Tuesday, January 25, 2011

The Game Cigarswholesale

Different branches of Islam "The 2 great migration?

After the Civil War there were many who emigrated to France or Mexico, but was politically motivated.

I remember in the history books left in the 50's there was a large English emigration to European countries like Belgium, France or Germany or Latin America, including Mexico, Chile, or Argentina. He had been due to economic collapse, and sent money home to help.

Well, now it is giving something. Merkel said that Germany needs workers both skilled and unskilled, and given the cheap labor, high unemployment a Portuguese and English, has been directed mainly to Portugal and Spain (though I suppose that also incorporated into Greece and Italy) and European country and does not require excessive paperwork.

however, was already seeing the situation from years ago. People are learning languages \u200b\u200b(mainly English), and goes to study abroad, or working as a waiter, whether in Ireland, UK, Finland, Sweden ... Northern European countries. Rare is
who do not know anyone who has spent time outside Spain for study purposes or motives economic.
Along with this migration, also drew attention to immigration data.
In 1994 came the 1st small boats to the English coast. 29 migrants arrived in 1995. In 1996, 27. 112 in 1997 and 737 in 1998. In 1999 would reach many more, 2165, to move to 2,240 in 2000 and 4,129 in 2001. In 2002 they were 9,929 in 2003, 9555, 2004 8519, 4718 and 2005. In 2006 it reached a record high, with 31,859. From there drop to 11,746 in 2007, 8,300 in 2008, 2,021 in 2009 and 148 in 2010.

These data are recorded, which got caught, guess who got added increased legal spending and much more.
In any case, seeing the data, conclusions are fairly easy. It looks like from poor countries are beginning to try to reach Europe to provide better quality of life, and try more and more as European economic situation improves, until in 2006, just over a year before the outbreak of the crisis , reached a record high. From then descends steeply to 148 of 2010. Whereupon
is that immigration has dropped sharply due to the economic crisis having no job cuts in Europe and having social, immigrants are afraid to come.

And put all this immigration because it correlates with the migration. He has has been declining as immigration, emigration has increased, giving an idea of \u200b\u200bthe serious economic situation in Spain: Immigrants will not risk to come because they know of this situation, and the English are going because they find work and see no future in Spain.

very worrying situation begins to resemble that of the 50's. And not only migrate to UK, Ireland, Finland and Sweden also are migrating or are going to start to migrate to France, Germany or Latin American countries like Mexico or Argentina. That is, we are becoming to the 50, changing immigration emigration.

(Pictured English farmers who went to France, taken from rtve).

Proof of this is the program "English in the world," a English interviewer who live in other countries, whether European, American or Asian. I think it reflects quite well the migration that is occurring (as in most of the cases are fairly young people). on this program and wrote an article my good friend Robert on his blog, which I recommend you to read at your leisure. It looked like one hand is attacking the other hand immigrants when the English are immigrants in other countries as they have been forced to emigrate. The article in question is this:

I also comes to mind Castilla y León Community, to which I belong. Jose María González, General Coordinator of Izquierda Unida in Castilla y León, spoke at the closing speech in the youth, suffering depopulation of Castilla y Leon as young people was forced to emigrate because there was no work. A fellow who was next to me said: "Myself." He had been working in Ireland.

So, you not only migrate from Castilla y León, Galicia and Extremadura to Madrid, Catalonia and the Basque Country (as happened in the nineteenth century with the Industry),

(pictured Galician immigrants of the early twentieth century)

but goes to other countries (as in the years 50).
History repeats itself.
Not that it is wrong to migrate, but only if voluntary if not bound by labor issues.

On the debt crisis that soon said Europe would seem to Latin America during the crisis. Well, it seems that migration is going the same way.
hope that all this arises a response, as emerged in Latin America, and is a world cycle.
words, 1 the debt crisis in Latin America, migration (especially here in Ecuador and Colombia), and then the resurgence of the left.

In Europe we have what 1 and 2 are in degrees. Hopefully it will not be long 3 º.
also already happening in the North Africa with Tunisia, and it seems that protests can be expanded to Egypt, Algeria, Morocco, Syria or Jordan. And we know that in these countries has also been a lot of immigration.

deep in Africa are given the situations of poverty, debt, migration and looting, and were fighting and repression, as Latin America or Asia. But after all, will be fought.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Star Wars Designs For Derby Cars

Sony [PSP] PSP LCD Screen Replacement

talk about the PlayStation Portable, which has been such fun before sony sophisticated device capable of running games PS2. All this comes to a pledge to a computer that sold, I left a PSP with the screen star, so I decided to fix it to play at what they claim (and if you claim to cash compensation). Also in If the Play Control, no useful sites where you tell the secret that only saves a technical elite makeshift market on wheels and local frikiplaza, enter all the links and you find yourself in the forums comments say "I'll fix it" or "buy me and a wool display more and you install it." Frustrated again by the lack of information and one of two, or the stupidity of people in the forums, or the asshole of who can do and not to share.

So once again gave me the task of experiment and get happy results, the procedure will be public for anyone who wants to use, just ask than porridge and give me credit, otherwise I do not care if they open their service centers or posted on the forums, the more people know how to do this, the better. Well, get to work!

What we need: PSP damaged
Clips (The hair removal is very suitable) digital multimeter

phillips head screw (cross it) that fits the screws

blade screwdriver to help if needed Parts substitution (the screen in this case)
Charger or have enough battery to be tested.
very, very patient

First of all because this tutorial is specific failure, the screen is not visible. And three, or the LCD screen broke or crashed (due to a strong impact as a fall) and is the star in place of the image, or have dead pixels lines or plane can not see anything. In any case it is easiest to replace the screen, but in the second case, a method that we will see later, and you can save your current screen to end up in the recycle bin:

In this case we orient the PSP 2001 is the model I have, the method is the same for all model PSP 2XXX, and very similar to the PSP and 3xxxx 1XXX (That is, the more fat and slim again.) However, they should be the PSP's Go, since I have no one to hand.


The screen must be purchased should be your model, most of all by the connector. Removing

First of all, you have to check the version of our PSP, because depending on this, if the model is 1XXX (The fat, the first model) or 2XXX (First Slim almost all are black) or 3XXX (Second Slim Many are in color) will have to get a proper screen, because the connectors are different. You can see this by removing the battery, where a stamp that says which model you bring:

We take our PSP, it turned around with the buttons down and we appreciate the existence of 4 screws, two on the top opposite the battery, and two under the battery (possibly one not see because it is under a picture that is the hallmark of security which must be violating order do the repair) let's remove the screwdriver:

Then, in the "Bottom" (If we consider that where are the L and R buttons would be the "Superior") is a screw again, there be removed as well.

Similarly, there are a couple of screws next to the USB, in fact flank it on the same silver band.

After using a little skill and brute force, but taking extreme caution we separate the PSP covers, leaving his guts out. You have to keep me out for little buttons (they do not fall as easily as those of the controls, but would be very unfortunate to lose)

Now to access the screen and connectors must be removed carefully the bar where the volume and Select buttons, Start and Home Since they are connected like the screen by a "cable" flat flex those who are fragile, if it is damaged and will not respond those buttons. The same goes for the screen.

Once we remove, we make it down, and can bring down the screen to reveal the place where is embedded, as below this are the connectors. The thickest we remove with a flathead screwdriver and nut coffee raise and flex free itself, the other helped us to remove the Tweezer.

Substituting the new screen, reconnect the cables to their connectors, so the skinny helped us tong:

We remounted:

Before the screws, put the battery and verify that the new screen to turn serve, if not so, you can claim your warranty (it should do so after the purchase)


work, everything is happiness, so we ended the assembly:

And play. I hope this tutorial serves to them, photos are available murky because the camera was half jackal and more light. But give an idea.

Until next time!

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Ata Hard Drive Dock Frys

Capitalism has no limits

A stanza of a song Dissidence reads:

"Money is freer than people
and a privatized company horizon
you have not lost anything, this is what it is, fundamentalists
of martial law. "

all knew that the 1 st sentence was a really long time. It does cut right to the people if it would save the monetary system and institutions that support (World Bank, IMF, Federal Reserve, and all private banks).

But never think that the 2nd sentence of the stanza could be realized. Well, happened.
Or at least something similar.
In 1954, Jenaro Gajardo Vera, Chile, won the Moon. Not having had the previous owner Luna, claimed it as their own notary.
In fact, when man first came to the moon, President Nixon called Gennaro, for permission to Armstrong and Aldrin set foot on lunar soil. Gennaro gave him leave.

In 1967 he signed a UN treaty according to which any government or state could be the owner of anything that was outside the Earth.
however, said nothing about individuals or businesses, a circumstance that took Dennis Hope. Luna claimed for himself in 1980. (Here's something you do not block me, because apparently there may be several owners who are rulers of the Moon, including 35 people from Ohio).
Dennis Hope sells plots of land on the Moon, Mars, Mercury and Saturn, because he also owns the solar system planets and their satellites.
How many people would you say who bought a parcel owned by Hope? "100? "200? "500? "1000? "2000? Not so. 2 ½ million people. Yes, you read correctly, 2 and a half million people from 180 different countries already have plots in your name all over the Solar System. Hope has won more than $ 9 million, and has offices in Germany, Britain, France, Japan, Sweden, Bulgaria or Palma de Mallorca.

Some buyers are former presidents Jimmy Carter and Ronald Reagan, actors John Travolta, princes, or employees of NASA.
Currently, a plot on the Moon (0.4 hectares) costs 37 euros. Hope
The idea has been copied by several companies such as Lunar Registry, which also sells land on the moon.

has also been copied by Angeles Duran, Vigo. Notary was awarded the Sun and is somewhat Machiavellian ideas. Intends to charge for its use to all citizens of the world. He says he would be only 10%, while 50% would go to the general state budget, 20% of the minimum pension, 10% research and health, and another 10% to eradicate world hunger .
addition of the Sun, also owns the "Tarzan" and "the world's largest sheet music."

By the way, that Greece went on sale a few islands for purchases who had money and thus help finance Greek.

My conclusion from all this is that the treaty of 1967 should have been extended to businesses and individuals.
Moreover, the fact that several owners of the Moon, shows that notaries who awarded him a number of people were wrong, as it had previous owners.
What may happen is that a star (star or planet), can have multiple owners, or rather, several keepers, and they can exploit, as did Hope.
to me this gives me an immense indignation. The desire for wealth is not limitless. Looking for loopholes to make money. The issue seems a joke, but it is not. Imagine Angeles Durán get charged for the use of the Sun Or that one day the man comes to colonize the moon and finds that it is all sold to people on Earth.
The matter is serious, and although the laws often have retroactive effect, this would have to make an exception, bringing order to this chaos, and declare that everything outside the earth does not belong to anyone, not companies or individuals, and disrupt all of Hope and trading companies lunar plots.
I just hope that anyone reading this do not ever buy a plot on the Moon. Then it would demonstrated that also points to the madness of capitalism and that is consistent with this system where everything can be bought and sold.

the end, as the song said of Dissent, "and a privatized company horizon."
Strange that occurred were not buying the horizon yet.
I said, capitalism has no limits.

Friday, January 14, 2011

Geology Wedding Sayings

is a lot of people from various positions critical of the unions in the 1 st half of 2010, saying it did nothing for the unemployed, who did not strike the PSOE because it was precisely the pp (and therefore that if the PP had made the same measures do you have gone on strike), they received many grants, had many released, and did not want to lose ...

And this was the Labor Reform and the main trade unions called a general hulega for 29 September.
There was a diversity of views. Some looked good, because a general strike takes to prepare, and takes a lot of awareness and work. Others, however
saw it wrong, because then the labor reform would already be approved, and thought that was useless, and should have done it in June, as did the Basque nationalist trade unions.

passed the 29-S strike, the government dispatched Corbacho and brought Valeriano Gomez, but did not withdraw the labor reform.
unions, since it was convened in June, were denouncing the Government's actions (not just labor reform, also the pension freeze or cut the salary of civil servants), and after the strike, the government insisted that was correct, Zapatero called for the resignation, approached the tenets of IU, said there was another way out of the crisis was going to fight tax evasion and increase tax progressivity, and continued with demonstrations on 15 and December 18, announcing another possible general strike in January.

seemed to be beginning to position and to move, such as requiring them to critics. And yet ... the Government announced that on January 28 have pension reform, and called on unions to talk. Valeriano Gómez
seems tactful, and strives to reach agreement and achieve social peace. And it seems to have achieved Toxo fool and Mendez, because at the moment and have ruled out calling a general strike in January, has said the deal is hard but love him, and insisted on not only focus on pensions, but also in labor reform and other aspects, and have also asked to join the PP and the CEOE to achieve a great deal of state.

remember Kaos on the network, referring to dialogue with the unions, headlined: Wanted reissue of the Moncloa Pacts.
And it seems that maybe it goes. All that combative environment, critical, mobilizing, who had lived before and after the strike of 29-S seems to be losing The unions are giving, are talking, they want to avoid another strike may be, consider as a last resort. That

times those of Marcelino Camacho and Nicolas Redondo trembled when they no pulse when a general strike and were much more industrial action.
Unions now seem almost a business, training courses, hiking, or sweepstakes. Only bother about what affects them only (labor reform, pension and collective bargaining), the rest are not bothered about anything, and you can include when it suits them (cut the salary of officials or freezing pensions), but forget it in another time (the privatization of airports and lotteries, or withdrawal of support of the 426 euros). It seems they were right
who criticized them, see national unions, CGT, CNT, USE, Solidaridad Obrera ... maybe were right.

However it is very difficult for the alternative trade unions UGT and CCOO surpass, as it has the same force. As we continue to insist on the main trade unions trade union action to recover the spirit motivating, and ensuring that definitely veer towards our positions. For that we need a lot of patience and energy.

In the present context I see 3 possible scenarios:

1. The Government, PP, Unions and Employers dialogue and reach a comprehensive agreement on pensions (which does not involve mandatory retirement at 67), labor reform and other issues. A State Treaty. There is no general strike, everybody is happy, the stock rises, and the PP and the employers' support.

is the most likely see, but as things stand for dialogue, dialogue and more dialogue, and cover more topics, and call more people to join the dialogue can happen.

2. It talks but did not reach a comprehensive agreement, but partial, and the government maintains retirement at age 67. The union called a general strike for February disappointed by the intransigence of the Government.

is the most likely I do not think that the Government withdraw the proposal of 67 years, and I see the unions giving it.
again turn to mobilizing positions, and probably cost them more out of them.

3. Regular dialogue and Unions give the proposal of 67 years saying that waged by people with more years of contributions and who have managed to smooth things labor reform.

As I said before I do not see the unions giving in to that, but with dialogue so who knows. I think this scenario would be worse, would the total discrediting of unions.
Although who knows, maybe that push towards alternative Unions rose and occupy their space.

I would certainly like that the Government withdraw its proposal for 67 years and there is no general strike, but I do not happen. So I think that until the government does not rectify, rather than talk to combat. I do not think anything now get the dialogue (unfortunately I do not think wrong given the intransigence of the Government), but instead to get mass social mobilization, awareness, building strength, show the people's discontent to the government, and I think which may be a more effective weapon if handled well, at this time to ensure that the Government rectify that social dialogue. For example, in Tunisia are getting a lot with social mobilization. Would certainly not have achieved so much with social dialogue conditioned by the intransigence of the government.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Schempp-hirth Cs For Sale

social dialogue in defense of the anti-snuff

anti-snuff law has a different acceptance, but this is not divided in terms of ideology, but according to smoking status or not. Nonsmokers are delighted to life, while smokers are sick of life, rant against the government, saying that limited social rights, and they are free to smoke or not.

The truth is that there has been non-smoking waiters have died from lung cancer caused by smoking customers who flocked to the bars or cafes.
is also true that it costs the state more in health costs caused by snuff, which it collects from its sale.
And as you can not snuff ban the big time, since occur as with alcohol prohibition, we must go in small steps, and this is one more. In films of the 80 or 90 were teachers smoking in the universities, or office workers smoking in their jobs. Now we see this as a scandal, and it seems perfectly normal that you can not smoke in those sites.
As with bars and restaurants feel the same, people will cost, but eventually get used to it and see it as something normal.
Because when all is said and done are enclosed spaces where air does not run and there are a lot of smoke concentration. Not only harms yourself, harm to others.

must try go down the smoking rate, and this is just one method. We must emphasize education, prevention, from the media ... just like ads are launched against speeding or drugs, and campaigns are made in this regard should be made regarding to snuff and alcohol.
Because they are products or harmful actions, and we must prevent and try to avoid people that consume them or commit them.

Then there is the argument that "The state can not tell me what I have to do, I'm free." And it's true, but can advise you, because they are not advising 4 people, but all the doctors and experts the world, they have enough authority on the subject and know what they say.
It's like a campaign of vaccination and denounce someone saying the state is trying to coerce him, he is free to get vaccinated or not. And it's true, but we all see the need for the vaccination campaign, and timing of vaccine.

Well, with snuff and alcohol is, everyone should see as normal in the world that the rule would prevent, warnings about the evils of snuff and alcohol, and tried to remedy them and arrested.

may not decrease the percentage of smokers, but surely the amount of cigarettes smoked per day. It will be a small step.