Friday, April 29, 2011

What Is The Commercial That Has The Sweaters

Jaque with Lady

Child Rights ** **
* My two great loves: Yomara and Emmanuel *

Irma Ramirez Molina
Looms Children's Day and as is tradition different activities to brighten the lives of toddlers, especially those in difficult situations.

Mrs. Isabel Aguilera de Sabines is celebrating a very active children, but especially campaigning to respect the rights of these and find ways to make a better life.

So the whole week has been spent celebrating the minors and the number 30 will be with the children of Pichucalco, where no doubt also reiterate the call to help infants and increasingly less those suffering from malnutrition, violence, deprivation or being sexually exploited, by the way crime is fought in the state hard.

Isabel Aguilera is a woman who has demonstrated his concern for children, as a mother who is aware of the needs of these and has been striving to find programs to help them.

Under the Children's Day, always with her children, has given toys to minors, not to mention that the objective of the government headed by her husband, Juan Sabines, is to achieve 100 percent of children in Chiapas are in school studying.

Well they say that children are the future of Chiapas, but it is clear that they must be prepared to deal with all problems presented to them.

why are encouraged to be good students and combat illiteracy that way too, because if a child does not learn to read and write in the future will be an adult illiterate.

So we all must do our part to make a youth prepared and above all values, to avoid later submissive women or men who batter, it all starts in the child's education.

So seizing the opportunity, many congratulations to all children.

productive reconversion

have always said that Chiapas is a blessed land where everything is grown produce, many times will just need people to do, because the supports are at hand, and indeed many have entered the conversion production, leaving the traditional planting corn to diversification, as the case taken, which is produced and has income of 400 tons per year.

Even now there is a Tomato Greenhouse Park, a project that has proven successful conversion in Amatenango del Valle, which is already happening this respect between man and land.

Conafor has been producing 300 000 plants for reforestation.

Upon conversion, there is now not only tomatoes, but also there is a whole chain to be able to market and do not fall prey to "coyotes" who did so much damage, as were those who stayed with the entire gain .


Religious tolerance is gaining ground in Chiapas, before it was not unusual to know clashes between families of different religions, with several deaths, since it is triggered a series of revenge.

can now live in a civilized way in many parts of Chiapas. In the capital was an act of tolerance wing freedom of belief and faith of the people, which also grateful for the peace and tranquility prevailing in the state. All this at the foot of Christ Copoya at the top of the hill Mactumaczá, which is 62 meters
Arely Madrid lawmaker has asked the mayors met with the public accounts for fiscal 2010, because they have a deadline of April 30
Tuxtla Gutierrez is the first municipality to submit to Congress from the State Municipal Development Plan, through by Mayor Seth Yassir Vázquez Hernández, who llvó Members
Tuxtla Chico Producers are planting the Yaka, considered the bread tree, expect to have good results, as has happened in other parts of the country .***

Ms. Irma Ramirez Molina
Jaque column with Lady
Cel 961 66 0462 1 (Telcel)
best friends are those that remain when all is gone. Lucky


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