Friday, April 29, 2011

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opossums of the same burrow
AMLO and Paul "fakers? For
. Wall Alejandro

That image of a hero who once had Andrés Manuel López Obrador, AMLO, nationally or in Southeast Mexico, came to creeps in Chiapas, where it is being ridiculed and accused of hypocrisy by population, after his brother Pio López Obrador, arrived a few days ago the city of Tapachula, trying to protect his brother, in the sense of having no agency relationship with him repudiated.

However, the blunder, which probably still mourning is taking off the muzzle, the state leader of the Labour Party Neftali Flores Pérez, who has turned the snack policy and cannon fodder, to grab the microphone to declare to the media, "but" only to defend the former governor Paul Salazar.

Tapachula, was the dramatic scene where Pio began substantial announcement, however, the arrival of this character that almost is the Speaker's ... lit bulbs Peje alert and direct recriminations against the National Regeneration Movement "Morena", the time to know that is a gross deception, to cover the former president, who for several years, has been accused of fraudsters, corrupt, and suspected thief of resources allocated to promote the reconstruction of the 40 municipalities affected by the Past Hurricane Stan in 2005.

As the historical record is clear that the Labor Party (PT), has been a political institution created, strengthened and bought by Pablo Salazar, who has long since promoted the introduction and management of their coreligionists across political positions, such as council areas, municipalities, county councils and consultants in various municipalities.

Precisely that was the idea that Paul had to sell when he decided to sit with Andrés Manuel López Obrador, AMLO, "as meaning that multimember Senator negotiate easily acquired with the NOW! Celebrities 50 million pesos.

this link, added to former Secretary of Government of Paul, say to yourself, Rubén Velázquez López. It, beside his former employer, or ruler, currently appearing on billboards located in Tapachula, where the messages are clear and focused to a repudiation, and requiring COMPLAINT federal authorities to follow up a world of outstanding inquiries had not specified long.

Other institutional arguments, they released the ball of smoke "on the ex-leaders are exonerated of any blame in Chiapas, but certainly the conspiracy between Vicente Fox Quesada and former governor of Chiapas, have tried to verify through a series of arguments, expressions journalistic and social sense, from several municipalities on the Costa, Soconusco, Sierra and the Isthmus.

The worst tragedy, the aftermath of Hurricane Stan, the community leaders are pointing the protesters, many of them once were locked up in jails in Chiapas. All are focused on recrimination and condemnation against sound trucks, which promote the movement of Andrés Manuel López Obrador, AMLO, "to invite the public to go to the next rally in Central Park Pearl Miguel Hidalgo Soconusco.

reactions have been surprising, and never felt there was so much courage against those who are branded as allies of former president Salazar, in this case Andrés Manuel López Obrador, who would blame the sale of this senate, and accepting the amount millionaire, that would be of suspicious origin, but would serve the Peje, to launch himself as a candidate of a probable alliance between the PRD, PT and Convergencia.

is, where it participated in 2006, when it lost between a campaign completely out of control and certainly with a series of atrocities and fraud that ultimately gave the victory to the National Action Party (PAN).

already soured the Public Accounts 2010

sketches In other developers, because a lot of strangeness that Arely Madrid Tovilla, continue urging the corrupt former mayor and rats that have not yet submitted the bill public 2010. Although this procedure has expired last April 15, 2011, which represents establish legal warnings that must be supported by regulations promoted in the Control Body-OSFCE Superior.

is strange and lends itself to misinterpretation, several former mayors, many current government officials, are protected by the cloak of "impunity", despite their efforts, were a great thieves and lazy.

The only former elected officials who already escaped are those represented at least once in your life Ostuacan municipalities, Altamirano, Mazatán, Villa Flores, San Cristobal de Las Casas, Arriaga, Huitiupán, San Fernando, Chiapilla, Wonder Tenejapa and Tuzantan.

Others are of the kick, some with the possibility that they can avoid jail if they violate stepping this process as rigorous, and secondly Arely Madrid and White Pedrero, are slow to send them a Saluditos irresponsible because that by law, they must be held accountable to the people good Chiapas.

From: Dr. Calvo.

Lighter or water, thanks to channel your spine. I mention that the problem of drug trafficking in Mexico if they know how to fight, but the root of this problem is that there is "great race beaked stuck", then it is as "the dog to bite the tail and spins and turns, and then left but did not give a lick to heal the wound.

addition, the problem of execution, are matters that are hidden by other causes, remain unpunished, plus those of a political nature as the issue of Luis Donaldo Colosio Murrieta, in Lomas Taurinas, also that PAN and certainly Sinaloa to see if they are not thrown into tufts. I appreciate you send me your column, reader and I enjoy it. Greetings and Happy Day

Administration San Juan Market

From: Anonymous Source: Lord of the Wall,'ll bring some detail, is focused on the situation prevailing in the Mercado San Juan, and with respect to your administrator "Juan Carlos Robles Flores . I want to comment on this subject during the past administration of Angel Barrios Zea, he served as head of Tax Changes.

This guy was found, using a provisional receipts apocryphal, during an operation called Easter. At that time he was dispatched to a brewery these documents under falsified documents.

request by the News of Chiapas that this subject is investigated by the Internal Municipal for the mayor in turn will realize what kind of people are in some office.

must inform you that at that time was dismissed from his office, together with its partners in the illicit Palomeque Abraham, who served as the Legal Department.

was detected in this administration, where he was awarded the San Juan Market Administration. As we ask the Comptroller to investigate the dark past of this person.

FINALLY ... Follow the filtering of documents from city hall. What is certain, that there is a small group of municipal officials themselves are burned or pissed off by the poor distribution of the spoils ... Others have considered seize this chance to get a few defendants unfairly and dear to get to work ... To see what ends ...

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Flores Pérez, raccoons contested
By Carlos Z.
Chain Event
In Tuesday's 26 with a press conference in Tapachula, where he was present the representative of Chiapas National Regeneration Movement (MORENA), Pio López Obrador, announced the itinerary of the visit to Chiapas moral leader this group Andrés Manuel López Obrador, which categorically accepted that there is no link to support a Senator of the former governor Pablo Salazar, by the "brothers López Obrador" and Moreno, the state leader of the Labour Party (PT), Neptune Pérez Flores, not only showed a very bold strategy to protect and preserve the image of his political godfather Pablo Salazar, diverting attention through his art wordy and talkative, but virtually acted as an executor of Salazar's campaign, which the time claimed the victims of Chiapas.

We emphasize Flores Pérez, because his anger and rage to get out of the tangent and the wind acknowledge that there is a dirty war, gives it away, that in fact the Labour Party will be the platform electoral release of Mr. Pablo Salazar, accused by the Mexican Association of Publishers (AME) how the number one enemy of Freedom of Expression in Mexico, and cataloged by a scientific survey of the UNACH student how the former governor of Chiapas, most of the people repudiated its repression against the press, and most accused of committing acts of corruption, where stands the looting of budgets billionaires Stan.

Neftali Flores Pérez, a contested electioneering operator who rose to fame during the administration of pabliato, beyond what is stated in his "personal leaf" with their work spaces as suspect, prove to be an architect of Manichean deception and electioneering, making in a wealthy employee Alberto Anaya, a leader of national PT, which has been the missing link between what the victims of Stan reported in 41 municipalities and commercial Senator Salazar, which is more than anything else, that a ticket impunity for six years, buying an elective office, with money that belongs to a vulnerable group of Chiapas. "That's the real Mexico, Joaquin Lopez Doriga say.

Although the momentous of these events is that they come to say next on May 4 and 5 in Tapachula Tuxtla Gutierrez, the national leader Andrés Manuel López Obrador MORENA, politician for the second time has provided the country a national project, with three very important ingredients, justice, corruption and true democracy, they encounter three ingredients curiously perverse trick of the trade Senator Paul Salazar.

We are within days of learning the truth of AMLO, because his brother Pio López Obrador in Tapachula reluctantly disavowed this alleged "commercial and political compromise," which failed to ask is whether the PT, and Alberto Anaya brothers lead him López Obrador, those who lived in Chiapas Tabasco.

Campaigning Stan spectrum

Just on Tuesday April 26 in the town of Arriaga and Tonala, while carrying the press conference in Tapachula, with the maneuver of the rapture and the courage to Neftali Perez Flores, divert attention in defense of his godfather Paul Abner, were held meetings convened by the controversial former governor, with few characters of regional policy. Salazar begins by explaining that the decision that Juan Sabines, was the candidate of the PRD was not him, but the group of Mutts. He talked about how Aguilar Bodegas, was the candidate of the PRI, the PRD the dogs came and made him National Invitation Sabines.

Salazar, I bring up to Vicente Fox, which he said, had deceived Paul was a traitor because he was supporting the PRD. Later he adds that Fox asked him twice for that as Governor was in favor of Felipe Calderon in his election campaign, which he never did. Commenting on the drug said that Calderon is bitter and you should be this phenomenon that is taking place, and he must have made several records at the time politicians to link with drug traffickers, put them in jail and clear the way for their candidate president, so I think that this election of 2012 will be very complicated, he said.

Paul said in the meetings of the Coast, Calderon ordered a survey of five thousand people in the coastal region of Chiapas and Soconusco, to ask if they were defrauded by the resources of Hurricane Stan and none of the respondents referred against me, said that eloquence that characterizes it.

Salazar also said that AMLO, sent for him to invite him to participate in the National Regeneration Movement (Morena), which he accepted, knowing that this will be the new candidate seeking the Presidency Republic, but conditioned to work in Chiapas. He spoke of the strategy, with leaders of organizations to the idea of \u200b\u200bforming "Circles of Hope", an operation which is to-door electioneering with the support of some mayors with the seal of satrap.

talked about that right now the idea is to shape a political organization to be gaining strength and allow time to deal with other political, seeking what is fitting, and to then identify the candidate who will support. Teacher mentioned that Elba Esther Gordillo Morales is pushing Marcelo Ebrard, but negotiates with anyone, and will impose a national leader Emilio Zebadua as the diaper.

Finally, the marked card is already on the table today will be in San Cristobal de las Casas, now circulates throughout jetta Tuxtla Gutierrez in 2010, only accompanied by a driver, which makes bodyguard and know what else, leaving behind their luxurious pickups denounced the journalist Ameth Samayoa Arce, Diario de Chiapas.

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In the City Hall, are peppered "the weakest opponent, by the leaking of confidential information to various media.

Ironically, because the liar and Judas, is one that is closer to the mayor.


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THE For Cerecita. Paco Andrade

already appeared sesame of all moles, Marcos announced that he will join the call for the National March for Justice and Against Impunity which has convened on 5 May, the poet and Javier Sicilia civic organizations; and incidentally, committed the alleged Zapatista National Liberation Army.

when Mark was on Thursday in a statement "for a change to the May 7, the Zapatistas marched in silence in San Cristobal de Las Casas, returning later to their communities.

participate long distance, because as the euro eventually sent her European organizations can not move to Cuernavaca or capital.

The march of the EZLN, Marcos explains is "to welcome and support a worthy voice that demands justice, the Zapatista contingent will depart, in the afternoon, the street from the Indian Center of Integral Training, and march to the cathedral square, where the EZLN will read a message. "

In the letter to Javier Sicilia, the Zapatista leader mentioned the 49 children dead and 70 injured in the tragedy of ABC Nursery Hermosillo, Sonora, to the worthy Mother of Ciudad Juarez, families Le Baron and Salazar Reyes, Chihuahua, to the families and friends of the victims of this arrogant war defenders of human rights of nationals and migrants, and all the organizers at the National March for Justice and Against Impunity.

but has not said raised his voice twice affected by Hurricane Stan and Hurricane Mendiguchía Salazar, who swept all pay to rebuild the devastated area. Light on the street is dark and your home.


In the town of Independence Isabel Aguilera Aburto, celebrated the children of Chiapas, President of DIF Chiapas and Sabines governor's wife, also came to children of Teopisca, used to urge the adult population to respect and guarantee the rights of future generation.

noted that one of the main commitments of her husband, is "to achieve 100 percent of children living in state schools are studying."

All infants present called "Putting the heart of Chiapas and met as students, be good children and good citizens, because we work for you putting your heart."

In an intense working tour that began in Teopisca, where the child Juan Carlos Arevalo on behalf of children who attended the Central Park, said "we know of his commitment to children in Chiapas, thanks for the toys given to us today, thanks for remembering and being with us today. "

In Independence, Isabel said that to ensure their educational development have been carried out over nine thousand educational activities, delivered about one million school meals to ensure food nutritional products of the region including actions.

said that in Chiapas are made concrete actions to implement and enforce the rights of children through the programs: "All School", Food Security, CAIC, Safe Motherhood, Prevention and Care Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children, Care and Prevention of Teen Pregnancy, Child Care Law, among others.


The Congress of State received on Thursday from President Yassir Vázquez Hernández capital, the Municipal Development Plan 2011-2012.

Juan Jesus Aquino Calvo, chairman of the board of Legidslatura LXIV, to accept delivery of the documents, praised the enforcement of the City Council with the legal framework and stressed that "with the delivery of the Municipal Development Plan giving effect to Article 62 of the local Constitution and Article 29 of the Planning Act, which is undoubtedly very important, but beyond this exercise reveals that there is a guiding document that guides the work of township officials to meet the demands and needs of the capital, by setting out objectives, priorities and policies that impact positively on the quality of life of society. "

So Hernández Vázquez explained that the Municipal Development Plan is the letter his government's commitment to citizenship and aims to contribute to human development and tuxtlecos tuxtlecas.


days the deadline for submitting Chiapas Mayors Public Accounts Fiscal 2010, the president of the Congressional Oversight Committee on Local Arely Madrid Tovilla, called municipal officials to meet this obligation of transparency and accountability.

PRI lawmaker said that according to Article 9 of the Supreme Audit Law of the State of Chiapas, "presented at the Congress municipalities in its recess, the Standing Committee by 30 April of the year following the Public Accounts for the previous year. "

The parliamentary group also coordinator of the PRI, announced that it achievers within municipalities are: Ostuacan, Altamirano, Mazatán, Villaflores, San Cristobal de Las Casas, Arriaga, Huitiupán, San Fernando, Chiapilla, Wonder Tenejapa and Tuzantan.


The office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights told the Chiapas State Congress of its wider appreciation for the adoption of the draft decree proposed constitutional status to the concept of Human Rights, which was recently turned over by the Congress to state legislatures.

was the deputy Juan Jesus Aquino Calvo, chairman of the board of the Local Legislature LXIV, whom Valencia Javier Hernández, representative in Mexico of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, Navi Pillay, reported congratulations from the office to the local Chamber of Chiapas on its decision in favor of the proposed constitutional amendment to strengthen the consecration of the obligations of the authorities, the expansion of the grounds of non- enumeration of human rights at the center of education, the prison system and foreign policy.


Only one area near the rink, where is a multipurpose classroom Tuchtlán park will be used for the new sewage treatment plant, but usually preserve the biodiversity of the place and simply explained the mayor of Tuxtla Gutierrez, Yassir Vazquez Hernandez.

was consulted after the State submitted to Congress on Plan 2011-2012 Municipal Development, said that until now has not been shot down any tree in the park, including being counted for conservation.

said he is in the final design process to pinpoint where it would occupy the space, but the condition is not in the least affect environmental conditions. And so-so.


In my countryman Javier Yau Dorri, asked me to come into the news-page SDP which also publishes sometimes textual harassment of journalist Federico Arreola for check the comments of the participants, certainly not using his first name.

it was interesting, I enjoyed the exercise, Yau wanted to debate, personally I prefer the talk, because some comments are very offensive, aggressive, violent and even insulting, I think to reach that end is to return to the time of stones and sticks. Radicalism did not lead anywhere.

Even in this country, we can disagree without coming to blows and minds as usual PT federal deputy, Fernandez Noronha. So be it.

At your service:, Facebook: paco.andrade1; Twitter: @ pakoandrade; blog:

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Nefatlí Pérez Flores, alleged ties to the "Los Zetas" who finance their political activities
. Sergio
Stahl says a popular saying: "Birds of a feather, flock together." And that's exactly what happens in the case of nefarious former Governor Pablo Salazar and the self-styled "leader" of the state Labour Party in Chiapas, Nefatlí Flores Pérez, who is "birds of a hill", they howl like in these times of accelerated and premature election fever in Chiapas.

And it turns out that Pablo Salazar is determined to make a nomination for the Senate in 2012, to obtain legal immunity protection to keep it safe from criminal prosecution in the next State Government.

Knowing the aftershocks that usually gives the power in Chiapas, Pablo Salazar seeks to extend for six more years of impunity that has enjoyed over the last five years because beyond that records pabliato corruption have remained on the figure of Soyal thief as a Sword of Damocles, the reality is it never have been dropped on his dirty neck.

In that vein, since the electoral political jumble no estate Chiapas Pablo Salazar allows glimpse from now where and with whom to chew the iguana in the state elections of 2102, the wily character has decided to put their beards to soak in advance, and the best vaccine against future prosecutions is a nomination for Senate.

And it is at that point that cross the paths of Pablo Salazar and Neftali Perez Flores, today once political allies who share a profile of larcenies and robberies that makes them join the same company called total impunity.

So, have joined the evils of an unfaithful former Governor of politics, phony democracy and accomplished thief of public funds, with the offensive line of a "leader" of Labour Party state that passing through public office has left a trail of allegations of corruption and thievery.

For the many and varied public accusations against Pablo Salazar, would require a full page of Diario de Chiapas best to list and analyze them, and as I have that space available to do so, I appeal to the memory of my three or four faithful readers of Public Affairs and rescued only fact that the evil soyalense thousands of victims accused him of stealing Stan federal and state funds for the reconstruction of areas damaged by that hurricane.

In fact, the victims of Stan spent years struggling because Pablo Salazar was criminally prosecuted and prosecuted for stealing money from rebuilding on the Coast of Chiapas, and are themselves the primary social obstacle that stands in the path towards the dream soyalense Senator of the Republic in 2102.

However, in the case of suspicious "leader" of the PT state, Nefatalí Pérez Flores, should be stressed that the current local MP says PT is having committed embezzlement and racketeering and embezzlement when he served as executive Child Development Centers within the structure of the state Education Department.

unofficial versions circulating in areas palace, that office indicate that the current local deputy for the PT took the nails and was revealed as a consummate rascal who, following the example of his now "friend and political ally of Pablo Salazar during the governorship of the state stole to the last weight of the fat purse and did business under his post.

regard, we must remember that before getting rich illegally in office in the State Education Department, Neptalí Pérez Flores, had a modest standard of living that corresponds to the teaching profession, but once I managed to paste mouth to the breast budget to positions in public administration at the Ministry of Education and the union leadership in the state of the SNTE, the now Deputy local began to stand out with their air of nouveau riche.

cliques As discussed in court, while also "leader" of the PT government has reserved some "surprises" criminal, arising from investigations that have been made about his misdeeds in the Child Development Centers, the which have led to the integration of criminal records are only awaiting the green light above to give them formal course in the PGJE.

Moreover, federal law enforcement sources have leaked information about the alleged links of PT Pérez Flores with the most bloody and brutal of all drug gangs Mexico, "Los Zetas, an organization that maintains a presence in Chiapas and is vying for control of the square with the Gulf Cartel and Sinaloa.

Apparently, Neftali Perez Flores received money from "Los Zetas" to finance his political activity and sustain their way of life of the new rich, in exchange for giving political cover to the local leaders of this criminal gang.
So, no doubt Pablo Salazar has chosen wisely to a "wolf of the same hill" for it in your project acuerpe be at the expense of millions of dollars that are, in the coveted passport impunity for six years Senator is a crook for Soyal. Anyway.

And until Monday. THANKS.

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* Squadron "Bowling Game"
* EZ supports the National March for Justice and Against Impunity
* urge mayors to meet with the public account
. Leonel Lopez

do not know if it is a new modality tuxtleco municipal council, but could be anything like as well as the initiative Yassir Mayor Vazquez known as the "hunting potholes," operating in the municipal administration, "we all know its purpose, which now operates alongside the squadron" bowling game "composed of municipal and state police, who on board new modern and shielded patrols, similar to those used by the Federal Preventive Police, Roads Section, who daily face the task of surprise to all those who worship the "God Bacchus" leaving Botanero centers, restaurants, clubs and all those places where alcoholic beverages are sold.

Indeed, members of those squads "Bowling game," are very reasonable, they are irrelevant as others that require large amounts of money to let them go, they do not quite diplomacy to convince drivers that ethyl breath "Mocha" to call the opposite Public Prosecutor to lift the record to go straight to stop "fresh pot."

Its work is very simple and easy, wait until nightfall to that complicity to hide and not be seen by their victims that come in an "ass" in their vehicles Botanero centers, nightclubs or restaurants anywhere in the city, follow and wait for the moment suitable for release to the hunt.

Although not go completely intoxicated, troopers reach their victims light up the turret and the next speaker asked their customers to stop and start negotiations from there.

This happened to us last Wednesday to a group of companions, much as we wanted to believe that we were driving badly, they could not, but eventually went over the moon with the 500 pesos imposed on us by our fault.

So now every citizen who likes to go out snacking and drinking alcoholic beverages, waters when they leave, they will surely are on the hunt, well hidden around the squadron "bowling game."

Indeed, last week a group of 70 troopers complained that several of his commanders 'imported' from Monterrey, they require their subordinates to put the "Village" with a quota of 200 a day 500 per shift under not yet have a place within the council.

Urge to investigate who obeys the establishment of the squadron "bowling game", do not go unless you want it later blamed on our mayor, and that in turn put a stop to the abuses of its agents transit.

Since the EZLN support SCLC progress

Subcomandante Marcos, leader of the Zapatista Army of National Liberation (EZLN) again broke the silence in solidarity to call for the March National Justice and Against Impunity, convened on May 5, by the poet Javier Sicilia and civic organizations.

To this effect, the Zapatistas marched in silence in San Cristobal de las Casas, then return to their communities.

Subcomandante Marcos
thus joins the call for justice journalist and poet Javier Sicilia, however it is the sincere desire of the Zapatista supporters marching at his side in the demand for justice for the victims of this war, however, unable to show because they are unable to go now Cuernavaca to Mexico City or, for that reason from Chiapas will march in San Cristobal de las Casas.

According to the communique, the EZLN will march to salute and support the worthy voice that demands justice. For this, the Zapatista contingent will depart in the afternoon, the street from the Indian Center of Integral Training, and march to the cathedral square, where a message read EZLN.

silent march In the Zapatistas, carried banners and posters with messages of how to "Stop the War of Calderon", "No more blood" and "We're up to the mother."

Maximum Zapatista chief calls on members of the Other Campaign in Mexico and the world, groups of groups, organizations, peoples movements and adherents to the movement of the Sixth Declaration of the Lacandon Jungle to that join the just demand of the national march.

The military campaign of Felipe Calderon Hinojosa, said the Chief Zapatista who has made fighting crime in a totalitarian argument for, deliberately widespread fear throughout the country, but now faces the dignified and organized voices of families of victims of that war.

The deadline is April 30 and most mayors have not met

The Chairperson of the Monitoring Committee LXIV Legislature of the State Congress, Arely Madrid Tovilla, called to the 118 mayors of the entity to meet its obligations as is the presentation of public accounts, since this obligation of transparency and accountability can not ignore.

spend a few days remaining at the end of the month and most mayors are making the "virgin speaks", ie the deceased are not to comply with what is required required.

So a few days to the deadline for the mayors of the 118 municipalities of Chiapas submit the public accounts for fiscal year 2010,

Madrid Tovilla said that according to Article 9 of Supreme Audit Law of the State of Chiapas, "the councils submitted to Congress in adjournment The Standing Committee on or before April 30 next year the Public Accounts for the previous year. "

worth mentioning that few mayors who have fulfilled their obligations, they include: Ostuacan, Altamirano, Mazatán, Villaflores, San Cristobal de Las Casas, Arriaga, Huitiupán, San Fernando, Chiapilla, Wonder Tenejapa and Tuzantan.

Of Plenty

coordinator in Chiapas, the National Regeneration Movement (Morena), Lorenzo Pio López Obrador reiterated that this organization not have any dealings with Pablo Salazar "because it is a character rejected by different sectors of society in Chiapas." But is not the same as to declare Pius Lopez negotiations make the dome of the PT with Pablo Salazar, who knows the amounts paid millions to get the senate and thus acquire impunity ... ... ... ... In celebration of the Children of Chiapas, President of DIF Chiapas, Isabel Aguilera de Sabines went to the children of the towns of Independence and Teopisca and urged all adults to respect and guarantee the rights of future generation. To congratulate them and give them toys Child's Day, wife of Governor Sabines said that one of the main commitments of her husband the governor, Juan Sabines Guerrero, is "to achieve 100 percent of children living in state schools are studying." All the children were asked to "Put the heart of Chiapas and met as students, be good children and good citizens, because we work for you putting one's heart" ... ... ... ... .. Yassir Seth Vázquez Hernández, mayor of the capital said the Municipal Development Plan is the letter his government's commitment to citizenship and aims to contribute to human development tuxtlecas and tuxtlecos. As seen above, on the morning of yesterday was received by the State Congress was to go to deliver the Municipal Development Plan 2011-2012. The mayor and council members were received by the Chairman of the Board, Juan Jesus Aquino Calvo, the deputies of Tuxtla Gutierrez, María del Rosario de Fatima Pariente Gavito, the PRD and Claudia Orantes Palomares, PAN, among others ... ... ... .... The Autonomous University of Chiapas is a socially responsible institution and as such has the task of returning the intercultural reality in our classrooms and living spaces, said Jaime Valls Esponda rector inaugurated the work of University Colloquium "Intercultural Talk" and the Second Meeting of Indian Students. In the event, held Thursday at the Central Library "Carlos Espinosa Maciel," he said, "Since the government of Juan Sabines Guerrero was driving a number of actions to strengthen the social conditions of indigenous groups in our organization, ranging from the legislative to the construction of large rural towns, allowing them to aspire to a better life in a healthy environment of peace and development "... ... ... ... That's it for today, until next Monday God first.
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Jaque with Lady

Child Rights ** **
* My two great loves: Yomara and Emmanuel *

Irma Ramirez Molina
Looms Children's Day and as is tradition different activities to brighten the lives of toddlers, especially those in difficult situations.

Mrs. Isabel Aguilera de Sabines is celebrating a very active children, but especially campaigning to respect the rights of these and find ways to make a better life.

So the whole week has been spent celebrating the minors and the number 30 will be with the children of Pichucalco, where no doubt also reiterate the call to help infants and increasingly less those suffering from malnutrition, violence, deprivation or being sexually exploited, by the way crime is fought in the state hard.

Isabel Aguilera is a woman who has demonstrated his concern for children, as a mother who is aware of the needs of these and has been striving to find programs to help them.

Under the Children's Day, always with her children, has given toys to minors, not to mention that the objective of the government headed by her husband, Juan Sabines, is to achieve 100 percent of children in Chiapas are in school studying.

Well they say that children are the future of Chiapas, but it is clear that they must be prepared to deal with all problems presented to them.

why are encouraged to be good students and combat illiteracy that way too, because if a child does not learn to read and write in the future will be an adult illiterate.

So we all must do our part to make a youth prepared and above all values, to avoid later submissive women or men who batter, it all starts in the child's education.

So seizing the opportunity, many congratulations to all children.

productive reconversion

have always said that Chiapas is a blessed land where everything is grown produce, many times will just need people to do, because the supports are at hand, and indeed many have entered the conversion production, leaving the traditional planting corn to diversification, as the case taken, which is produced and has income of 400 tons per year.

Even now there is a Tomato Greenhouse Park, a project that has proven successful conversion in Amatenango del Valle, which is already happening this respect between man and land.

Conafor has been producing 300 000 plants for reforestation.

Upon conversion, there is now not only tomatoes, but also there is a whole chain to be able to market and do not fall prey to "coyotes" who did so much damage, as were those who stayed with the entire gain .


Religious tolerance is gaining ground in Chiapas, before it was not unusual to know clashes between families of different religions, with several deaths, since it is triggered a series of revenge.

can now live in a civilized way in many parts of Chiapas. In the capital was an act of tolerance wing freedom of belief and faith of the people, which also grateful for the peace and tranquility prevailing in the state. All this at the foot of Christ Copoya at the top of the hill Mactumaczá, which is 62 meters
Arely Madrid lawmaker has asked the mayors met with the public accounts for fiscal 2010, because they have a deadline of April 30
Tuxtla Gutierrez is the first municipality to submit to Congress from the State Municipal Development Plan, through by Mayor Seth Yassir Vázquez Hernández, who llvó Members
Tuxtla Chico Producers are planting the Yaka, considered the bread tree, expect to have good results, as has happened in other parts of the country .***

Ms. Irma Ramirez Molina
Jaque column with Lady
Cel 961 66 0462 1 (Telcel)
best friends are those that remain when all is gone. Lucky

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CONTENTS. . . Semaphore

Amadeo Espinosa, another fake ... the accomplices of the Nazarene ...
. Portela Ruperto Alvarado.
not less than three weeks ago that opened fire on former Governor Pablo Salazar and one of many nominees, Senator of the Republic Fernando Rubén Velázquez López involving the costume party in the electoral complicity and the claim both to access or remain in the electoral tit.

is sensed that this mess is tucked into the hand of the national leadership of the PT, but also explicitly of the "manager" of the franchise in Chiapas, Amadeo Ramos Espinosa who presumably is serving as a bridge to that "infernal couple" to meet its target and he pays all the blessings received during the term of "His Majesty Soyal" .

Espinosa Ramos, a dock master who later earned his place in the Federal High School "Joaquín Miguel Gutiérrez" in Tuxtla Gutiérrez and that negotiations with Mrs Mephistophelian Elba Esther Gordillo Morales, managed to be head of the Section VII SNTE and from then on never to return to the chair and classrooms. Would to see how many are gaining on the payroll of the SEP as the congress.

But, oh coincidence!, The "democratic teacher" by magic arts amounts to a multi-member local council for the Labour Party and is anointed by the evil hand of the then Governor Pablo Salazar, Chairman Policy Coordination LXI Legislature of the Congress of Chiapas where the party was only 5% representation in the Legislature.

And I say that is one of the many injustices and complicity that has to pay Amadeo Espinosa her "lord and master" Salazar because well owe the county council and the chair of the JCP Local Congress, we must strengthen it with so much money they lavished on "Nazarene" to the party and "compact group" for six years.

The PT federal deputy who now regentea Labour Party in Chiapas - as The Cuija Manuel Velasco-PVEM Coello is partly responsible for the many outrages that is charged because it overlapped the former Governor and enjoyed the madness starts When Paul harassed teachers of Section VII and the education sector including the authorities of the Autonomous University of Chiapas (UNACH) and the University of Science and Arts of Chiapas (UNICACH).

But it should be noted only as an accomplice and Amadeo Espinosa Pablo Salazar figurehead, but also their chorus leaders of the PT to form the "compact group" as Hector Hugo Roblero Gordillo, former local MP, former leader of party and current ruler of the City of Tuxtla Gutierrez, Neftali Flores Perez, state coordinator for the party, Arturo Velasco Martinez, who has enjoyed the letters being the first local MP, then director of the Institute of Social Security Workers State Government (ISSTECH) and general director of the College of Bachelors, among others.

They are behind Pablo Salazar paying the "invoices", so in Tapachula, Neftali Flores would not "speak ill" or refer to his boss, former Governor of Chiapas. Everyone, including local representatives, Enoch Hernandez Cruz, Carlos Mario Estrada Urbina and even Margot de los Santos Lara are part of this nefarious "organization" Pablo Salazar wants to put back into circulation.

But whoever leads the way in this dirty project is Amadeo Ramos Espinosa who in his lifetime in village politics has not been characterized precisely for his honesty, transparency and democracy in their political acts. Apart from being another figurehead more the "Nazarene" is a phony opportunist ...


Perhaps the merits of good government or to achieve in an administration should not be recognized because Somehow it is the duty of the authorities conducted with efficiency, effectiveness, honesty, transparency, leading to the development of the governed. But it always stimulates and invigorates the mind to work, receive a prize.

I make this reflection about that yesterday at noon, the State Congress through the Chairman of the Board, Deputy Juan Jesus Aquino Calvo, was recognized by the High Commissioner of the United Nations Organization (UN) "to continue to promote a legislative agenda for human rights." Also for the approval of the draft decree proposed constitutional status to the concept of Human Rights which was turned over by the Congress to the Legislatures.

Valencia Javier Hernández, representative in Mexico of the High Commissioner Navi Pillay United Nations, was a conduit for the congratulations and appreciation to the Members through the Chairman of the Legislature LXIV, Juan Jesus Aquino Calvo MP "by su decisión favorable a la modificación del marco constitucional para fortalecer la consagración de las obligaciones de las autoridades en la ampliación de las causales de NO discriminación, la enumeración de los Derechos Humanos en el eje de la educación, el sistema penitenciario y la política exterior del país”.

Digo, reitero, que el reconocimiento se vale siempre y más de quien viene para seguir estimulando el trabajo diario, franco, honesto, transparente y sin desviaciones a favor de todos los mexicanos y en este caso particular de los chiapanecos. Se vale, vale…


The issue of re-election of federal deputies up to two periods and the Senators for a while is going to be an aberration as the multi-member representatives and senators and senators of the first minority. I think that does not solve anything because, by itself, in Mexico a large majority of politicians have been characterized as a "jumping" ranging from one camera to another and from one party to another. Examples are many, but for better signs, Porfirio Munoz Ledo was the PRI to the PRD, walked through the Authentic Party of the Mexican Revolution (PARM) which tried to be governor of Guanajuato and now represents "dignity" colors where campaigning Labour Party too, with his gift of the "Holy Trinity", Andrés Manuel López Obrador, who identifies himself with orange Convergence ... What can not be allowed re-election because they are further pervert electoral political activity, because if we realize that we are not fools-for-nothing citizens and our votes do not decide who is going to be our President, Senator, U.S. Representative, local, Governor, Mayor or a simple alderman. Those who decide to just two: money and who wields power in turn. If not true, miéntenle mother to front ... When talking Jaime Valls Esponda acting mayor of Tuxtla Gutierrez, recognized the need to increase the number of years to the administration of local councils and we agreed that could be four, although there are pronounced because they are six, but never re-election because money and sponsors, will return to despotism. Or as my countrywoman Dolores Roa referring to the initiative of the governor of Veracruz, Javier Duarte Ochoa for increasing the period of management of the municipalities of Veracruz to four years: "if in three millionaires are made in four will not leave anything ". I totally agree, but worth a re-election four years ... I remember in my village, Alvarado, Veracruz, there was a character that was three times Mayor: Don Ramon "Mon" Hernández and one that was twice the PRI, my math teacher in high school, José Luis Zamudio Alavez who in his third intention bearer for the PRD lost the election. Finally, after all this rant, the Political Reform fails to convince me ... / / For the second time the President of the Political Coordination Board and the Supervisory Committee of the Legislature LXIV Chiapas, Arely Madrid Tovilla has urged Former Mayor to submit the "Public Account" to comply with the obligation accountability and transparency as the mandate on Article 9 of the Supreme Audit Law of the State of Chiapas. The deadline is April 30 which is due tomorrow. He said the deputy chairman of the JCP and how the Monitoring Committee have been presented and those who do not. Until a fortnight ago had made only 28 and others, and were sentenced to who will have trouble with the law ... / / Today was published on the internet and the "Universal" a photo of Alejandro Alcocer PAN senator who, while was conducted the session which lasted 9 hours to pass political reform, he enjoyed watching the film in its iPad "For my guns "starring Mario Moreno" Cantinflas ", demonstrating once again that these" jijosdesu "the country they had better mothers. That reminds me of an alderman of the City of Tuxtla Gutierrez also was surprised and photographed playing with his Black Berry while carrying out the council session. Pure coincidence ... / / "do not give you more rope to the cat, because in itself is abusive "...// the rope is over ... AND YOU ALL ...

For comments, complaints and curses: @ rupertoportela

Cell: 961 18 August 1999 45.

How Much Will It Cost To Get My Rims Dipped

Reflection on the Day of the Child By Christopher Ramos Solórzano

More than a Children's Day celebration should be cause for reflection on what the future holds. Children are the future and can not be selfish, thinking only of our convenience and that of our family. Near future that will make today's infants or become tomorrow's productive youth offenders or further devastate this decadent society.

The future of our nation can not be exclusively building in the treatment given to children at home, you need to implement public policies that provide for the right of minors to the integral development which has been much talk and little has been done.

not worth even that purely political purposes some representatives of the people carrying out this festival in an effort to get supporters for their perverse interests.

is unfortunate that from a ruler who could well be proposed in the chapter scholarship awards, or possibly take a child to give him indispensable to proceed with their studies, the first thing they do is get communities to give piñatas, toys and treats, leaving aside the real support for infants that today more than ever need a better deal.

We can not celebrate Children's Day when cruise ships are avenues "wiper" lanzafuegos clowns, jugglers and others calling for a coin to take something home. This is where the contrast of a celebration that has been used as political marketing.

is where you have to reflect on this important day, no need to use a celebration to be promoted in politics, because every day also must be the child, because there depends their training and their future.

political and advertising use some public actors have made the subject of children does not reflect an appropriate investment in infrastructure and funding to support and complement the actions undertaken by non-governmental organizations who have been awarded responsibility to serve the population that already lives and works in the street.

So often public authorities, especially the local level, perform actions that violate their rights and placed in a position of greater vulnerability.

In almost all these "acts" where paternal instinct and sensitivity of these leaders seem to wake up and suddenly burst but so fleeting, that vanish long before people are removed from the entertainment, often have different levels of call, and the "quality" of the organization depends of "niches" where they get money. Nobody, however naive and innocent, can address and resolve such expenditures think of "their own pockets."

This type of "leaders" are always setting for public or media to be present and even more so when they try to resolve internal party or election dates approach, which is not bad itself if we take it as a rule the democratic game in which we live. What we must not accept is that this will make "use of the other" and further "use" of the poor. I'm right or wrong, is nonetheless part of a reflection.

Tips Tips ...
The state leader of the CNOP, Oscar Salinas Morga walked Tapachula and as usual came the celebration of Children's Day in this sector, obviously could not miss his role as always looking for the media and threw his Polish roll, over the same ... Other non sings rancheras wrong is the deputy who ordered Samuel Chacón Morales an army of young people to "botear" to raise funds for Children's Day celebration, that's up to the elbow, or political say poor, poor political and Samuel has been suspended from one or another program to do as you are working . The chairman of the Committee on Health, is only interested in carrying medical teams to communities but in an effort leading, not interested in other regions of the state, nor the situation in regional hospitals where there are serious deficiencies in medical services, good but that's topic for another day ... We read in the next mail DM cel.

Scorpio Guy Stopped Talking To Me

CPFP and SECAM sweep alter opinion, Suchiate. Exal
Baltazar Juan Avila

Verde. Finally, on Wednesday April 20 farmers in the municipality of Suchiate received the opinion of the scan performed in January.

Amarillo. As almost a year reminded of the promise made by Jose Angel del Valle Molina, Field Secretary of State of Chiapas, in the traditional breakfast with farmers in the region that took place in well-known restaurant located in the northeast of Tapachula, in the which promised to make sweep, without charge, in each of the six ranches border municipalities declared unconstitutional, as buffer zone.

Six months after the promise made in the month of August 2010 began the season sweep by the municipalities of Union Juarez, Cacahoatan and Tuxtla Chico. Suspended for the holidays and continuing in January this year with Metapa, Frontera Hidalgo and Suchiate.

Farmers had reasonable grounds for believing to be affected by animal husbandry veterinarians (DVM) responsible for carrying out laboratory tests, and that could alter the results of the same positive declaring several cattle ranches, threats made by Leonel Medina, which would continue the marginalization and racism that have been subjected for more than 7 years. However, the damage is greater.

Apparently social media managers of state government in Tapachula, not only send their news and the beauty in the synthesis, so the governor of the state is not aware of the actual way is the Soconusco field.

Rojo. Suchiate ranchers were invited to the municipal office of the municipality to the delivery of the opinions of CFPP and SECAM. Great was his surprise open the envelope that was the opinion and found that most came with errors: the form of iron, changed names or surnames or written in other letters, also the names of the ranches were altered and, of course, some animals tested positive.

Farmers asked the Director of Agricultural Development, Ruben Martinez Hernandez of that of the disturbance, arguing that it is not his fault, that opinions were received through the medical Rogelio Lopez and that once you he mentioned that they were not all that it took almost half. Committing, the doctor Rogelio, deliver to the missing as soon as possible. But I have tried to locate and does not answer telephone calls, in person at the ranches was supposed to be ... lies!

A requirements of these farmers, the City Council took the decision to give the first 89 who were in possession, obtaining the above results.

Research in the other five municipalities were found also had the same problem, adding the number of more than 400 farmers affected!

is for this reason that threaten livestock Suchiate invade the central park and the town hall with cattle, if a week does not give them the famous dictum, travel to the state capital to demand the governor of his intervention and the City to Felipe Calderón, to order an investigation and punish those officials the Committee on the Promotion and Protection of the State of Chiapas Livestock (CFPP), Secretary of the Country, SAGARPA, addresses and SEPESCA who have aggravated the economy and family heritage of farmers and producers in Chiapas.

Officials of these agencies do not care the suffering of the people of Chiapas agricultural field except the Soconusco.

Jose Angel del Valle Molina, SECAM secretary has announced a series supports and financial resources than ever before landing with the real producers, for example, in several coastal municipalities signing the agreement with the municipalities of a package consisting of: maize seed, organic fertilizer or timber, a cost of 800 pesos, absorbing 50 percent municipalities and 50 percent SECAM.

Without farmers have lost the opportunity to participate in programs such as PROGAN, animal nutrition, bulls and cows among others, which is necessary to have the opinion of Brucellosis and Tuberculosis.

But not only This requires the opinion, also for the renewal of the credential and re-registration.

Who or millionaires who manage resources for rural Chiapas?

Does being saved millions of dollars to political campaigns of 2012?

sexenios How many are these officials within the public administration?

With the answers to these questions, do you think we know who are the rats?

Complaints and comments October 1980 Cel 962 934.

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Good Household Masterbation


As with the news here may be that thanks to this has been dug deep tomb Sony Computer Entretenainment. By itself

Sony has lost many preferences. Ms Games CEO, Aaron Greenberg (probably exaggerating) said that although PS3 sales will double and the Xbox were held constant from now, the PS3 would not get to 360 until 2014. Although this insurance is an overstatement, it is true that after the boom of the Wii, the 360 \u200b\u200bis next in the domain of the market.

addition to these failures of both hardware and service and attention to its users:

  • Fact 2 times to buy the same game if you changed your PSP a PSP Go (Since neither discount you get if you had already UMD
  • The equivalent of the Red Ring of Death PS3 (The yellow light bulb) Which was not supported by Sony's warranty even though the cause was MUSM that the Xbox 360
  • The Bug 8001050F error in the calendar of February and March 2010, which made it impossible to play and resets the calendar to 1/1/2000, making all the saves and updates are considered invalid and potential danger of data loss. It affects the PS3 "Fat" (Not Slim)
  • The slug response to this bug when a user simply change one day ahead schedule. "The bug is just settlement without intervention Manufacturer "
  • The answer before solving the problem "Do not use your PS3"
  • His extreme aggression against people who for one reason or another open or modify the console
  • The fact use your personal data to be bothered at home for this reason
  • The commercial fiasco was the "flagship game" of the PS3, Final Fantasy XIV
  • The beginning of withdrawal of support from third parties, starting long ago with Activision's statements and his claim not to leave the PS3 be profitable.
  • The fact that despite low sales and other factors, have never really tried to lower the price (which has made the Wii so popular)
  • Cancellation Project PlayStation EyeToy Move to change really is a bad copy of the system of the Wiimote (at least Kinect was original and was raffled enough despite its high cost).
  • The cancellation of the project to use Linux on the PS3 due to piracy policy (WTF?)

addition to this, is the most remarkable data disaster of the story so far (could be considered the computer equivalent of the earthquake in Sendai , which just passed a month ago.)

Last week, PSN users may have noticed the disastrous collapse of the service. That to my knowledge has not returned. A few days ago stated that cause of the failure of the PSN was a computer attack (for hackers). Sony said it was likely that personal information has been obtained PSN accounts.

From what I've learned, in some countries as well as name, address and phone, they ask you things like your social security number (In Japan for example) and of course, if you buy games and content and do not you use the preloaded cards ( a la iTunes), surely you've registered your credit card. If this is your case, sit down and grab. Sony

escape the disaster left 75 million data accounts
PSN Here is a history of recent leaks of information:

2004 - Softbank - 4,500,000
2005 - Visa, Mastercard - 40,000,000
2006 - KDDI - 4,000,000 - AOL - 660.000
2009 - ALICO Japan - 130.000
2010 - AT & T 110.000 -
2011 - SONY - 77,000,000 - Messe Sanoh - 1405

U.S. Senator Richard Blumenthal has written a letter to Sony about the reason for the delay of the announcement which explains the disaster. Quote:

I am writing regarding a Recent Data Breach of Sony's PlayStation Network service. I am troubled by the failure of Sony to Immediately notify customers of the Breach Affected and to extend adequate financial data security protections.


A breach of such a widely used service immediately raises concerns of data privacy, identity theft, and other misuse of sensitive personal and financial data, such as names, email addresses, and credit and debit card information.


I am concerned that PlayStation Network users’ personal and financial information may have been inappropriately accessed by a third party.

Compounding this concern is the troubling lack of notification from Sony about the nature of the data breach.

Although the breach occurred nearly a week ago, Sony has not notified customers of the intrusion, or provided information that is vital to allowing individuals to protect themselves from identity theft, such as informing users whether their personal or financial information may have been compromised. Nor has Sony specified how it intends to protect these consumers.

Sony’s handling of the breach may well have violated data protection laws in any number of countries, to say nothing of the lawsuits Sony can now expect, so this may be the tip of the iceberg – little wonder Sony stocks took a modest tumble after the announcement.

Y pensar que la PSN pretendía ser el eje principal around all Sony products such as digital cameras, camcorders, TVs Inteligentes, the NGP (O PSP2), the PS3, BRD Players, Boomboxes and stereo, including stereo, Walkman and Sony Ericsson phones with Android (like the Xperia .) With this I think the plan that looked pretty ambitious went to hell.

a hard hit is really hard to see the company release. I do not think Dash or stop making TVs and home theater Led. But what are video games so ... The truth since Ken Kutaragi ran as CEO of SCE (Although the "official" history is retiring, but rather actually forced to retire due to loose launch of the PS3) Who was responsible for bringing all PlayStatons. A SCE has gone very wrong.

Only time will tell what will happen.

Friday, April 15, 2011

Bumps In The Body Of Infant

colotlenses Suspect influenza A H1N1 in the northern

29 suspected cases of influenza A H1N1 have occurred in the northern region so far this year. 22 cases were reported in January, five in February and two in March.

In 2011 the numbers have declined since the first quarter of 2010 there were 144 cases, " There is a very significant decrease in the reporting of suspected cases, but here we continue with surveillance. This week he turned a job where they are asked to units continue surveillance, "said Norma Zavala, head of the Influenza Program in Health Region 1 North.

Due to outbreaks of influenza A H1N1 in Chihuahua, the program manager in the North insists that health units must disclose any suspected case, and recommends that citizens continue with preventive measures to decrease the numbers.

" We must continue with preventive measures because the virus is circulating. Among these preventive measures are: frequent hand washing, using mask, if you have any breathing problems, keep your house clean and airy, allowing entry of the sun, not sharing dishes, cups or spoons, avoid drinking from the same bottle or container, avoid spitting on the ground and if we have a breathing problem and we have some phlegm, it is important to do it in a disposable cloth and wrap it in a plastic bag and throw it away "concluded Standard Zavala.

Text: Becerra Hilda. Image:

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Nyu Dental School Implant Price

high school students participate in Biology Olympiad

Mirna, Margarita, Luis and Fernando, four students in the fourth quarter of the regional preparatory Colotlán, who in the first semester were the highest scores in the field of Chemistry. That was how their teachers identified and selected to participate in the Biology Olympiad at the regional level, in which 23 students from the Northern Zone, the four received the highest scores and are now preparing for participate statewide.

" We were 10 people, 23 participants were touched me more or less like being in fifth place " said Mirna Luna.

" participate in the regional stage 10 and move on to the stage only four Colotlán state are six of the other modules and come from different modules, this time coming from Mezquitic, Huejucar and Villa Guerrero " shared Margarita Murillo.

For the first Olympics at the regional level, the ten students of the preparatory Colotlán began to prepare a month earlier in extra class hours, and subjects were asked in the review were: cell, animal and plant physiology, behavior and biosystematics. And to participate in the next Olympics will be the May 6 youth and began preparing for a little over a week.

Text: Becerra Hilda.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

How Long Will Anchovies Once Opened

statewide monitoring continues in the schools to verify compliance with the National Agreement for the Health Food

To monitor the functioning of the National Agreement for the Health Food, some educational institutions of region were visited by the Secretariats of Health and Education.

The National Agreement on Health Food is the strategy since late last year has been applied in basic education schools.

Agustín Soto Quiroz, head of the Department of Regional Operation Programme for the Support of Education in the Regional Delegation of Education Services (DRSE) commented on the visits:

" survey was a way to see how much the school and the service provider itself knew of this agreement. Care centers and services commonly called cooperative stores were already in guidelines. "

Schools Colotlan, Villa Guerrero, Totatiche and Santa Maria de los Angeles were the schools selected to verify compliance with the National Agreement for Health Food. The visits came DRSE staff, a nutritionist, a physical activity and responsible social participation of the Secretariats of Education and Health.

Food Health Program provides, in addition to healthy eating, physical activation to be implemented within the campus. It should be mentioned that this activity relates to physical education students are taking, will be an extra workout.

Text: Guadalupe Arceo.

Monday, April 11, 2011

Hemorrhoid Band Ligation

More than 3 000 500 students preregistered for the next cycle school

In the Northern Region, 3 000 555 hopefuls made their pre-register to attend preschool, primary and secondary . Although these figures are apparently low, Manuel Gómez Rico responsible Enrollment System to Basic Education (Sieber) are considered normal, since in the northern region there is no competition and pre-registration is not carried out as in other regions state. Regarding the number of applicants registered in the northern region said:

" preschool to second were 558 applicants for third party candidates are 69 preschool to first grade are 1449 applicants and 1479 applicants seventh grade. This a total of 3555 candidates in the entire northern region . "

In the north, the municipality that increased demand was presented Colotlán, with 110 children enrolled in kindergarten, 299 primary and 342 secondary schools, making a total of 751 applicants. In Santa Maria degli Angeli pre-registered only 164 children, 33 preschool, 62 elementary and 69 for high school.

Text: Guadalupe Arceo.

Friday, April 8, 2011

Juniors Valentines Dresses

The motorcyclist collided with the Mayor of Totatiche are unhappy with the opinion of the authorities

A Luz Elena Cardenas, president of Totatiche in upstate, have not already officially informed Xavier Ortiz drew his responsibility for the accident, which occurred on February 27 on U.S. Highway 23. The mayor says the information known only by the media.

After the opinion of the Institute of Forensic Sciences, Luz Elena Cardenas visited Xavier Ortiz, who expressed his disagreement with the speed and outcome.
"I said that disagree with the result and he wants to go to trial, so I expressed my respect. I told him it was necessary to count on my support and my desire for this to take place and that was what we were. I said 'for me too it is important that clear completely, then if it is your decision, because I respect "said Luz Elena Cardenas.

After the accident the president of Totatiche reported that in the place of the accident, according to the survey conducted by the Federal Highway to the position of the vehicles showed that the motorcyclist for speeding was that he had got out and crashed into a truck from the mayor, and the same rider Xavier Ortiz took his guilt to the officers of Public Security of San Cristobal de la Barranca, on U.S. Highway 23, but now denies that he has been responsible for the accident.

" He at first he shared the police of San Cristobal de la Barranca, but after advice was, of course, and that was that he had to say as he recommended it. To him you're concerned about medical costs, which is what most concerns him and what he seeks is to see if they can be ring liability could derive some benefit from insurance, "he added.

Meanwhile, Luz Elena Cardenas respects the rider's position and agree that the legal process continue.

Text: Becerra Hilda.
Photo: facebook / Francisco Vázquez Mendoza