Friday, December 31, 2010

Rabbitpens For Sale In Pa

New year, new life "? Merry Christmas

2010 is finished, the truth is that there has been a very good year. I remember New Year's Eve 2008, my grandmother told me: "We hope that 2009 is better than 2008." Now history repeats itself, it seems that going from bad to worse, and do not see the light that illuminates the tunnel exit. Zapatero has already said that it is 5 years hard yet.

began 2010 with the earthquake in Haiti, and ends with almost 3000 deaths from cholera. It seems that little or no progress in that country, where a lot of people have become homeless.

And Western aid promised is not forthcoming. Like the fine words of the G8 summits and climate are just that, fine words, there is always money for weapons and never to help others. Among the countries that have sent more aid money is Venezuela, and Cuba is the country that has sent more doctors. But that of course the media are silent.

2010 will also be recalled a year of reforms in Cuba, both economically and politically, by revealing secrets of Wikileaks, which left U.S. trembling, and it seems that there is still best, as in 2011 revealed many documents on Israel.

Spain finally won a World Cup, with Alonso and the basketball team got away from another, doping in sport continues to hound and counter cases, the club continues to ravage, Eurovision is rigged, came to strengthen telebasura tdt , pp speaks to privatize the public television ads that ran out, famous people died, Lula abandoned the policy, North Korea is preparing for his successor as the environment grows war against South Korea. Ivory Coast plunges into civil war (it has turned into a rhyme without thinking).

Palestine remains as bad as ever, the peace process blocked by the settlements of Israel and U.S. complacency. To the neglect of governments take control activists, trying to break the blockade on Gaza. Meanwhile, Palestinians continue to die Zionist bombs.

Sahara hurt by the plant in Spain, as revealed by Wikileaks, positioned favorable to the autonomy plan as desired by Morocco. Haidar and Willy Toledo led pro-Sahrawi activists to the government's neglect.

Honduras, another year in the fascist dictatorship. Many journalists are killed, the line of resistance is gaining strength, has collected signatures to show that the majority (more that the largest party in the elections fraudulent).

Colombia, Uribe was the murderer, arrived Santos and improved relations with Venezuela and Ecuador. But still have to change many things in this country, to make peace with the FARC, complete with false positives ...

Mexico continues its bloody war on drugs. Italy seems that soon cast the gangster Berlusconi. U.S. continues to move slowly, passed health care reform, are struggling to close Guantanamo, and allowed homosexuals incorporating them into the army. Although they continue in Afghanistan, Iraq, and bomb Pakistani territory.

China, Brazil and India loot Africa, which remains in poverty.

Meanwhile Europe increasingly looks more like Latin America. The voracity of markets, or whatever it is, of capitalism, has no limits. They created the crisis, but they want to pay the workers. While they keep their money in tax havens, laundered, not declared, and they get tax cuts, officials lowered their wages, public employees laid off, privatized airports and lotteries, gave more power to ETTS, relieved only 1 out of 10 staff, thus worsening the utilities, frozen pensions dismissal by cheaper labor reform, continued ERES, removed the provision for the unemployed will therefore have to endure at home who still have it, while the dining rooms are packed, the jails are filled and there are riots, accidents continue employment, unemployment does not fall below 4 million and a half, there are women who are killed by their partners in Italy racist laws are passed, try to stop the downloads on the Internet, to privatize education through the Bologna Process, elitist want to can study only the wealthy, banks rescue them millions, and by 2011 they want to charge the collective bargaining and to extend the retirement age.

And all to satisfy the markets, ie the capitalists. People react
later. Environmental protest in Germany against Berlusconi in Italy, against the planned cuts in the UK or Ireland, general strikes in Portugal, Spain, France and Greece ... it seems that the euro is in danger, and yet Estonia is also added.
seems that what lies ahead in 2011, the protests will be larger. Not only need a 2 nd general strike in Spain, we need a general strike in Europe. I already telling time on the blog, we need a revolution, indefinite strike until the government falls, until it drops the system!

in Latin America is what happened. Fed to hold capitalist looting people protested and protested and protested until they came to govern and make laws for the people. In Venezuela, reduces inequality in Bolivia and Ecuador is ending poverty and illiteracy are free territories, another world is possible. Surely one day also reach Europe.

ETA appears to be over. Hopefully 2011 will be his final year and finally return peace and normalcy to Euskadi. Some good news must have in 2011. A non-smokers happy that we can no longer smoke in bars, smoking will no longer have to swallow. Elections

sight. The PSOE will give you a good bump, as he deserves it. Hopefully never, never, never recover. The PP will win, but not because voters have increased, but because they are faithful. Hopefully you have a true recovering from the true left and start to put a stop to this madness of capitalism.

seems unlikely that things will change in 2011. There will still hungry, continue the economic reforms, but will still struggle, the left will recover slowly, will terrorism, increase awareness, and may lay the foundations so that instead of going to get worse more .

Anyway, I'm not going to want 2011 to be better than 2010, but is more combative, more rebellious, more awareness, more organized, stronger, more energetic, more aggressive, more exciting, ultimately, more fighter.

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Denise Milano Nipples

little I remember when we went to the churches to see the cribs, or rode home Christmas decorations, sing carols, we waited for the Kings ...
seems that when you grow up all that is left behind. Now it is common to hear people say Christmas is often pain in the ass, to meet with the family, Christmas decorations in the streets, to see if it passes soon ...

I remember an article I read long ago in Workers World at Christmas time a person who complained at school because of his son rode the crib, and said he had no reason to be happy because that there was a war in Iraq, nuclear weapons spread, due to unemployment, which in those times there was an excessive consumerism ... etc. And ended with an ironic: Merry Christmas.

I am not of that opinion. I think we have all year to complain and protest about how bad the world is going, and that Christmas, regardless of religious beliefs of each, is a holiday season, holiday, leisure, joy, meeting with the family which just play a game of cards and is offered with champagne, with which they exchange gifts ...

not think there's anything wrong with that. Is to socialize, to see people who may not quite see, see it grow your cousins \u200b\u200bor your cousins \u200b\u200b...

In short, a beautiful time of year reminds us that we are here in spite of everything that comes another year should be met with enthusiasm, and in what we have to go well because we deserve it. Should not be sad or angry all hours of every day of the year.

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Making A Shuffleboard Table Plans


scandal has reinforced Wikileaks.

is an organization that publishes leaks safeguarding the anonymity of their sources and avoid putting people in danger. They since 2007, but began being reported in April 2010 with the publication of a 2007 video in which U.S. military killed in Iraq by helicopter to a Reuters reporter and his companions without any provocation.

In July 2010 the periodical leaked secret documents about the war in Afghanistan, which revealed connection the secret services of Pakistan to the Taliban, or that the civilian death toll was close to 60%.

In October of this year saw the second large-scale filtration, this time on the Iraq war, again relieving large number of civilian deaths, systematic torture by the U.S. and Britain, and Iran's support for the insurgency.

Finally, the last filtration was conducted in late November. Communications consisted of the U.S. Embassy in different countries around the world with their government. Include assessments of political leaders and U.S. pressure. Including pressures English Justice to stop the case Couso,

Guantanamo cases, the war in Iraq or the CIA flights through the state attorney general and the political involvement of a U.S. oil in the Government of Nigeria, the recognition that the coup was illegal in Honduras, Saudi Arabia's suggestion that the U.S. bomb Iran, U.S. intelligence diplomats from the UN, or the request for a status report Argentina President's mental.

All this has led to chaos for U.S. diplomacy, which began pressing companies related to Wikileaks. Thus, Amazon stopped hosting the website Wikileaks, PayPal, page through which donations received, canceled his account, and MasterCard or Visa. Facebook and Twitter accounts canceled support for Wikileaks. Julian


one of the creators of Wikileaks and her face visible, was charged with rape in August. A day after the prosecutor withdrew the complaint. In November, the burden back to the Interpol issuing a warrant for his arrest. Assagne finally surrendered. The tests are invalid, as the 2 women occur moments after the alleged rape, said Assagne on Twitter was a fantastic person.

The source of the leaks appear to be Bradley Manning, U.S. soldier.

The Pentagon accused of the leak and imprisoned in Kuwait. He was betrayed by a hacker. Apparently, Manning in Iraq had access to secret documents, and downloaded them on CDs pretending to listen to Lady Gaga.
Manning is gay, and it seems that the leak was due to the frustration felt by the war in Iraq.

Well, these are the data. I have put in case someone is missing these days with so much news.
In my opinion it is all a plot against Wikileaks and Assange. They want to cut it, no more leaks, so they invent charges against him (research and decide to act with these 2 women Swedish), pressure on companies connected with Wikileaks, and launch a smear campaign.

Fortunately there are many people who support him, have launched cyber attacks against MasterCard and Swedish prosecutor. In fact, the UN itself has said that prevails to decide whether the right to information or public order, is justice, and not certain governments. In fact they have said they are concerned about instances of torture in Iraq.

democracy from the people. The people elect their representatives, and demands of these transparency and honesty. That is what Wikileaks has revealed, because until now there was much less transparency and honesty.
And I bring no cuidao any views you may have on certain U.S. politicians. That is the fault of the newspapers that focus on these details rather than the truly important. Worries me more than owing to U.S. pressure, the government put pressure on the English justice, that a U.S. oil is infiltrated into the government of Nigeria, or has been systematically tortured in Iraq.

Saturday, December 4, 2010

How Do Get The Gunpowder On Poptropica


been thinking this since the day of strikes in France, but with new cuts of Zapatero and the hassle of airports, I will use to spin the issues.

Beginning with Zapatero cuts, privatization of airports and the lottery are bread for today, hunger tomorrow. It aims to reduce the deficit entering money by privatization. But that money will last 1 year or 2. When will run out of money to enter the airport and would give the lottery if he had not privatized.
The same thing happened to Telefónica, Cepsa, Tabacalera, Endesa, Iberdrola and Argentaria. All that money came in handy for a year or two, but after state revenues fell a lot.

To make matters worse off aid to the unemployed who have no benefit. And that was committed to keep it until the strike did not come down from 17% and continues at 20%! We see what it's worth the word of Mr. ZP. Nothing
, the unemployed starve. This really dirty the name of socialism and workers. This is to be savage capitalism.

And they say that January 28 has to be yes or if the pension reform. It will explode the Toledo Pact, it will skip the consensus that had been approved in this country have on pensions. It loads the negotiation with Unions.

For these reasons, partners, the Government War! War until the fall!
What they did air traffic controllers does not seem wrong. Ie, it is causing tremendous chaos and a great discomfort to passengers. But they are fighting for their rights. It is clear that charge a bundle and you know they are a strategic sector and use it as leverage.
But the government has acted fatal. Just before the bridge announcing the privatization of airports, and then includes a decree regulating the working time of the air traffic controllers, without negotiation or anything.
Although air traffic controllers are privileged and strategic sector and inconvenience to many citizens, are fighting for their rights.
Like the Madrid metro workers.

I think we should learn from them. We must break with the minimum sevicios. Or is it a strike or not done. No minimum service in transport or industry. Firefighters only minimal services, emergency and health care and making sure that not abusive. The rest does not matter because one day not work underground, airport, or the Renault factory. A strike is to press and to show discontent. And shown if no minimum services.

What strikes have served in France? Yes, they have damaged the country, and created a social conscience, Sarkozy's popularity is low, but the reform is approved.
What strikes have served in Greece? Yes, they have damaged the country, and created social awareness, political popularity is at rock bottom, but the reforms are approved.
What have served the general strikes in Spain and Portugal? Yes, they have harmed the country and have created social awareness, the popularity of their governments is low, but the reforms are approved. What
protests have served in the United Kingdom, Ireland or Italy? Yes, they have harmed the country and have created social awareness, the popularity of their governments is low, but the reforms are approved. What
served protests in Germany against radioactive train? Yes, they have damaged the country, and created social awareness, the popularity of nuclear energy is low, but the train has passed.

are very well strikes and demonstrations, but not sufficient. Several months I've been saying that reform is not the solution, but the revolution.

What good is going to vote? Yes, in Greece have dropped something large parties and have uploaded some on the left, but when it comes to rule left the country is so broken it is nearly impossible to lift.
not be downplayed elections, but also give them crucial. It is impossible to convince most people.
That it was clear the French and Russian revolutionaries. Nothing elections. Why? So that Kerensky's provisional government in the war continue? "To betray Mensheviks and Socialist the people trusting in the Duma? It was impossible. We had to stop it. And as a result was revolution. The power for workers. The war is over and divided the land and bread.
same in France. Why talk to the new government taxes? People bursts, it is impossible to negotiate with the nobeza and clergy. Solution: Shearing the king and ending with the privileges of the nobility and clergy.

Lighter water. That solution has to come. Otherwise you get nothing.
have to stop seeing the police as a repressive and attract them to our side. That happened in France happened in Russia, for a revolution Success requires a law enforcement on your side.
is time to seize power, taking workers. Enough of corruption, in obedience to the markets, anti-worker measures.
In the next demonstration, the next strike, we must go one step further. Beyond fill dump sites or car, take the power.
not be afraid. This is what happened to the Social Revolutionaries and Mensheviks. They were afraid of the power and gave it to the Duma, which changed the situation. Until the Bolsheviks seized power. Clear that they feared him, but met him, faced the task of being masters of their own destiny. And they succeeded.

So we should not be afraid. The alternative (to let things continue as they are), will be worse.

I said, the Government War! War until the fall! It takes an indefinite strike. Not a one-day strike of 10 intercalary days a year, 2 weeks in various sectors ... no, no, no. A total indefinite strike until the government falls.