Friday, April 29, 2011

Morton Tender Cure Salt


THE For Cerecita. Paco Andrade

already appeared sesame of all moles, Marcos announced that he will join the call for the National March for Justice and Against Impunity which has convened on 5 May, the poet and Javier Sicilia civic organizations; and incidentally, committed the alleged Zapatista National Liberation Army.

when Mark was on Thursday in a statement "for a change to the May 7, the Zapatistas marched in silence in San Cristobal de Las Casas, returning later to their communities.

participate long distance, because as the euro eventually sent her European organizations can not move to Cuernavaca or capital.

The march of the EZLN, Marcos explains is "to welcome and support a worthy voice that demands justice, the Zapatista contingent will depart, in the afternoon, the street from the Indian Center of Integral Training, and march to the cathedral square, where the EZLN will read a message. "

In the letter to Javier Sicilia, the Zapatista leader mentioned the 49 children dead and 70 injured in the tragedy of ABC Nursery Hermosillo, Sonora, to the worthy Mother of Ciudad Juarez, families Le Baron and Salazar Reyes, Chihuahua, to the families and friends of the victims of this arrogant war defenders of human rights of nationals and migrants, and all the organizers at the National March for Justice and Against Impunity.

but has not said raised his voice twice affected by Hurricane Stan and Hurricane Mendiguchía Salazar, who swept all pay to rebuild the devastated area. Light on the street is dark and your home.


In the town of Independence Isabel Aguilera Aburto, celebrated the children of Chiapas, President of DIF Chiapas and Sabines governor's wife, also came to children of Teopisca, used to urge the adult population to respect and guarantee the rights of future generation.

noted that one of the main commitments of her husband, is "to achieve 100 percent of children living in state schools are studying."

All infants present called "Putting the heart of Chiapas and met as students, be good children and good citizens, because we work for you putting your heart."

In an intense working tour that began in Teopisca, where the child Juan Carlos Arevalo on behalf of children who attended the Central Park, said "we know of his commitment to children in Chiapas, thanks for the toys given to us today, thanks for remembering and being with us today. "

In Independence, Isabel said that to ensure their educational development have been carried out over nine thousand educational activities, delivered about one million school meals to ensure food nutritional products of the region including actions.

said that in Chiapas are made concrete actions to implement and enforce the rights of children through the programs: "All School", Food Security, CAIC, Safe Motherhood, Prevention and Care Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children, Care and Prevention of Teen Pregnancy, Child Care Law, among others.


The Congress of State received on Thursday from President Yassir Vázquez Hernández capital, the Municipal Development Plan 2011-2012.

Juan Jesus Aquino Calvo, chairman of the board of Legidslatura LXIV, to accept delivery of the documents, praised the enforcement of the City Council with the legal framework and stressed that "with the delivery of the Municipal Development Plan giving effect to Article 62 of the local Constitution and Article 29 of the Planning Act, which is undoubtedly very important, but beyond this exercise reveals that there is a guiding document that guides the work of township officials to meet the demands and needs of the capital, by setting out objectives, priorities and policies that impact positively on the quality of life of society. "

So Hernández Vázquez explained that the Municipal Development Plan is the letter his government's commitment to citizenship and aims to contribute to human development and tuxtlecos tuxtlecas.


days the deadline for submitting Chiapas Mayors Public Accounts Fiscal 2010, the president of the Congressional Oversight Committee on Local Arely Madrid Tovilla, called municipal officials to meet this obligation of transparency and accountability.

PRI lawmaker said that according to Article 9 of the Supreme Audit Law of the State of Chiapas, "presented at the Congress municipalities in its recess, the Standing Committee by 30 April of the year following the Public Accounts for the previous year. "

The parliamentary group also coordinator of the PRI, announced that it achievers within municipalities are: Ostuacan, Altamirano, Mazatán, Villaflores, San Cristobal de Las Casas, Arriaga, Huitiupán, San Fernando, Chiapilla, Wonder Tenejapa and Tuzantan.


The office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights told the Chiapas State Congress of its wider appreciation for the adoption of the draft decree proposed constitutional status to the concept of Human Rights, which was recently turned over by the Congress to state legislatures.

was the deputy Juan Jesus Aquino Calvo, chairman of the board of the Local Legislature LXIV, whom Valencia Javier Hernández, representative in Mexico of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, Navi Pillay, reported congratulations from the office to the local Chamber of Chiapas on its decision in favor of the proposed constitutional amendment to strengthen the consecration of the obligations of the authorities, the expansion of the grounds of non- enumeration of human rights at the center of education, the prison system and foreign policy.


Only one area near the rink, where is a multipurpose classroom Tuchtlán park will be used for the new sewage treatment plant, but usually preserve the biodiversity of the place and simply explained the mayor of Tuxtla Gutierrez, Yassir Vazquez Hernandez.

was consulted after the State submitted to Congress on Plan 2011-2012 Municipal Development, said that until now has not been shot down any tree in the park, including being counted for conservation.

said he is in the final design process to pinpoint where it would occupy the space, but the condition is not in the least affect environmental conditions. And so-so.


In my countryman Javier Yau Dorri, asked me to come into the news-page SDP which also publishes sometimes textual harassment of journalist Federico Arreola for check the comments of the participants, certainly not using his first name.

it was interesting, I enjoyed the exercise, Yau wanted to debate, personally I prefer the talk, because some comments are very offensive, aggressive, violent and even insulting, I think to reach that end is to return to the time of stones and sticks. Radicalism did not lead anywhere.

Even in this country, we can disagree without coming to blows and minds as usual PT federal deputy, Fernandez Noronha. So be it.

At your service:, Facebook: paco.andrade1; Twitter: @ pakoandrade; blog:


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