Saturday, December 4, 2010

How Do Get The Gunpowder On Poptropica


been thinking this since the day of strikes in France, but with new cuts of Zapatero and the hassle of airports, I will use to spin the issues.

Beginning with Zapatero cuts, privatization of airports and the lottery are bread for today, hunger tomorrow. It aims to reduce the deficit entering money by privatization. But that money will last 1 year or 2. When will run out of money to enter the airport and would give the lottery if he had not privatized.
The same thing happened to Telefónica, Cepsa, Tabacalera, Endesa, Iberdrola and Argentaria. All that money came in handy for a year or two, but after state revenues fell a lot.

To make matters worse off aid to the unemployed who have no benefit. And that was committed to keep it until the strike did not come down from 17% and continues at 20%! We see what it's worth the word of Mr. ZP. Nothing
, the unemployed starve. This really dirty the name of socialism and workers. This is to be savage capitalism.

And they say that January 28 has to be yes or if the pension reform. It will explode the Toledo Pact, it will skip the consensus that had been approved in this country have on pensions. It loads the negotiation with Unions.

For these reasons, partners, the Government War! War until the fall!
What they did air traffic controllers does not seem wrong. Ie, it is causing tremendous chaos and a great discomfort to passengers. But they are fighting for their rights. It is clear that charge a bundle and you know they are a strategic sector and use it as leverage.
But the government has acted fatal. Just before the bridge announcing the privatization of airports, and then includes a decree regulating the working time of the air traffic controllers, without negotiation or anything.
Although air traffic controllers are privileged and strategic sector and inconvenience to many citizens, are fighting for their rights.
Like the Madrid metro workers.

I think we should learn from them. We must break with the minimum sevicios. Or is it a strike or not done. No minimum service in transport or industry. Firefighters only minimal services, emergency and health care and making sure that not abusive. The rest does not matter because one day not work underground, airport, or the Renault factory. A strike is to press and to show discontent. And shown if no minimum services.

What strikes have served in France? Yes, they have damaged the country, and created a social conscience, Sarkozy's popularity is low, but the reform is approved.
What strikes have served in Greece? Yes, they have damaged the country, and created social awareness, political popularity is at rock bottom, but the reforms are approved.
What have served the general strikes in Spain and Portugal? Yes, they have harmed the country and have created social awareness, the popularity of their governments is low, but the reforms are approved. What
protests have served in the United Kingdom, Ireland or Italy? Yes, they have harmed the country and have created social awareness, the popularity of their governments is low, but the reforms are approved. What
served protests in Germany against radioactive train? Yes, they have damaged the country, and created social awareness, the popularity of nuclear energy is low, but the train has passed.

are very well strikes and demonstrations, but not sufficient. Several months I've been saying that reform is not the solution, but the revolution.

What good is going to vote? Yes, in Greece have dropped something large parties and have uploaded some on the left, but when it comes to rule left the country is so broken it is nearly impossible to lift.
not be downplayed elections, but also give them crucial. It is impossible to convince most people.
That it was clear the French and Russian revolutionaries. Nothing elections. Why? So that Kerensky's provisional government in the war continue? "To betray Mensheviks and Socialist the people trusting in the Duma? It was impossible. We had to stop it. And as a result was revolution. The power for workers. The war is over and divided the land and bread.
same in France. Why talk to the new government taxes? People bursts, it is impossible to negotiate with the nobeza and clergy. Solution: Shearing the king and ending with the privileges of the nobility and clergy.

Lighter water. That solution has to come. Otherwise you get nothing.
have to stop seeing the police as a repressive and attract them to our side. That happened in France happened in Russia, for a revolution Success requires a law enforcement on your side.
is time to seize power, taking workers. Enough of corruption, in obedience to the markets, anti-worker measures.
In the next demonstration, the next strike, we must go one step further. Beyond fill dump sites or car, take the power.
not be afraid. This is what happened to the Social Revolutionaries and Mensheviks. They were afraid of the power and gave it to the Duma, which changed the situation. Until the Bolsheviks seized power. Clear that they feared him, but met him, faced the task of being masters of their own destiny. And they succeeded.

So we should not be afraid. The alternative (to let things continue as they are), will be worse.

I said, the Government War! War until the fall! It takes an indefinite strike. Not a one-day strike of 10 intercalary days a year, 2 weeks in various sectors ... no, no, no. A total indefinite strike until the government falls.


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