Friday, April 29, 2011

Best Foundation To Cover Acne - Blog


opossums of the same burrow
AMLO and Paul "fakers? For
. Wall Alejandro

That image of a hero who once had Andrés Manuel López Obrador, AMLO, nationally or in Southeast Mexico, came to creeps in Chiapas, where it is being ridiculed and accused of hypocrisy by population, after his brother Pio López Obrador, arrived a few days ago the city of Tapachula, trying to protect his brother, in the sense of having no agency relationship with him repudiated.

However, the blunder, which probably still mourning is taking off the muzzle, the state leader of the Labour Party Neftali Flores Pérez, who has turned the snack policy and cannon fodder, to grab the microphone to declare to the media, "but" only to defend the former governor Paul Salazar.

Tapachula, was the dramatic scene where Pio began substantial announcement, however, the arrival of this character that almost is the Speaker's ... lit bulbs Peje alert and direct recriminations against the National Regeneration Movement "Morena", the time to know that is a gross deception, to cover the former president, who for several years, has been accused of fraudsters, corrupt, and suspected thief of resources allocated to promote the reconstruction of the 40 municipalities affected by the Past Hurricane Stan in 2005.

As the historical record is clear that the Labor Party (PT), has been a political institution created, strengthened and bought by Pablo Salazar, who has long since promoted the introduction and management of their coreligionists across political positions, such as council areas, municipalities, county councils and consultants in various municipalities.

Precisely that was the idea that Paul had to sell when he decided to sit with Andrés Manuel López Obrador, AMLO, "as meaning that multimember Senator negotiate easily acquired with the NOW! Celebrities 50 million pesos.

this link, added to former Secretary of Government of Paul, say to yourself, Rubén Velázquez López. It, beside his former employer, or ruler, currently appearing on billboards located in Tapachula, where the messages are clear and focused to a repudiation, and requiring COMPLAINT federal authorities to follow up a world of outstanding inquiries had not specified long.

Other institutional arguments, they released the ball of smoke "on the ex-leaders are exonerated of any blame in Chiapas, but certainly the conspiracy between Vicente Fox Quesada and former governor of Chiapas, have tried to verify through a series of arguments, expressions journalistic and social sense, from several municipalities on the Costa, Soconusco, Sierra and the Isthmus.

The worst tragedy, the aftermath of Hurricane Stan, the community leaders are pointing the protesters, many of them once were locked up in jails in Chiapas. All are focused on recrimination and condemnation against sound trucks, which promote the movement of Andrés Manuel López Obrador, AMLO, "to invite the public to go to the next rally in Central Park Pearl Miguel Hidalgo Soconusco.

reactions have been surprising, and never felt there was so much courage against those who are branded as allies of former president Salazar, in this case Andrés Manuel López Obrador, who would blame the sale of this senate, and accepting the amount millionaire, that would be of suspicious origin, but would serve the Peje, to launch himself as a candidate of a probable alliance between the PRD, PT and Convergencia.

is, where it participated in 2006, when it lost between a campaign completely out of control and certainly with a series of atrocities and fraud that ultimately gave the victory to the National Action Party (PAN).

already soured the Public Accounts 2010

sketches In other developers, because a lot of strangeness that Arely Madrid Tovilla, continue urging the corrupt former mayor and rats that have not yet submitted the bill public 2010. Although this procedure has expired last April 15, 2011, which represents establish legal warnings that must be supported by regulations promoted in the Control Body-OSFCE Superior.

is strange and lends itself to misinterpretation, several former mayors, many current government officials, are protected by the cloak of "impunity", despite their efforts, were a great thieves and lazy.

The only former elected officials who already escaped are those represented at least once in your life Ostuacan municipalities, Altamirano, Mazatán, Villa Flores, San Cristobal de Las Casas, Arriaga, Huitiupán, San Fernando, Chiapilla, Wonder Tenejapa and Tuzantan.

Others are of the kick, some with the possibility that they can avoid jail if they violate stepping this process as rigorous, and secondly Arely Madrid and White Pedrero, are slow to send them a Saluditos irresponsible because that by law, they must be held accountable to the people good Chiapas.

From: Dr. Calvo.

Lighter or water, thanks to channel your spine. I mention that the problem of drug trafficking in Mexico if they know how to fight, but the root of this problem is that there is "great race beaked stuck", then it is as "the dog to bite the tail and spins and turns, and then left but did not give a lick to heal the wound.

addition, the problem of execution, are matters that are hidden by other causes, remain unpunished, plus those of a political nature as the issue of Luis Donaldo Colosio Murrieta, in Lomas Taurinas, also that PAN and certainly Sinaloa to see if they are not thrown into tufts. I appreciate you send me your column, reader and I enjoy it. Greetings and Happy Day

Administration San Juan Market

From: Anonymous Source: Lord of the Wall,'ll bring some detail, is focused on the situation prevailing in the Mercado San Juan, and with respect to your administrator "Juan Carlos Robles Flores . I want to comment on this subject during the past administration of Angel Barrios Zea, he served as head of Tax Changes.

This guy was found, using a provisional receipts apocryphal, during an operation called Easter. At that time he was dispatched to a brewery these documents under falsified documents.

request by the News of Chiapas that this subject is investigated by the Internal Municipal for the mayor in turn will realize what kind of people are in some office.

must inform you that at that time was dismissed from his office, together with its partners in the illicit Palomeque Abraham, who served as the Legal Department.

was detected in this administration, where he was awarded the San Juan Market Administration. As we ask the Comptroller to investigate the dark past of this person.

FINALLY ... Follow the filtering of documents from city hall. What is certain, that there is a small group of municipal officials themselves are burned or pissed off by the poor distribution of the spoils ... Others have considered seize this chance to get a few defendants unfairly and dear to get to work ... To see what ends ...

Any dimension


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