Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Black And White Couple Interracial Art

There are conflicting opinions of the restoration of the Historic Center: Carrillo Sandoval

late January
This year, in Colotlán began with the restoration of the Historic Center, which is the lifting of the ground surrounding the main square and had over 30 years. Since work began, the mayor José Luis Carrillo Sandoval said he has received opinions for and against the project, but says he made the decision based on requests from the same citizens, who called for improved image of the center of the city.

"There are strong opinions found, some say it is nice, others not. When the public through a citizens' movement, called remodeling of the Historic Center because I thought something like that, but maybe lacked clear on what terms you want to remodel the center. Any work is controversial, remember the design of the arches of the Bicentennial, the positions are always found . "

colotlense Mayor said that the million dollars was sent to the Federal Branch 23, in case of failure to work for the plaza, could be used in another project, but took the initiative to restore the historic center based on the application of the same citizenship and colotlenses invited to participate in decision making for the execution of works and to avoid discomfort when the work has been started.

The first part of the rehabilitation project Colotlán Historical Center, which includes front of the portal Morelos and Hidalgo Street opposite the City Hall, completed before the start of the National Fair Piteado (FENAPI). At the end of it, will continue on Independence Street and Obregon, which also surround the square.

Text: Becerra Hilda.
Francisco Vázquez.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Church Clothes Women Wear Military Retirement

wixárika hostel and have power

After almost five months that the shelter gave wixárika students formally Wixaritari University Center North, already have electricity service.

In early March, the students expressed their dissatisfaction at the lack of service, cited various authorities requesting them to install electricity, but got no response. José Luis Carrillo Sandoval, Mayor of Colotlán, at that time stated that the whereabouts of the contract, but the same Department of Public Works did.

now installed the service, colotlense Mayor said: "" Before signing the contract, we call the Federal Electricity (as there is good relationship), we said, 'You give us light, we signed the contract as soon as we can, when all the paperwork', and he did. Then, happily have light "."

Wixaritari Students at the University's North demanded the lack of electricity in the lodge that was built for them, but according to some students and the Chairman himself, already has the electrical service for a week approx.

"I hope Wixaritari students who had not been for lack of light and are there because There were several who had remained in their homes, only the most needy, those who could not rent a house, they stayed there and were lit with candles "" he said Carrillo Sandoval.

Text: Becerra Hilda.

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Denise Milani Nelson Streaming

Since March 7, I wrote an entry in favor of military intervention in Libya, 19 days have passed. 19 days in which I have been watching the news on television, radio, press, iu forum, blog i love iu, counter-media, multi-opinion articles and blogs that talked about the issue and I answered some and debated ... Now I'd like

synthesize all this debate in an entry.

thing that makes me whole grace (not mourn me laugh) is that a significant portion of the left against the intervention, when this has occurred, we have begun to write against it, to put photos of not war, to put news of the dead left by the intervention ...

said that the media manipulated and that there had to be done for the dead who had left Gaddafi. But then put the same media news of the dead who had left the intervention. That is, for what interested me, handled, and what not, no.
By the way, is the 1 st when I see people on the left cross to Al Jazeera handler when it has always been a clear example of different information to traditional media.
I would have liked people to be shocked both the intervention had been shocked too much with the dead that left Gaddafi, who before surgery had put photos criticizing the Qaddafi repression. No, it seems that only care about the cause of dead Westerners. When the other does not matter cause they do not deserve photos or blog entries, or indignation.

more arguments, said that the situation in Libya could not compare to that of Egypt or Tunisia, for Libya is a country much richer, and they say he has not left the village, but the tribes, and they are going through weapons ... Question
I'm doing. If there had been no intervention, do you also have said that Libya was different from Egypt and Tunisia? I doubt it greatly. Maybe I would have said the most radical that supports Gaddafi (perhaps 10-20% of people on the left against the intervention), but those who were against Gaddafi would have regretted it all and would have said: what a pity that was not gone as Egitpo Tunisia.

What happened was that the army was broken, so besieged Gaddafi. In Egypt and Tunisia, the army came a time when he refused to shoot, and why the revolution triumphed.

If anyone is interested, I leave here very illustrative several blogs that I liked a lot:

This Rolando Astarita, Argentine Marxist, discusses why people are against Gaddafi leftist and pro-intervention, and why there are people for and against intervention Gaddafi is also left-wing. For him the difference lies in the importance of either the national question, or democracy and human rights.

In this one, answers to some arguments and criticisms he has received

And this one compares the situation to the genocide in Rwanda: http:// / news / Libyan-intervention-wheel-story

also leave an interview with Gabriele Del Grande, an Italian journalist, responding to criticism from the left on the rebellion is led by imperialism and talk on the situation in Libya, as he is there:

In this one, Peter L. Narrow compares the situation with Franco's Spain:

And finally I leave this to Manuel Marquez talks about the support of the left authoritarian regimes simply because they are anti-imperialists:

I must say I was pleasantly surprised on the Web Kaos
As I said, I been reading the counter-media. The Republic, La Haine, and Insurgent never had particularly liked, and therefore I have not disappointed too much with them. Yes Rebellion and more particularly to Third Information. Rebellion never liked too much about the format, do not put pictures and is hard to read.
But the truth is that I am surprised that Third and Rebellion are positioned so clearly against the rebels. Instead
Kaos on the net, that I never particularly liked the hype given to the nationalist left and ferocious criticism CCOO, PCE, and IU, I was pleasantly surprised, as though you have added items against intervention, has also made room for opinion articles favorable to the intervention of leftists, and that is welcome. It has risen a lot in my perception.

Another argument given is that why not attack other countries. Well, other countries, the revolution has not had much chance of winning as in Libya. Libya came to control all cities except Tripoli and Sirte. Has it been that in Yemen, Bahrain, Saudi Arabia, Morocco, Syria, Algeria or Jordan? For the time being. So for the moment are not comparable situations. First you have to stop to see if these countries reach the status of Egypt or Tunisia and the revolution triumphed, or otherwise reach the state of Libya and you have to intervene. But currently there are none of those 2 states.

So I favored the intervention to help the people in their release. There are many who say it is to obtain natural resources. However, it seems to me difficult without land occupation.
also say that everything was ready, however it was at the last moment when Benghazi was surrounded and had to convince the Russians and Chinese.

I give a vote of confidence to the international community. I hope that with your help the rebels are able to reverse the situation and decide on its future.

Others said they had to exhaust all diplomatic and peaceful way. I agree, but the 1 that is not to negotiate is Gaddafi. Declared cease-fires to break right away, branded as rebels Al Qaeda insurgents and foreign mercenaries hired because of defections from his army.
With someone who wants to stay in power and yield it to his son, no dialogue is possible.

is "conversation with Mubarak in Egypt or Ben Ali in Tunis. Or the presidents of Yemen and Syria. Promising many reforms, like Mohammed, but people find it inadequate and continue to protest. Why should they settle for reforms in Libya and not in other countries? We are talking about the revolutions in Egypt and Tunisia are incomplete, and that they have succeeded. Imagine if he had come to them through dialogue and not by popular pressure. He would have gotten much less.

also compare the situation in Iraq or Afghanistan. I'm not going to the UN, which is undemocratic since there is a right of veto to prevent lifting the embargo on Cuba, or the Arab League, plagued by authoritarian regimes.
Libya is different from Iraq because the people have been coming up to check all the cities at least 2, and Iraq did not happen, and is framed in a revolutionary process in the region.
Nor is Afghanistan because there is no land occupation or go looking for Bin Laden in, and the rebels have called no-fly zone.

It's like in Spain. Would we have refused to Franco attacked the allies after WWII because it would have brought more problems and would have killed many people, and would have said that the solution would be reached through dialogue with Franco and the English would have to decide their own future? Not so. We asked for help, as the Libyans are now asking. And once the international community help, you can not refuse.

Friday, March 25, 2011

Can You Use A Ps3 Headset On An Ipod

The COECyTJAL recognizes students in the north and the fifth prize

The State Council of Science and Technology of Jalisco (COECyTJAL) recognized 28 students from the north who obtained best score in the previous LINK test in the area of \u200b\u200bmathematics.

This event is to recognize the 400 best children of Jalisco in Mathematics, which in the north there are 28, 19 elementary school students, 7 seniors, 6, fifth, sixth and 6, and high school were 9 , 3 for each level. Much of the total of honorees Wixárika belong to the area. Olivera

Alfonso Torres, director of outreach and dissemination of COECyTJAL said you need to know and encourage children who may be great professionals.

" This event is not due to something else but turn to see the children that today we need to start because they will encourage those joining the ranks of the great engineers, large astronauts, the great economists we need in a region, state and country . "

Osvaldo Gallegos Lara, Director of the Regional Delegation of Education Services (DRSE) in Colotlán said that throughout the region are 20 thousand 815 students, in the case of primary said an average of 12 000 students stressed 19, and 5 000 high school were honored nine, who probably made a greater effort than their classmates.

the honorees were given a book of Mexican astronaut Rodolfo Neri Vela, entitled "Mexico space" that can serve as an example of success for these on outgoing students.

Text: Diego Esparza

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Celeteque Regime Reviews

Deliver Tenamaztle

Under the Sixth Meeting of Specialists of Northern Jalisco and South of Zacatecas, for the fifth time Tenamaztle presented the award, which aims to recognize the work of researchers who have provided historical data on the area.

For the first time the prize was awarded to a woman, Dr. Marie Areti Hers, for his contributions to the study of ancient history of the North Mesoamerican and field experiences in northern Jalisco.

Archaeologist acknowledged being touched by the award and said he expected the Premier to do what he likes: "I am very touched , but mostly Tenamaztle name that is too much for me, I think it's a great character for the history of Mexico and I am only an archaeologist and I just never understand how I can afford to do what I like, because Archaeology is fun. "

Among the publications that talk about the contribution of full-time researcher of the Institute of Aesthetic Studies at UNAM has the knowledge of the region northern Jalisco and southern Zacatecas, are the books: The Toltec chichimecas land, published by UNAM in 1989; Inheritance chichimecas, published in 1998, The Museum of Huejuquilla Tatuutsima Alto, among other books and scientific papers.

Claudio Carrillo, coordinator of the Sixth Meeting of Experts, said the award represents the value Tenamztle researchers trying to investigate with their work aspects related to knowledge of northern Jalisco and southern Zacatecas.

The first opportunity was presented the award Tenamaztle Iturrioz Dr. José Luis Lezama, who has contributed to the research and dissemination of wixárika language; in 2008 recognized Dr. Miguel León Portilla, who rediscovers the feat in a book Tenamaztle Indian leader, in 2009 the Dr. Phil Weigand Tenamztle won the award for being one of the initiators of the rescue of the archaeological sites of Jalisco , and in 2010 the award went to Jean Meyer, for his studies on the phenomenon of Cristiada in northern Jalisco.

Text: Becerra Hilda.
Photo: Francisco Vázquez.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Deworming Medicine Dogs

two policemen resign Start

Because security is a sensitive issue and concern, meeting Town Council spoke of the constant annoyance of the citizens for alleged abuse of authority of municipal police Colotlán.

After the council requested an explanation from the director of Public Safety and the officers identified by the public for allegedly using violence to stop people, two policemen gave up his post. Erasmo

Iturriaga, town clerk, said the officers explained that they only applied the rules.

" They say they are applying the regulations in this regard and we also have to support our Public Security Bureau because must have control at night, especially in the morning to people who walk in the street been drinking and are detained, there is no excuse, are taken to the county jail and impounded his vehicle, so the bother people. "

Following the resignation of two municipal police officers, the City Clerk ensures that complaints about alleged violence used by municipal police officers will decline, since " the instruction of the Mayor and the council is not trample the rights of citizens and, if it stops people who committed a sin, does not lead to violence "he said.

Text: Becerra Hilda.
Photo: Francisco Vázquez

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Got Elbowed On The Neck

municipal sixth

The Sixth Meeting of Specialists of Northern Jalisco and southern Zacatecas, will be visiting researchers, teachers and students from different areas of Remember Tenamaztle addition to the award on this occasion will be awarded to Dr. Marie Areti Hers, their research work Huejuquilla high northern municipality of the entity.

"The meeting of experts has been placed each year as an important reference for the discussion of various topics that are of northern Jalisco and southern Zacatecas, but also as a benchmark of a very warm festival gives all participants and guests and Colotlán community, such as cultural activities we have planned "said José Alberto Becerra Santiago, chancellor of the University Center North.

The tables that will be employed at the sixth meeting of specialists, are: Culture and society welfare and development, production and economic development, and education, history, challenges and alternatives.

addition to the activities to be held in CUNorte facilities, there will be others in the downtown and the Hill House Cultural Center with the aim of engaging the public.

Under the same meeting also grant recognition to Luis de la Torre, famous people of the north who for 25 years in the company of other colleagues made the newspaper Mi Pueblo, themed cristeros among others.

The sixth meeting of specialists of northern Jalisco and southern Zacatecas, launched on Tuesday 22 and concludes on Thursday 24 March.

For more information about the meeting please visit / meeting.

Text: Becerra Hilda.
Photo: CUNorte Dissemination.

Monday, March 7, 2011

Best Fish For Small Tank

YES on military intervention in Libya.

Yes, yes and yes. In contrast to the more than 20 entries in love I Iu against military intervention in Libya, I say Yes Yes
because Libya is still a dreadful civil war where many people are dying, where Gaddafi cling to power to not let go and it does not matter to bombard people from aircraft,

despite knowing that has neither the support of the population, or the community support international.

It seems a clear contradiction of the Left are in favor of military intervention in Spain when Franco ruled, to be in favor of military intervention in Angola when Cuba sent its soldiers

and not in favor of military intervention in Libya.

and not a military intervention in Iraq, because we are talking about is covered UN-Iraq thing did not happen.
recently wrote a post over the army, NATO and the UN, where he argued for the dissolution of NATO and UN for a truly democratic and decision-makers.

Therefore, a military intervention that serves to pull the power MURDERER Gaddafi, in which the troops would not stay a long time, which has the support of the Libyan people and Arab people, which is initiated by a zone exclusive air to prevent Gaddafi continue massacring its people, I think the right thing.

Some will argue and reason that this should be done also in Saudi Arabia, Morocco, Equatorial Guinea ... because they are dictatorships, and it seems that only dictatorships involved in anti-imperialist, pro-imperialist dictatorship ever. And I agree. I hope the day comes when the population of Saudi Arabia, Morocco and Equatorial Guinea rise up against their dictators,

and if their rulers as the case may not go, it would raise the international community to intervene militarily in these countries to remove their leaders and support the demands of the people. It would be desirable
International Community to intervene in all armed conflicts to enforce peace in the best way possible, regardless the political tendency of each country.

All I want is to stop the civil war in Libya, to stop people dying, and that Gaddafi will go and stop bombing its people. To say that the Libyan people own their own destiny and we support the determination of the Libyan people sounds good,

but would have to be die in Libya seeing our friends and brothers and seeing smiling Gaddafi French television, watching their mercenaries to stop the military offensive by the rebels, seeing Gaddafi recover strategic areas ...
The truth is that this conflict can be extended much, months or even years. I remember
the conflict in Burma everyone wondered why the international community does nothing? I think it's time for the international community put the batteries and start to impose peace through dialogue on all sites where there is war, serving only to humanitarian service, not imperialists.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Can I Get Into A Plane With Conjuntivitis?

The army, NATO and the UN

I never liked the military, I've always been against wars, military interventions, or compulsory military service.
On this latter issue is often said that the boys were in the army to become men. Eskorbuto remember a song, "Green Frog", which comes in handy to the case:

crawl your belly,
front of the stars,
commanding a red cape,
you eat your pride,
trample your pride,
and kissing the flag,
swear to Spain whole
defend the king,
will defend the crown,
skull and his whore!

For a man I called up
to military service
I did not want to be a soldier or look like James Bond licensed
to kill, to kill ....
to kill, to kill ....

I are allergic guns,
the stars make me sick,
a kick in the balls
the leading gals!

did not want to be a toad, was tortured
I tried,
the tentacles of the state,
the tentacles of the state!

For a man I called up
to military service
I did not want to be a soldier or look like James Bond
licensed to kill,
to kill, to kill ....
to kill, to kill ....

I are allergic guns,
the stars make me sick,
a kick in the balls
the leading gals!

did not want to be a toad, was tortured
I tried,
by a military court,
by a military court!

For a man was called up to
military service
I would not look like a soldier or
James Bond licensed to kill,
to kill, to kill ....
to kill, to kill ....

Drag your belly ...

have always been many problems with compulsory military service. Remember conscientious objectors or the objectors who filled the prisons of Spain at 90.

On this there is a very good song I really like Piperrak. It's called "Deskontrol" Des kon

control, Des
kon control, Des
control kon, kon Des

I turned 18,
already started the countdown,
What seemed
dream is coming true ...

have completed your time, not There is nothing to argue,
not just stand there, act!
and fight because if you want dope ...

This morning is something special for you, you
wake up with an obsession
that has not left you sleeping.
A cold sweat covers your body
to reach the station,
already seen in the distance,
can still say no!

Deskontrol still time,
Deskontrol you can do,
Deskontrol not go with them,

who are these buds to comment on you,
with its rules and laws forcing you to serve a
nation of thieves, you laughed at
fill their pockets while
then watch you die!

Deskontrol still time,
Deskontrol you can do,
Deskontrol not go with them,

Insumisión is the solution,
Insumisión the army of the nation's Insumisión
Insumisión the army of the nation
Yaaaaaaaaaaaaa !!!!!!

Another good is "not the army," the Fourth Reich:

Another might be "Soldier English" El Último Ke Zierre.
What to say about war. Nor is it to be pacifist. What I am is anti-war. That is, I think if someone is attacked, this has the right to defend themselves (see the Palestinians from Israelis, Moroccan Sahrawi, the French from the Nazis, or Vietnamese Americans). But do not believe in military operations to anexiorarse territories, get more resources, dominate markets or have more influence in certain geographical areas. On this
there are great songs, but I'm not going to put it but never finish. I guess everyone's mind are "Uncle Sam" Ska-P, "Kaos and destruction" of dead animals, "Ourense-Bosnia" in the soft, or "That's all folks" Boikot.

But with what's happening in Arab countries I'm rethinking my view of the military.
has been instrumental in Tunisia and Egypt for refusing to shoot the people that showed.

In Russia, the February Revolution of 1917, when he was succeeded by the army revolted and sided with the people refusing shooting. The same happened in the French Revolution, or recently in Georgia and his color revolution.
Trotsky differed in his book about the Russian revolution between the army and police. Come to think coolly seems he was right. It seems that police are more submissive, does not care to load in the demonstrations, or even shoot sometimes. But the army, although it is neither professional nor organized in unions, and even goes abroad to fight, when it comes to attacking his own people seems to be rather reluctant. And it's something to be valued. For a peaceful revolution to triumph is necessary to have the support of the army. If Honduras won the coup is because there were no cracks in the Army.

I advocate a voluntary army not intervened outside English territory unless a UN mandate and have the approval of the English people.
Of course this would make the military budget was much smaller than it is now.
also essential to reform the UN in depth. The veto system can not be kept longer, it is totally undemocratic that when a situation like the U.S. (such resolutions against Israel or the blockade of Cuba), France (as resolutions against Morocco), Russia (as resolutions Iran), China (Such resolutions against North Korea), or United Kingdom, these countries can veto such decisions and stay so calm.
As I say, the veto system should be replaced by the majority of the General Assembly. In this way many resolutions that have virtually the unanimous opinion of the different countries could move forward.

the same way the UN should replace NATO as a defensive force. Ie, NATO was created in the context of the Cold War, and competed with the Warsaw Pact. Now this has already been extinguished, but NATO continues to ensure its imperialist interests, to take natural resources economically depressed areas of the planet and meet the markets of developed countries, no matter how many civilians are carried forward.
This big-budget features, is involved in several countries and has many military bases around the world, including Spain. Therefore
NATO should be disbanded and decommissioned bases. UN
With strong, with real decision-making, and a NATO dissolved, when a conflict somewhere in the world, as now exist in Libya, where the UN could send a contingent of international troops to try to achieve a cessation of hostilities and a negotiated solution.