Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Black And White Couple Interracial Art

There are conflicting opinions of the restoration of the Historic Center: Carrillo Sandoval

late January
This year, in Colotlán began with the restoration of the Historic Center, which is the lifting of the ground surrounding the main square and had over 30 years. Since work began, the mayor José Luis Carrillo Sandoval said he has received opinions for and against the project, but says he made the decision based on requests from the same citizens, who called for improved image of the center of the city.

"There are strong opinions found, some say it is nice, others not. When the public through a citizens' movement, called remodeling of the Historic Center because I thought something like that, but maybe lacked clear on what terms you want to remodel the center. Any work is controversial, remember the design of the arches of the Bicentennial, the positions are always found . "

colotlense Mayor said that the million dollars was sent to the Federal Branch 23, in case of failure to work for the plaza, could be used in another project, but took the initiative to restore the historic center based on the application of the same citizenship and colotlenses invited to participate in decision making for the execution of works and to avoid discomfort when the work has been started.

The first part of the rehabilitation project Colotlán Historical Center, which includes front of the portal Morelos and Hidalgo Street opposite the City Hall, completed before the start of the National Fair Piteado (FENAPI). At the end of it, will continue on Independence Street and Obregon, which also surround the square.

Text: Becerra Hilda.
Francisco Vázquez.


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