Friday, December 31, 2010

Rabbitpens For Sale In Pa

New year, new life "? Merry Christmas

2010 is finished, the truth is that there has been a very good year. I remember New Year's Eve 2008, my grandmother told me: "We hope that 2009 is better than 2008." Now history repeats itself, it seems that going from bad to worse, and do not see the light that illuminates the tunnel exit. Zapatero has already said that it is 5 years hard yet.

began 2010 with the earthquake in Haiti, and ends with almost 3000 deaths from cholera. It seems that little or no progress in that country, where a lot of people have become homeless.

And Western aid promised is not forthcoming. Like the fine words of the G8 summits and climate are just that, fine words, there is always money for weapons and never to help others. Among the countries that have sent more aid money is Venezuela, and Cuba is the country that has sent more doctors. But that of course the media are silent.

2010 will also be recalled a year of reforms in Cuba, both economically and politically, by revealing secrets of Wikileaks, which left U.S. trembling, and it seems that there is still best, as in 2011 revealed many documents on Israel.

Spain finally won a World Cup, with Alonso and the basketball team got away from another, doping in sport continues to hound and counter cases, the club continues to ravage, Eurovision is rigged, came to strengthen telebasura tdt , pp speaks to privatize the public television ads that ran out, famous people died, Lula abandoned the policy, North Korea is preparing for his successor as the environment grows war against South Korea. Ivory Coast plunges into civil war (it has turned into a rhyme without thinking).

Palestine remains as bad as ever, the peace process blocked by the settlements of Israel and U.S. complacency. To the neglect of governments take control activists, trying to break the blockade on Gaza. Meanwhile, Palestinians continue to die Zionist bombs.

Sahara hurt by the plant in Spain, as revealed by Wikileaks, positioned favorable to the autonomy plan as desired by Morocco. Haidar and Willy Toledo led pro-Sahrawi activists to the government's neglect.

Honduras, another year in the fascist dictatorship. Many journalists are killed, the line of resistance is gaining strength, has collected signatures to show that the majority (more that the largest party in the elections fraudulent).

Colombia, Uribe was the murderer, arrived Santos and improved relations with Venezuela and Ecuador. But still have to change many things in this country, to make peace with the FARC, complete with false positives ...

Mexico continues its bloody war on drugs. Italy seems that soon cast the gangster Berlusconi. U.S. continues to move slowly, passed health care reform, are struggling to close Guantanamo, and allowed homosexuals incorporating them into the army. Although they continue in Afghanistan, Iraq, and bomb Pakistani territory.

China, Brazil and India loot Africa, which remains in poverty.

Meanwhile Europe increasingly looks more like Latin America. The voracity of markets, or whatever it is, of capitalism, has no limits. They created the crisis, but they want to pay the workers. While they keep their money in tax havens, laundered, not declared, and they get tax cuts, officials lowered their wages, public employees laid off, privatized airports and lotteries, gave more power to ETTS, relieved only 1 out of 10 staff, thus worsening the utilities, frozen pensions dismissal by cheaper labor reform, continued ERES, removed the provision for the unemployed will therefore have to endure at home who still have it, while the dining rooms are packed, the jails are filled and there are riots, accidents continue employment, unemployment does not fall below 4 million and a half, there are women who are killed by their partners in Italy racist laws are passed, try to stop the downloads on the Internet, to privatize education through the Bologna Process, elitist want to can study only the wealthy, banks rescue them millions, and by 2011 they want to charge the collective bargaining and to extend the retirement age.

And all to satisfy the markets, ie the capitalists. People react
later. Environmental protest in Germany against Berlusconi in Italy, against the planned cuts in the UK or Ireland, general strikes in Portugal, Spain, France and Greece ... it seems that the euro is in danger, and yet Estonia is also added.
seems that what lies ahead in 2011, the protests will be larger. Not only need a 2 nd general strike in Spain, we need a general strike in Europe. I already telling time on the blog, we need a revolution, indefinite strike until the government falls, until it drops the system!

in Latin America is what happened. Fed to hold capitalist looting people protested and protested and protested until they came to govern and make laws for the people. In Venezuela, reduces inequality in Bolivia and Ecuador is ending poverty and illiteracy are free territories, another world is possible. Surely one day also reach Europe.

ETA appears to be over. Hopefully 2011 will be his final year and finally return peace and normalcy to Euskadi. Some good news must have in 2011. A non-smokers happy that we can no longer smoke in bars, smoking will no longer have to swallow. Elections

sight. The PSOE will give you a good bump, as he deserves it. Hopefully never, never, never recover. The PP will win, but not because voters have increased, but because they are faithful. Hopefully you have a true recovering from the true left and start to put a stop to this madness of capitalism.

seems unlikely that things will change in 2011. There will still hungry, continue the economic reforms, but will still struggle, the left will recover slowly, will terrorism, increase awareness, and may lay the foundations so that instead of going to get worse more .

Anyway, I'm not going to want 2011 to be better than 2010, but is more combative, more rebellious, more awareness, more organized, stronger, more energetic, more aggressive, more exciting, ultimately, more fighter.


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