Thursday, April 7, 2011

Dead By Dawn Shannon Tweed

Present CUNorte page language translation

Give identity to North University Center building located in an area surrounded by the culture wixarika, Cora, Tepehuano, Mexicaneros, and provide information thereof to CUNorte wixarika language speakers to learn about the careers that are offered here and the requirements they must meet to enter, are the objectives of the translation of the website of the University Center wixarika the language, he explained, Gabriel Salvador Pacheco, director of the Division of Culture and Society CUNorte.

For its part, the rector of the University Center, José Alberto Becerra, spoke about the process of translating the page wixárika, since students usually do not write Wixaritari in your language.

" The technologies that we know much of how to stand, we were learning and also did not know we were learning wixárika wixarika, as well as students from the communities who did not know grammar Wixaritari were in a learning process. As highlighted in the UNESCO, has two categories to measure the health of a language: one is the number of speakers, one has to do with the presence of the language on the Internet, and in the presence of the language on the Internet is considered the language as a language endangered by his presence that has . "

Open Office package is also being translated, this is equivalent to Word, Excel and Power Point but free version. With this, students can not only consult Wixaritari information on wixarika CUNorte but may write in their language. The idea is to encourage students to use, produce and exchange information wixarika, in addition to Internet to spread their culture through the same page of the University Center (

Text: Becerra Hilda.
Image: WEBMASTER / Radio Colotlán UDG.


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