Thursday, October 28, 2010

Foamy Urine Causes Std?

For March 2011 general strike is called in the UK. The 1 st since 1926. Yes, you read correctly, not 1962. It is 1926. There, unions have little strength and are closely linked to the Labour Party. Now, however, have not been forced to convene by the brutal cuts that made Cameron government supported by Clegg. When were the British elections wrote an entry

about them saying it could have been worse. However, it is difficult to imagine. I thought when writing that post that the Liberal Party and would slow things soften the Conservative Party.

However, Liberal Party has taken the side of the Centre and different party, and has been shown as it is. Another more right wing party. What a disappointment, Mr Clegg.

has also been the same in France. If you remember the debate between Sarkozy and Segolene Royal, Le Pen appeared occasionally, but there was another aparaecĂ­a (left drew not much). That was one that appeared Bayrou, who said his party was a rural party, Central, unlike the other 2, it was clear that he was ending the bipartisan ...

Well, the pension reform that Sarkozy has launched and strikes have cost 7 general and student protests, Bayrou, who said he was from Central and that was different from the other 2, has supported the reform of Sarkozy. Speaking

center parties reminded me UCD when the transition in Spain. At the beginning it was fine but then ended up agreeing with the right.

Now Spain is UPyD, which aims to fill that space. We'll see what actually happens with this game.

However, all have happened so far experince he proved one thing: The Center does not exist. There will be parties that say they are from Central and will be more on the Left or higher on the Right, but shall never Centre.


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