Thursday, April 28, 2011

Good Household Masterbation


As with the news here may be that thanks to this has been dug deep tomb Sony Computer Entretenainment. By itself

Sony has lost many preferences. Ms Games CEO, Aaron Greenberg (probably exaggerating) said that although PS3 sales will double and the Xbox were held constant from now, the PS3 would not get to 360 until 2014. Although this insurance is an overstatement, it is true that after the boom of the Wii, the 360 \u200b\u200bis next in the domain of the market.

addition to these failures of both hardware and service and attention to its users:

  • Fact 2 times to buy the same game if you changed your PSP a PSP Go (Since neither discount you get if you had already UMD
  • The equivalent of the Red Ring of Death PS3 (The yellow light bulb) Which was not supported by Sony's warranty even though the cause was MUSM that the Xbox 360
  • The Bug 8001050F error in the calendar of February and March 2010, which made it impossible to play and resets the calendar to 1/1/2000, making all the saves and updates are considered invalid and potential danger of data loss. It affects the PS3 "Fat" (Not Slim)
  • The slug response to this bug when a user simply change one day ahead schedule. "The bug is just settlement without intervention Manufacturer "
  • The answer before solving the problem "Do not use your PS3"
  • His extreme aggression against people who for one reason or another open or modify the console
  • The fact use your personal data to be bothered at home for this reason
  • The commercial fiasco was the "flagship game" of the PS3, Final Fantasy XIV
  • The beginning of withdrawal of support from third parties, starting long ago with Activision's statements and his claim not to leave the PS3 be profitable.
  • The fact that despite low sales and other factors, have never really tried to lower the price (which has made the Wii so popular)
  • Cancellation Project PlayStation EyeToy Move to change really is a bad copy of the system of the Wiimote (at least Kinect was original and was raffled enough despite its high cost).
  • The cancellation of the project to use Linux on the PS3 due to piracy policy (WTF?)

addition to this, is the most remarkable data disaster of the story so far (could be considered the computer equivalent of the earthquake in Sendai , which just passed a month ago.)

Last week, PSN users may have noticed the disastrous collapse of the service. That to my knowledge has not returned. A few days ago stated that cause of the failure of the PSN was a computer attack (for hackers). Sony said it was likely that personal information has been obtained PSN accounts.

From what I've learned, in some countries as well as name, address and phone, they ask you things like your social security number (In Japan for example) and of course, if you buy games and content and do not you use the preloaded cards ( a la iTunes), surely you've registered your credit card. If this is your case, sit down and grab. Sony

escape the disaster left 75 million data accounts
PSN Here is a history of recent leaks of information:

2004 - Softbank - 4,500,000
2005 - Visa, Mastercard - 40,000,000
2006 - KDDI - 4,000,000 - AOL - 660.000
2009 - ALICO Japan - 130.000
2010 - AT & T 110.000 -
2011 - SONY - 77,000,000 - Messe Sanoh - 1405

U.S. Senator Richard Blumenthal has written a letter to Sony about the reason for the delay of the announcement which explains the disaster. Quote:

I am writing regarding a Recent Data Breach of Sony's PlayStation Network service. I am troubled by the failure of Sony to Immediately notify customers of the Breach Affected and to extend adequate financial data security protections.


A breach of such a widely used service immediately raises concerns of data privacy, identity theft, and other misuse of sensitive personal and financial data, such as names, email addresses, and credit and debit card information.


I am concerned that PlayStation Network users’ personal and financial information may have been inappropriately accessed by a third party.

Compounding this concern is the troubling lack of notification from Sony about the nature of the data breach.

Although the breach occurred nearly a week ago, Sony has not notified customers of the intrusion, or provided information that is vital to allowing individuals to protect themselves from identity theft, such as informing users whether their personal or financial information may have been compromised. Nor has Sony specified how it intends to protect these consumers.

Sony’s handling of the breach may well have violated data protection laws in any number of countries, to say nothing of the lawsuits Sony can now expect, so this may be the tip of the iceberg – little wonder Sony stocks took a modest tumble after the announcement.

Y pensar que la PSN pretendía ser el eje principal around all Sony products such as digital cameras, camcorders, TVs Inteligentes, the NGP (O PSP2), the PS3, BRD Players, Boomboxes and stereo, including stereo, Walkman and Sony Ericsson phones with Android (like the Xperia .) With this I think the plan that looked pretty ambitious went to hell.

a hard hit is really hard to see the company release. I do not think Dash or stop making TVs and home theater Led. But what are video games so ... The truth since Ken Kutaragi ran as CEO of SCE (Although the "official" history is retiring, but rather actually forced to retire due to loose launch of the PS3) Who was responsible for bringing all PlayStatons. A SCE has gone very wrong.

Only time will tell what will happen.


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