Saturday, February 19, 2011

Wrestling Shoes Rulon Gardner

Riots in Libya and Gaddafi's relationship with the left

happening many are being protests in the Arab world after the fall of Tunisia and Egypt. In Algeria began to protest when Tunisia had not yet fallen and continue, despite a huge police presence orchestrating.

In Morocco also is deploying the police and army to repress the timid, for the moment, there are protests.
in Iran and Syria have also been protests a few days, but they seem to have continuity. The most symbolic
have been Mauritania and Saudi Arabia. I get to be the last to fall.
protests in Jordan was on par with Egypt, but now not hear them much.
Who else can hear is Yemen, which began to protest with Egitpo and still.

These countries have joined 2 new that had not been heard before, Bahrain and Libya, and 2 with great brutality.

Gaddafi has always been a controversial figure. It takes more than 40 years in power. In the beginning was a socialist revolution, nationalist but the time has degenerated into corruption, luxury, ostentation, repression ...
wherever he goes riding his tent, regardless of the suffering of his people.
was involved in a terrorist attack on a plane in 1988 that killed 259 people falling on a Scottish city.

was subsequently vetoed by the UN to which he gave to those responsible. One of them was released in 2009 for health reasons, and Libya received him as a hero.

takes bad with the U.S.. In 1986, Reagan attacked Libya with missiles.

The title of this post is "Riots in Libya and relationship de Gadafi con la izquierda". Hace tiempo que quería hablar sobre Gadafi y su relación con la izquierda, y ahora que se están dando las revueltas he encontrado el momento. ,
En 2009 Chávez elogió a Gadafi, comparándolo con Simón Bolívar, y lo condecoró con la orden y el collar del Libertador. También le regaló una replica de una espada que perteneció a Bolívar.

"No estoy exagerando para nada, lo que es Simón Bolívar para nosotros... es Moamar Gadafi para el pueblo libio, es el Libertador de Libia", dijo Chávez.
"Es un gran honor que he recibido", dijo Gadafi por medio de un interprete, y en respuesta le obsequió una montura completa inlaid with silver was used by Libyan soldiers.

has also had good relations with Cuba, Raul and Fidel Castro.
The same applies to Iran. During a visit by Ahmadinejad to Venezuela, Chavez said:
"You're a gladiator anti-imperialist struggles, such as firmness, steadfastness for the freedom of your people, by the greatness of the Persian nation, the Iranian nation, the homeland of Bolivar welcome you.
Also, on the anniversary of the Iranian revolution, Chavez compared with the Bolivarian movement.

schemes have also defended corrupt, in which there is no freedom of expression and in which government leaders live well when people live very badly, such as China or North Korea.
In the 60 th anniversary of China's revolution, Chavez sent a congratulation to Hu Jintao saying
"To celebrate this heroic victory is popular to say that the Chinese people have stood up. Buddy, boundless admiration awakened in me this glorious date that encourages world revolutions.
Are we friends. China has with us, we walked towards socialism. Have you on the Bolivarian people not just feverish fans, but soldiers of a revolution sister and friend of all revolutions.
China presents socialism as a way possible and necessary for the emancipation of our people, at a time when there is also unrest against the unfinished task of seeing people freed of all America.
I am more than convinced that this is the time to unite our nations' efforts to strengthen the social justice model that gives encouragement to live our daily actions.

Cuba also has important ties with China and PCE.

And that China is far from being a communist. A country in which employees work 16 hours a day collecting lousy pay, sleeping in the same factory and with little holiday as well as there is no freedom of expression, and there is enormous corruption and censorship can not be called socialist.
Not to mention the death penalty prevailing in these countries, or wrongful imprisonment.
police or the army brutally suppressed the demonstrations, as in Libya or Iran. Remember the slaughter of Tiannamen.

And do not talk about Tibet and Xian such protests, but protests of citizens, workers, students, who are demanding better working conditions and greater political openness.

respect to North Korea there are positions more orthodox in the PCE also support the Stalinist regime.

believe this is a strategic error of monumental left. However anti-imperialist and anti-American to be Ahmadinejad Qaddafi or, what is clear is that they are oppressors, do not allow freedom of expression or political parties, censored, and especially in the case of Qaddafi, are corrupt and live very well when it passes its people badly. And that should be much more important than the fact that they are anti-imperialist or anti-American.


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