Friday, January 14, 2011

Geology Wedding Sayings

is a lot of people from various positions critical of the unions in the 1 st half of 2010, saying it did nothing for the unemployed, who did not strike the PSOE because it was precisely the pp (and therefore that if the PP had made the same measures do you have gone on strike), they received many grants, had many released, and did not want to lose ...

And this was the Labor Reform and the main trade unions called a general hulega for 29 September.
There was a diversity of views. Some looked good, because a general strike takes to prepare, and takes a lot of awareness and work. Others, however
saw it wrong, because then the labor reform would already be approved, and thought that was useless, and should have done it in June, as did the Basque nationalist trade unions.

passed the 29-S strike, the government dispatched Corbacho and brought Valeriano Gomez, but did not withdraw the labor reform.
unions, since it was convened in June, were denouncing the Government's actions (not just labor reform, also the pension freeze or cut the salary of civil servants), and after the strike, the government insisted that was correct, Zapatero called for the resignation, approached the tenets of IU, said there was another way out of the crisis was going to fight tax evasion and increase tax progressivity, and continued with demonstrations on 15 and December 18, announcing another possible general strike in January.

seemed to be beginning to position and to move, such as requiring them to critics. And yet ... the Government announced that on January 28 have pension reform, and called on unions to talk. Valeriano Gómez
seems tactful, and strives to reach agreement and achieve social peace. And it seems to have achieved Toxo fool and Mendez, because at the moment and have ruled out calling a general strike in January, has said the deal is hard but love him, and insisted on not only focus on pensions, but also in labor reform and other aspects, and have also asked to join the PP and the CEOE to achieve a great deal of state.

remember Kaos on the network, referring to dialogue with the unions, headlined: Wanted reissue of the Moncloa Pacts.
And it seems that maybe it goes. All that combative environment, critical, mobilizing, who had lived before and after the strike of 29-S seems to be losing The unions are giving, are talking, they want to avoid another strike may be, consider as a last resort. That

times those of Marcelino Camacho and Nicolas Redondo trembled when they no pulse when a general strike and were much more industrial action.
Unions now seem almost a business, training courses, hiking, or sweepstakes. Only bother about what affects them only (labor reform, pension and collective bargaining), the rest are not bothered about anything, and you can include when it suits them (cut the salary of officials or freezing pensions), but forget it in another time (the privatization of airports and lotteries, or withdrawal of support of the 426 euros). It seems they were right
who criticized them, see national unions, CGT, CNT, USE, Solidaridad Obrera ... maybe were right.

However it is very difficult for the alternative trade unions UGT and CCOO surpass, as it has the same force. As we continue to insist on the main trade unions trade union action to recover the spirit motivating, and ensuring that definitely veer towards our positions. For that we need a lot of patience and energy.

In the present context I see 3 possible scenarios:

1. The Government, PP, Unions and Employers dialogue and reach a comprehensive agreement on pensions (which does not involve mandatory retirement at 67), labor reform and other issues. A State Treaty. There is no general strike, everybody is happy, the stock rises, and the PP and the employers' support.

is the most likely see, but as things stand for dialogue, dialogue and more dialogue, and cover more topics, and call more people to join the dialogue can happen.

2. It talks but did not reach a comprehensive agreement, but partial, and the government maintains retirement at age 67. The union called a general strike for February disappointed by the intransigence of the Government.

is the most likely I do not think that the Government withdraw the proposal of 67 years, and I see the unions giving it.
again turn to mobilizing positions, and probably cost them more out of them.

3. Regular dialogue and Unions give the proposal of 67 years saying that waged by people with more years of contributions and who have managed to smooth things labor reform.

As I said before I do not see the unions giving in to that, but with dialogue so who knows. I think this scenario would be worse, would the total discrediting of unions.
Although who knows, maybe that push towards alternative Unions rose and occupy their space.

I would certainly like that the Government withdraw its proposal for 67 years and there is no general strike, but I do not happen. So I think that until the government does not rectify, rather than talk to combat. I do not think anything now get the dialogue (unfortunately I do not think wrong given the intransigence of the Government), but instead to get mass social mobilization, awareness, building strength, show the people's discontent to the government, and I think which may be a more effective weapon if handled well, at this time to ensure that the Government rectify that social dialogue. For example, in Tunisia are getting a lot with social mobilization. Would certainly not have achieved so much with social dialogue conditioned by the intransigence of the government.


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