo ignorant and homophobic. However, take the sentence in context, referred to as transgenic chickens, which is scientifically proven to cause changes in hormones. The message was not anti-gay but against GMOs, but of course, if they take the phrase in context and maximize the people form a negative opinion of the president of Bolivia, which is what matters to businesses, create pressure and prestige to get it falls.
Another example was when a football match, Evo was chopped with an opponent and he dropped a knee to the Bone ...
Of course all it means maximized. Instead, I saw the other day that Alan Garcia, Peru's president slapped for calling someone corrupt. And it was the 3 rd time you slap someone who criticized him. That however did not hear about in the mass media. That is, a story about a football match is maximized to ridicule the president because he does not sit well with businesses. However, a slap because criticism is muted. Should be more worrying that a slap someone for a review, to be a knee someone in a trance in a football game. But not, because companies do not care.

recently, Bolivia forward the retirement age from 65 to 58 years. Apart from that in Bolivia the people live under, is a very important social advance. Of course, the mass media did not report any of this. Prefer to report on simple anecdotes like chickens or the knee, to report on policies that really affect people. Because companies are interested discredit and silence what it does well.

's the same with Venezuela. That if ETA, if the FARC, that if the Venezuelan electoral system ... They criticize the electoral system as in Spain or the USA are a lot worse. But change in the election, no media rails against the electoral system in these countries, and called that country's undemocratic for it. Why? For business as usual. Because companies are happy in those countries and do not want to talk about what is wrong. Instead as they are not happy in Venezuela, his critics to death, and highly hypocritical to defend in other countries.

turns out that if there are ETA terrorists who have been trained in France, no one thinks that Sarkozy and his government support ETA or have links with it. However if it is in Venezuela, the Chavez government and are linked to ETA, of course. Another example of how the mass media distort to bring down a government that does not sit well at all.
talk all the time of violent deaths in Venezuela, which is very worrying, but not talk about poverty reduction or eradication of illiteracy. Because they are not interested. Look only at the problems you have and out of the way the good things they have done, as if the government does not do anything good, as if I did everything wrong and was the worst in the world.

I do not defend everything they do Chavez and Morales. There are things I do not like (like to support China or Venezuela in the case of nuclear energy). But it is the less. You can report it in an objective, but the media talk about the problems of these countries, silence the good things they have done, and maximize the stories or controversies that may have to give a negative image of the country.

This a very good solution, as is being done in Ecuador, is a law that forbids banks to own shares in the media. CHTMLXC CHTMLXC