Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Can I Get Into A Plane With Conjuntivitis?

The army, NATO and the UN

I never liked the military, I've always been against wars, military interventions, or compulsory military service.
On this latter issue is often said that the boys were in the army to become men. Eskorbuto remember a song, "Green Frog", which comes in handy to the case:

crawl your belly,
front of the stars,
commanding a red cape,
you eat your pride,
trample your pride,
and kissing the flag,
swear to Spain whole
defend the king,
will defend the crown,
skull and his whore!

For a man I called up
to military service
I did not want to be a soldier or look like James Bond licensed
to kill, to kill ....
to kill, to kill ....

I are allergic guns,
the stars make me sick,
a kick in the balls
the leading gals!

did not want to be a toad, was tortured
I tried,
the tentacles of the state,
the tentacles of the state!

For a man I called up
to military service
I did not want to be a soldier or look like James Bond
licensed to kill,
to kill, to kill ....
to kill, to kill ....

I are allergic guns,
the stars make me sick,
a kick in the balls
the leading gals!

did not want to be a toad, was tortured
I tried,
by a military court,
by a military court!

For a man was called up to
military service
I would not look like a soldier or
James Bond licensed to kill,
to kill, to kill ....
to kill, to kill ....

Drag your belly ...

have always been many problems with compulsory military service. Remember conscientious objectors or the objectors who filled the prisons of Spain at 90.

On this there is a very good song I really like Piperrak. It's called "Deskontrol" Des kon

control, Des
kon control, Des
control kon, kon Des

I turned 18,
already started the countdown,
What seemed
dream is coming true ...

have completed your time, not There is nothing to argue,
not just stand there, act!
and fight because if you want dope ...

This morning is something special for you, you
wake up with an obsession
that has not left you sleeping.
A cold sweat covers your body
to reach the station,
already seen in the distance,
can still say no!

Deskontrol still time,
Deskontrol you can do,
Deskontrol not go with them,

who are these buds to comment on you,
with its rules and laws forcing you to serve a
nation of thieves, you laughed at
fill their pockets while
then watch you die!

Deskontrol still time,
Deskontrol you can do,
Deskontrol not go with them,

Insumisión is the solution,
Insumisión the army of the nation's Insumisión
Insumisión the army of the nation
Yaaaaaaaaaaaaa !!!!!!

Another good is "not the army," the Fourth Reich:

Another might be "Soldier English" El Último Ke Zierre.
What to say about war. Nor is it to be pacifist. What I am is anti-war. That is, I think if someone is attacked, this has the right to defend themselves (see the Palestinians from Israelis, Moroccan Sahrawi, the French from the Nazis, or Vietnamese Americans). But do not believe in military operations to anexiorarse territories, get more resources, dominate markets or have more influence in certain geographical areas. On this
there are great songs, but I'm not going to put it but never finish. I guess everyone's mind are "Uncle Sam" Ska-P, "Kaos and destruction" of dead animals, "Ourense-Bosnia" in the soft, or "That's all folks" Boikot.

But with what's happening in Arab countries I'm rethinking my view of the military.
has been instrumental in Tunisia and Egypt for refusing to shoot the people that showed.

In Russia, the February Revolution of 1917, when he was succeeded by the army revolted and sided with the people refusing shooting. The same happened in the French Revolution, or recently in Georgia and his color revolution.
Trotsky differed in his book about the Russian revolution between the army and police. Come to think coolly seems he was right. It seems that police are more submissive, does not care to load in the demonstrations, or even shoot sometimes. But the army, although it is neither professional nor organized in unions, and even goes abroad to fight, when it comes to attacking his own people seems to be rather reluctant. And it's something to be valued. For a peaceful revolution to triumph is necessary to have the support of the army. If Honduras won the coup is because there were no cracks in the Army.

I advocate a voluntary army not intervened outside English territory unless a UN mandate and have the approval of the English people.
Of course this would make the military budget was much smaller than it is now.
also essential to reform the UN in depth. The veto system can not be kept longer, it is totally undemocratic that when a situation like the U.S. (such resolutions against Israel or the blockade of Cuba), France (as resolutions against Morocco), Russia (as resolutions Iran), China (Such resolutions against North Korea), or United Kingdom, these countries can veto such decisions and stay so calm.
As I say, the veto system should be replaced by the majority of the General Assembly. In this way many resolutions that have virtually the unanimous opinion of the different countries could move forward.

the same way the UN should replace NATO as a defensive force. Ie, NATO was created in the context of the Cold War, and competed with the Warsaw Pact. Now this has already been extinguished, but NATO continues to ensure its imperialist interests, to take natural resources economically depressed areas of the planet and meet the markets of developed countries, no matter how many civilians are carried forward.
This big-budget features, is involved in several countries and has many military bases around the world, including Spain. Therefore
NATO should be disbanded and decommissioned bases. UN
With strong, with real decision-making, and a NATO dissolved, when a conflict somewhere in the world, as now exist in Libya, where the UN could send a contingent of international troops to try to achieve a cessation of hostilities and a negotiated solution.


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