Friday, April 29, 2011

Scorpio Guy Stopped Talking To Me

CPFP and SECAM sweep alter opinion, Suchiate. Exal
Baltazar Juan Avila

Verde. Finally, on Wednesday April 20 farmers in the municipality of Suchiate received the opinion of the scan performed in January.

Amarillo. As almost a year reminded of the promise made by Jose Angel del Valle Molina, Field Secretary of State of Chiapas, in the traditional breakfast with farmers in the region that took place in well-known restaurant located in the northeast of Tapachula, in the which promised to make sweep, without charge, in each of the six ranches border municipalities declared unconstitutional, as buffer zone.

Six months after the promise made in the month of August 2010 began the season sweep by the municipalities of Union Juarez, Cacahoatan and Tuxtla Chico. Suspended for the holidays and continuing in January this year with Metapa, Frontera Hidalgo and Suchiate.

Farmers had reasonable grounds for believing to be affected by animal husbandry veterinarians (DVM) responsible for carrying out laboratory tests, and that could alter the results of the same positive declaring several cattle ranches, threats made by Leonel Medina, which would continue the marginalization and racism that have been subjected for more than 7 years. However, the damage is greater.

Apparently social media managers of state government in Tapachula, not only send their news and the beauty in the synthesis, so the governor of the state is not aware of the actual way is the Soconusco field.

Rojo. Suchiate ranchers were invited to the municipal office of the municipality to the delivery of the opinions of CFPP and SECAM. Great was his surprise open the envelope that was the opinion and found that most came with errors: the form of iron, changed names or surnames or written in other letters, also the names of the ranches were altered and, of course, some animals tested positive.

Farmers asked the Director of Agricultural Development, Ruben Martinez Hernandez of that of the disturbance, arguing that it is not his fault, that opinions were received through the medical Rogelio Lopez and that once you he mentioned that they were not all that it took almost half. Committing, the doctor Rogelio, deliver to the missing as soon as possible. But I have tried to locate and does not answer telephone calls, in person at the ranches was supposed to be ... lies!

A requirements of these farmers, the City Council took the decision to give the first 89 who were in possession, obtaining the above results.

Research in the other five municipalities were found also had the same problem, adding the number of more than 400 farmers affected!

is for this reason that threaten livestock Suchiate invade the central park and the town hall with cattle, if a week does not give them the famous dictum, travel to the state capital to demand the governor of his intervention and the City to Felipe Calderón, to order an investigation and punish those officials the Committee on the Promotion and Protection of the State of Chiapas Livestock (CFPP), Secretary of the Country, SAGARPA, addresses and SEPESCA who have aggravated the economy and family heritage of farmers and producers in Chiapas.

Officials of these agencies do not care the suffering of the people of Chiapas agricultural field except the Soconusco.

Jose Angel del Valle Molina, SECAM secretary has announced a series supports and financial resources than ever before landing with the real producers, for example, in several coastal municipalities signing the agreement with the municipalities of a package consisting of: maize seed, organic fertilizer or timber, a cost of 800 pesos, absorbing 50 percent municipalities and 50 percent SECAM.

Without farmers have lost the opportunity to participate in programs such as PROGAN, animal nutrition, bulls and cows among others, which is necessary to have the opinion of Brucellosis and Tuberculosis.

But not only This requires the opinion, also for the renewal of the credential and re-registration.

Who or millionaires who manage resources for rural Chiapas?

Does being saved millions of dollars to political campaigns of 2012?

sexenios How many are these officials within the public administration?

With the answers to these questions, do you think we know who are the rats?

Complaints and comments October 1980 Cel 962 934.


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