Friday, April 29, 2011

Funny Fake Human Names

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Flores Pérez, raccoons contested
By Carlos Z.
Chain Event
In Tuesday's 26 with a press conference in Tapachula, where he was present the representative of Chiapas National Regeneration Movement (MORENA), Pio López Obrador, announced the itinerary of the visit to Chiapas moral leader this group Andrés Manuel López Obrador, which categorically accepted that there is no link to support a Senator of the former governor Pablo Salazar, by the "brothers López Obrador" and Moreno, the state leader of the Labour Party (PT), Neptune Pérez Flores, not only showed a very bold strategy to protect and preserve the image of his political godfather Pablo Salazar, diverting attention through his art wordy and talkative, but virtually acted as an executor of Salazar's campaign, which the time claimed the victims of Chiapas.

We emphasize Flores Pérez, because his anger and rage to get out of the tangent and the wind acknowledge that there is a dirty war, gives it away, that in fact the Labour Party will be the platform electoral release of Mr. Pablo Salazar, accused by the Mexican Association of Publishers (AME) how the number one enemy of Freedom of Expression in Mexico, and cataloged by a scientific survey of the UNACH student how the former governor of Chiapas, most of the people repudiated its repression against the press, and most accused of committing acts of corruption, where stands the looting of budgets billionaires Stan.

Neftali Flores Pérez, a contested electioneering operator who rose to fame during the administration of pabliato, beyond what is stated in his "personal leaf" with their work spaces as suspect, prove to be an architect of Manichean deception and electioneering, making in a wealthy employee Alberto Anaya, a leader of national PT, which has been the missing link between what the victims of Stan reported in 41 municipalities and commercial Senator Salazar, which is more than anything else, that a ticket impunity for six years, buying an elective office, with money that belongs to a vulnerable group of Chiapas. "That's the real Mexico, Joaquin Lopez Doriga say.

Although the momentous of these events is that they come to say next on May 4 and 5 in Tapachula Tuxtla Gutierrez, the national leader Andrés Manuel López Obrador MORENA, politician for the second time has provided the country a national project, with three very important ingredients, justice, corruption and true democracy, they encounter three ingredients curiously perverse trick of the trade Senator Paul Salazar.

We are within days of learning the truth of AMLO, because his brother Pio López Obrador in Tapachula reluctantly disavowed this alleged "commercial and political compromise," which failed to ask is whether the PT, and Alberto Anaya brothers lead him López Obrador, those who lived in Chiapas Tabasco.

Campaigning Stan spectrum

Just on Tuesday April 26 in the town of Arriaga and Tonala, while carrying the press conference in Tapachula, with the maneuver of the rapture and the courage to Neftali Perez Flores, divert attention in defense of his godfather Paul Abner, were held meetings convened by the controversial former governor, with few characters of regional policy. Salazar begins by explaining that the decision that Juan Sabines, was the candidate of the PRD was not him, but the group of Mutts. He talked about how Aguilar Bodegas, was the candidate of the PRI, the PRD the dogs came and made him National Invitation Sabines.

Salazar, I bring up to Vicente Fox, which he said, had deceived Paul was a traitor because he was supporting the PRD. Later he adds that Fox asked him twice for that as Governor was in favor of Felipe Calderon in his election campaign, which he never did. Commenting on the drug said that Calderon is bitter and you should be this phenomenon that is taking place, and he must have made several records at the time politicians to link with drug traffickers, put them in jail and clear the way for their candidate president, so I think that this election of 2012 will be very complicated, he said.

Paul said in the meetings of the Coast, Calderon ordered a survey of five thousand people in the coastal region of Chiapas and Soconusco, to ask if they were defrauded by the resources of Hurricane Stan and none of the respondents referred against me, said that eloquence that characterizes it.

Salazar also said that AMLO, sent for him to invite him to participate in the National Regeneration Movement (Morena), which he accepted, knowing that this will be the new candidate seeking the Presidency Republic, but conditioned to work in Chiapas. He spoke of the strategy, with leaders of organizations to the idea of \u200b\u200bforming "Circles of Hope", an operation which is to-door electioneering with the support of some mayors with the seal of satrap.

talked about that right now the idea is to shape a political organization to be gaining strength and allow time to deal with other political, seeking what is fitting, and to then identify the candidate who will support. Teacher mentioned that Elba Esther Gordillo Morales is pushing Marcelo Ebrard, but negotiates with anyone, and will impose a national leader Emilio Zebadua as the diaper.

Finally, the marked card is already on the table today will be in San Cristobal de las Casas, now circulates throughout jetta Tuxtla Gutierrez in 2010, only accompanied by a driver, which makes bodyguard and know what else, leaving behind their luxurious pickups denounced the journalist Ameth Samayoa Arce, Diario de Chiapas.


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