Thursday, January 6, 2011

Schempp-hirth Cs For Sale

social dialogue in defense of the anti-snuff

anti-snuff law has a different acceptance, but this is not divided in terms of ideology, but according to smoking status or not. Nonsmokers are delighted to life, while smokers are sick of life, rant against the government, saying that limited social rights, and they are free to smoke or not.

The truth is that there has been non-smoking waiters have died from lung cancer caused by smoking customers who flocked to the bars or cafes.
is also true that it costs the state more in health costs caused by snuff, which it collects from its sale.
And as you can not snuff ban the big time, since occur as with alcohol prohibition, we must go in small steps, and this is one more. In films of the 80 or 90 were teachers smoking in the universities, or office workers smoking in their jobs. Now we see this as a scandal, and it seems perfectly normal that you can not smoke in those sites.
As with bars and restaurants feel the same, people will cost, but eventually get used to it and see it as something normal.
Because when all is said and done are enclosed spaces where air does not run and there are a lot of smoke concentration. Not only harms yourself, harm to others.

must try go down the smoking rate, and this is just one method. We must emphasize education, prevention, from the media ... just like ads are launched against speeding or drugs, and campaigns are made in this regard should be made regarding to snuff and alcohol.
Because they are products or harmful actions, and we must prevent and try to avoid people that consume them or commit them.

Then there is the argument that "The state can not tell me what I have to do, I'm free." And it's true, but can advise you, because they are not advising 4 people, but all the doctors and experts the world, they have enough authority on the subject and know what they say.
It's like a campaign of vaccination and denounce someone saying the state is trying to coerce him, he is free to get vaccinated or not. And it's true, but we all see the need for the vaccination campaign, and timing of vaccine.

Well, with snuff and alcohol is, everyone should see as normal in the world that the rule would prevent, warnings about the evils of snuff and alcohol, and tried to remedy them and arrested.

may not decrease the percentage of smokers, but surely the amount of cigarettes smoked per day. It will be a small step.


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