Friday, April 29, 2011

Price Of Gold Platted Desert


Nefatlí Pérez Flores, alleged ties to the "Los Zetas" who finance their political activities
. Sergio
Stahl says a popular saying: "Birds of a feather, flock together." And that's exactly what happens in the case of nefarious former Governor Pablo Salazar and the self-styled "leader" of the state Labour Party in Chiapas, Nefatlí Flores Pérez, who is "birds of a hill", they howl like in these times of accelerated and premature election fever in Chiapas.

And it turns out that Pablo Salazar is determined to make a nomination for the Senate in 2012, to obtain legal immunity protection to keep it safe from criminal prosecution in the next State Government.

Knowing the aftershocks that usually gives the power in Chiapas, Pablo Salazar seeks to extend for six more years of impunity that has enjoyed over the last five years because beyond that records pabliato corruption have remained on the figure of Soyal thief as a Sword of Damocles, the reality is it never have been dropped on his dirty neck.

In that vein, since the electoral political jumble no estate Chiapas Pablo Salazar allows glimpse from now where and with whom to chew the iguana in the state elections of 2102, the wily character has decided to put their beards to soak in advance, and the best vaccine against future prosecutions is a nomination for Senate.

And it is at that point that cross the paths of Pablo Salazar and Neftali Perez Flores, today once political allies who share a profile of larcenies and robberies that makes them join the same company called total impunity.

So, have joined the evils of an unfaithful former Governor of politics, phony democracy and accomplished thief of public funds, with the offensive line of a "leader" of Labour Party state that passing through public office has left a trail of allegations of corruption and thievery.

For the many and varied public accusations against Pablo Salazar, would require a full page of Diario de Chiapas best to list and analyze them, and as I have that space available to do so, I appeal to the memory of my three or four faithful readers of Public Affairs and rescued only fact that the evil soyalense thousands of victims accused him of stealing Stan federal and state funds for the reconstruction of areas damaged by that hurricane.

In fact, the victims of Stan spent years struggling because Pablo Salazar was criminally prosecuted and prosecuted for stealing money from rebuilding on the Coast of Chiapas, and are themselves the primary social obstacle that stands in the path towards the dream soyalense Senator of the Republic in 2102.

However, in the case of suspicious "leader" of the PT state, Nefatalí Pérez Flores, should be stressed that the current local MP says PT is having committed embezzlement and racketeering and embezzlement when he served as executive Child Development Centers within the structure of the state Education Department.

unofficial versions circulating in areas palace, that office indicate that the current local deputy for the PT took the nails and was revealed as a consummate rascal who, following the example of his now "friend and political ally of Pablo Salazar during the governorship of the state stole to the last weight of the fat purse and did business under his post.

regard, we must remember that before getting rich illegally in office in the State Education Department, Neptalí Pérez Flores, had a modest standard of living that corresponds to the teaching profession, but once I managed to paste mouth to the breast budget to positions in public administration at the Ministry of Education and the union leadership in the state of the SNTE, the now Deputy local began to stand out with their air of nouveau riche.

cliques As discussed in court, while also "leader" of the PT government has reserved some "surprises" criminal, arising from investigations that have been made about his misdeeds in the Child Development Centers, the which have led to the integration of criminal records are only awaiting the green light above to give them formal course in the PGJE.

Moreover, federal law enforcement sources have leaked information about the alleged links of PT Pérez Flores with the most bloody and brutal of all drug gangs Mexico, "Los Zetas, an organization that maintains a presence in Chiapas and is vying for control of the square with the Gulf Cartel and Sinaloa.

Apparently, Neftali Perez Flores received money from "Los Zetas" to finance his political activity and sustain their way of life of the new rich, in exchange for giving political cover to the local leaders of this criminal gang.
So, no doubt Pablo Salazar has chosen wisely to a "wolf of the same hill" for it in your project acuerpe be at the expense of millions of dollars that are, in the coveted passport impunity for six years Senator is a crook for Soyal. Anyway.

And until Monday. THANKS.


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