Friday, April 29, 2011

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* Squadron "Bowling Game"
* EZ supports the National March for Justice and Against Impunity
* urge mayors to meet with the public account
. Leonel Lopez

do not know if it is a new modality tuxtleco municipal council, but could be anything like as well as the initiative Yassir Mayor Vazquez known as the "hunting potholes," operating in the municipal administration, "we all know its purpose, which now operates alongside the squadron" bowling game "composed of municipal and state police, who on board new modern and shielded patrols, similar to those used by the Federal Preventive Police, Roads Section, who daily face the task of surprise to all those who worship the "God Bacchus" leaving Botanero centers, restaurants, clubs and all those places where alcoholic beverages are sold.

Indeed, members of those squads "Bowling game," are very reasonable, they are irrelevant as others that require large amounts of money to let them go, they do not quite diplomacy to convince drivers that ethyl breath "Mocha" to call the opposite Public Prosecutor to lift the record to go straight to stop "fresh pot."

Its work is very simple and easy, wait until nightfall to that complicity to hide and not be seen by their victims that come in an "ass" in their vehicles Botanero centers, nightclubs or restaurants anywhere in the city, follow and wait for the moment suitable for release to the hunt.

Although not go completely intoxicated, troopers reach their victims light up the turret and the next speaker asked their customers to stop and start negotiations from there.

This happened to us last Wednesday to a group of companions, much as we wanted to believe that we were driving badly, they could not, but eventually went over the moon with the 500 pesos imposed on us by our fault.

So now every citizen who likes to go out snacking and drinking alcoholic beverages, waters when they leave, they will surely are on the hunt, well hidden around the squadron "bowling game."

Indeed, last week a group of 70 troopers complained that several of his commanders 'imported' from Monterrey, they require their subordinates to put the "Village" with a quota of 200 a day 500 per shift under not yet have a place within the council.

Urge to investigate who obeys the establishment of the squadron "bowling game", do not go unless you want it later blamed on our mayor, and that in turn put a stop to the abuses of its agents transit.

Since the EZLN support SCLC progress

Subcomandante Marcos, leader of the Zapatista Army of National Liberation (EZLN) again broke the silence in solidarity to call for the March National Justice and Against Impunity, convened on May 5, by the poet Javier Sicilia and civic organizations.

To this effect, the Zapatistas marched in silence in San Cristobal de las Casas, then return to their communities.

Subcomandante Marcos
thus joins the call for justice journalist and poet Javier Sicilia, however it is the sincere desire of the Zapatista supporters marching at his side in the demand for justice for the victims of this war, however, unable to show because they are unable to go now Cuernavaca to Mexico City or, for that reason from Chiapas will march in San Cristobal de las Casas.

According to the communique, the EZLN will march to salute and support the worthy voice that demands justice. For this, the Zapatista contingent will depart in the afternoon, the street from the Indian Center of Integral Training, and march to the cathedral square, where a message read EZLN.

silent march In the Zapatistas, carried banners and posters with messages of how to "Stop the War of Calderon", "No more blood" and "We're up to the mother."

Maximum Zapatista chief calls on members of the Other Campaign in Mexico and the world, groups of groups, organizations, peoples movements and adherents to the movement of the Sixth Declaration of the Lacandon Jungle to that join the just demand of the national march.

The military campaign of Felipe Calderon Hinojosa, said the Chief Zapatista who has made fighting crime in a totalitarian argument for, deliberately widespread fear throughout the country, but now faces the dignified and organized voices of families of victims of that war.

The deadline is April 30 and most mayors have not met

The Chairperson of the Monitoring Committee LXIV Legislature of the State Congress, Arely Madrid Tovilla, called to the 118 mayors of the entity to meet its obligations as is the presentation of public accounts, since this obligation of transparency and accountability can not ignore.

spend a few days remaining at the end of the month and most mayors are making the "virgin speaks", ie the deceased are not to comply with what is required required.

So a few days to the deadline for the mayors of the 118 municipalities of Chiapas submit the public accounts for fiscal year 2010,

Madrid Tovilla said that according to Article 9 of Supreme Audit Law of the State of Chiapas, "the councils submitted to Congress in adjournment The Standing Committee on or before April 30 next year the Public Accounts for the previous year. "

worth mentioning that few mayors who have fulfilled their obligations, they include: Ostuacan, Altamirano, Mazatán, Villaflores, San Cristobal de Las Casas, Arriaga, Huitiupán, San Fernando, Chiapilla, Wonder Tenejapa and Tuzantan.

Of Plenty

coordinator in Chiapas, the National Regeneration Movement (Morena), Lorenzo Pio López Obrador reiterated that this organization not have any dealings with Pablo Salazar "because it is a character rejected by different sectors of society in Chiapas." But is not the same as to declare Pius Lopez negotiations make the dome of the PT with Pablo Salazar, who knows the amounts paid millions to get the senate and thus acquire impunity ... ... ... ... In celebration of the Children of Chiapas, President of DIF Chiapas, Isabel Aguilera de Sabines went to the children of the towns of Independence and Teopisca and urged all adults to respect and guarantee the rights of future generation. To congratulate them and give them toys Child's Day, wife of Governor Sabines said that one of the main commitments of her husband the governor, Juan Sabines Guerrero, is "to achieve 100 percent of children living in state schools are studying." All the children were asked to "Put the heart of Chiapas and met as students, be good children and good citizens, because we work for you putting one's heart" ... ... ... ... .. Yassir Seth Vázquez Hernández, mayor of the capital said the Municipal Development Plan is the letter his government's commitment to citizenship and aims to contribute to human development tuxtlecas and tuxtlecos. As seen above, on the morning of yesterday was received by the State Congress was to go to deliver the Municipal Development Plan 2011-2012. The mayor and council members were received by the Chairman of the Board, Juan Jesus Aquino Calvo, the deputies of Tuxtla Gutierrez, María del Rosario de Fatima Pariente Gavito, the PRD and Claudia Orantes Palomares, PAN, among others ... ... ... .... The Autonomous University of Chiapas is a socially responsible institution and as such has the task of returning the intercultural reality in our classrooms and living spaces, said Jaime Valls Esponda rector inaugurated the work of University Colloquium "Intercultural Talk" and the Second Meeting of Indian Students. In the event, held Thursday at the Central Library "Carlos Espinosa Maciel," he said, "Since the government of Juan Sabines Guerrero was driving a number of actions to strengthen the social conditions of indigenous groups in our organization, ranging from the legislative to the construction of large rural towns, allowing them to aspire to a better life in a healthy environment of peace and development "... ... ... ... That's it for today, until next Monday God first.
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