Tuesday, January 25, 2011

The Game Cigarswholesale

Different branches of Islam "The 2 great migration?

After the Civil War there were many who emigrated to France or Mexico, but was politically motivated.

I remember in the history books left in the 50's there was a large English emigration to European countries like Belgium, France or Germany or Latin America, including Mexico, Chile, or Argentina. He had been due to economic collapse, and sent money home to help.

Well, now it is giving something. Merkel said that Germany needs workers both skilled and unskilled, and given the cheap labor, high unemployment a Portuguese and English, has been directed mainly to Portugal and Spain (though I suppose that also incorporated into Greece and Italy) and European country and does not require excessive paperwork.

however, was already seeing the situation from years ago. People are learning languages \u200b\u200b(mainly English), and goes to study abroad, or working as a waiter, whether in Ireland, UK, Finland, Sweden ... Northern European countries. Rare is
who do not know anyone who has spent time outside Spain for study purposes or motives economic.
Along with this migration, also drew attention to immigration data.
In 1994 came the 1st small boats to the English coast. 29 migrants arrived in 1995. In 1996, 27. 112 in 1997 and 737 in 1998. In 1999 would reach many more, 2165, to move to 2,240 in 2000 and 4,129 in 2001. In 2002 they were 9,929 in 2003, 9555, 2004 8519, 4718 and 2005. In 2006 it reached a record high, with 31,859. From there drop to 11,746 in 2007, 8,300 in 2008, 2,021 in 2009 and 148 in 2010.

These data are recorded, which got caught, guess who got added increased legal spending and much more.
In any case, seeing the data, conclusions are fairly easy. It looks like from poor countries are beginning to try to reach Europe to provide better quality of life, and try more and more as European economic situation improves, until in 2006, just over a year before the outbreak of the crisis , reached a record high. From then descends steeply to 148 of 2010. Whereupon
is that immigration has dropped sharply due to the economic crisis having no job cuts in Europe and having social, immigrants are afraid to come.

And put all this immigration because it correlates with the migration. He has has been declining as immigration, emigration has increased, giving an idea of \u200b\u200bthe serious economic situation in Spain: Immigrants will not risk to come because they know of this situation, and the English are going because they find work and see no future in Spain.

very worrying situation begins to resemble that of the 50's. And not only migrate to UK, Ireland, Finland and Sweden also are migrating or are going to start to migrate to France, Germany or Latin American countries like Mexico or Argentina. That is, we are becoming to the 50, changing immigration emigration.

(Pictured English farmers who went to France, taken from rtve).

Proof of this is the program "English in the world," a English interviewer who live in other countries, whether European, American or Asian. I think it reflects quite well the migration that is occurring (as in most of the cases are fairly young people). on this program and wrote an article my good friend Robert on his blog, which I recommend you to read at your leisure. It looked like one hand is attacking the other hand immigrants when the English are immigrants in other countries as they have been forced to emigrate. The article in question is this:

I also comes to mind Castilla y León Community, to which I belong. Jose María González, General Coordinator of Izquierda Unida in Castilla y León, spoke at the closing speech in the youth, suffering depopulation of Castilla y Leon as young people was forced to emigrate because there was no work. A fellow who was next to me said: "Myself." He had been working in Ireland.

So, you not only migrate from Castilla y León, Galicia and Extremadura to Madrid, Catalonia and the Basque Country (as happened in the nineteenth century with the Industry),

(pictured Galician immigrants of the early twentieth century)

but goes to other countries (as in the years 50).
History repeats itself.
Not that it is wrong to migrate, but only if voluntary if not bound by labor issues.

On the debt crisis that soon said Europe would seem to Latin America during the crisis. Well, it seems that migration is going the same way.
hope that all this arises a response, as emerged in Latin America, and is a world cycle.
words, 1 the debt crisis in Latin America, migration (especially here in Ecuador and Colombia), and then the resurgence of the left.

In Europe we have what 1 and 2 are in degrees. Hopefully it will not be long 3 º.
also already happening in the North Africa with Tunisia, and it seems that protests can be expanded to Egypt, Algeria, Morocco, Syria or Jordan. And we know that in these countries has also been a lot of immigration.

deep in Africa are given the situations of poverty, debt, migration and looting, and were fighting and repression, as Latin America or Asia. But after all, will be fought.


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