Monday, March 7, 2011

Best Fish For Small Tank

YES on military intervention in Libya.

Yes, yes and yes. In contrast to the more than 20 entries in love I Iu against military intervention in Libya, I say Yes Yes
because Libya is still a dreadful civil war where many people are dying, where Gaddafi cling to power to not let go and it does not matter to bombard people from aircraft,

despite knowing that has neither the support of the population, or the community support international.

It seems a clear contradiction of the Left are in favor of military intervention in Spain when Franco ruled, to be in favor of military intervention in Angola when Cuba sent its soldiers

and not in favor of military intervention in Libya.

and not a military intervention in Iraq, because we are talking about is covered UN-Iraq thing did not happen.
recently wrote a post over the army, NATO and the UN, where he argued for the dissolution of NATO and UN for a truly democratic and decision-makers.

Therefore, a military intervention that serves to pull the power MURDERER Gaddafi, in which the troops would not stay a long time, which has the support of the Libyan people and Arab people, which is initiated by a zone exclusive air to prevent Gaddafi continue massacring its people, I think the right thing.

Some will argue and reason that this should be done also in Saudi Arabia, Morocco, Equatorial Guinea ... because they are dictatorships, and it seems that only dictatorships involved in anti-imperialist, pro-imperialist dictatorship ever. And I agree. I hope the day comes when the population of Saudi Arabia, Morocco and Equatorial Guinea rise up against their dictators,

and if their rulers as the case may not go, it would raise the international community to intervene militarily in these countries to remove their leaders and support the demands of the people. It would be desirable
International Community to intervene in all armed conflicts to enforce peace in the best way possible, regardless the political tendency of each country.

All I want is to stop the civil war in Libya, to stop people dying, and that Gaddafi will go and stop bombing its people. To say that the Libyan people own their own destiny and we support the determination of the Libyan people sounds good,

but would have to be die in Libya seeing our friends and brothers and seeing smiling Gaddafi French television, watching their mercenaries to stop the military offensive by the rebels, seeing Gaddafi recover strategic areas ...
The truth is that this conflict can be extended much, months or even years. I remember
the conflict in Burma everyone wondered why the international community does nothing? I think it's time for the international community put the batteries and start to impose peace through dialogue on all sites where there is war, serving only to humanitarian service, not imperialists.


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