Friday, April 15, 2011

Bumps In The Body Of Infant

colotlenses Suspect influenza A H1N1 in the northern

29 suspected cases of influenza A H1N1 have occurred in the northern region so far this year. 22 cases were reported in January, five in February and two in March.

In 2011 the numbers have declined since the first quarter of 2010 there were 144 cases, " There is a very significant decrease in the reporting of suspected cases, but here we continue with surveillance. This week he turned a job where they are asked to units continue surveillance, "said Norma Zavala, head of the Influenza Program in Health Region 1 North.

Due to outbreaks of influenza A H1N1 in Chihuahua, the program manager in the North insists that health units must disclose any suspected case, and recommends that citizens continue with preventive measures to decrease the numbers.

" We must continue with preventive measures because the virus is circulating. Among these preventive measures are: frequent hand washing, using mask, if you have any breathing problems, keep your house clean and airy, allowing entry of the sun, not sharing dishes, cups or spoons, avoid drinking from the same bottle or container, avoid spitting on the ground and if we have a breathing problem and we have some phlegm, it is important to do it in a disposable cloth and wrap it in a plastic bag and throw it away "concluded Standard Zavala.

Text: Becerra Hilda. Image:


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