Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Church Clothes Women Wear Military Retirement

wixárika hostel and have power

After almost five months that the shelter gave wixárika students formally Wixaritari University Center North, already have electricity service.

In early March, the students expressed their dissatisfaction at the lack of service, cited various authorities requesting them to install electricity, but got no response. José Luis Carrillo Sandoval, Mayor of Colotlán, at that time stated that the whereabouts of the contract, but the same Department of Public Works did.

now installed the service, colotlense Mayor said: "" Before signing the contract, we call the Federal Electricity (as there is good relationship), we said, 'You give us light, we signed the contract as soon as we can, when all the paperwork', and he did. Then, happily have light "."

Wixaritari Students at the University's North demanded the lack of electricity in the lodge that was built for them, but according to some students and the Chairman himself, already has the electrical service for a week approx.

"I hope Wixaritari students who had not been for lack of light and are there because There were several who had remained in their homes, only the most needy, those who could not rent a house, they stayed there and were lit with candles "" he said Carrillo Sandoval.

Text: Becerra Hilda.
Image: colotlan.gob.mx


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