Wednesday, February 9, 2011

How To Get Infinite Money In Emerald

On languages \u200b\u200bin the Senate

have not had much time, but did not want to comment on the issue of languages \u200b\u200bin the Senate. Looks like I'm a little late compared to today, but I hope to catch up on the blog soon.

I will not go on if a lot of money or a little, but whether it is necessary or not. And for me it is not. I know that I love my IU friends will criticize me, but I mean as we think. And I do not advocate "A great and free" as I have seen written by some sites. To me, that of nations and borders gives me the same (see this post


If we are 6 friends, all speak Castilian, Catalan is one who talks and one who speaks Chinese, and we sat at a table in a bar, it is absurd that one opposed him speak Catalan and Chinese and everyone else we were with translators to understand when they too can speak perfect Castilian English.

And not wanting to marginalize his tongue, but common sense thing. If you are a group of friends and they all speak Catalan, as great, they speak Catalan, but if someone does not know and all have a common language is Castilian English, it makes sense to talk latter.
Well, you know that common sense is the least common of the senses.


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