Saturday, December 25, 2010

Denise Milano Nipples

little I remember when we went to the churches to see the cribs, or rode home Christmas decorations, sing carols, we waited for the Kings ...
seems that when you grow up all that is left behind. Now it is common to hear people say Christmas is often pain in the ass, to meet with the family, Christmas decorations in the streets, to see if it passes soon ...

I remember an article I read long ago in Workers World at Christmas time a person who complained at school because of his son rode the crib, and said he had no reason to be happy because that there was a war in Iraq, nuclear weapons spread, due to unemployment, which in those times there was an excessive consumerism ... etc. And ended with an ironic: Merry Christmas.

I am not of that opinion. I think we have all year to complain and protest about how bad the world is going, and that Christmas, regardless of religious beliefs of each, is a holiday season, holiday, leisure, joy, meeting with the family which just play a game of cards and is offered with champagne, with which they exchange gifts ...

not think there's anything wrong with that. Is to socialize, to see people who may not quite see, see it grow your cousins \u200b\u200bor your cousins \u200b\u200b...

In short, a beautiful time of year reminds us that we are here in spite of everything that comes another year should be met with enthusiasm, and in what we have to go well because we deserve it. Should not be sad or angry all hours of every day of the year.


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