Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Japanese Birthday Cards

wixárika Makes its First Report of the Rector of CUNorte activities

The rector of the University Center North, José Alberto Becerra Santiago, almost a year of taking office gave its first annual report of activities, where information broken down in four areas: Training and Teaching, Research, Extension, and Management and Government.

under the heading of Training and Teaching, the Rector of CUNorte spoke about the educational programs of the University Center, also said the company visits and attendance at external conferences and academic activities to which students of different races CUNorte have attended.

Above all, highlighted the educational innovation CUNorte feature: "We are committed to innovation education from different perspectives: one is our model, the b-learning, maximizes the benefits of new technologies in the field of education when combined with classroom teaching strategies that facilitate the development of significant learning in the classroom, allowing students to better organize your time, learn and develop self-managed way technological activities, "said José Alberto Becerra.

also highlighted the increase in applicants for new entry: " The CUNorte is still establishing itself as the alternative of higher education in the region more viable. We had a growth of 16.5 percent of applicants compared to last year and this increase was the result not only of academic quality and prestige in the CUNorte was grown in daily actions, but also a number of actions taken to raise awareness of our educational offering our services and distinctive quality. "

On the subject of research, Alberto Becerra said the production of academic knowledge to build the region. Also highlighted the partnership agreements with national and international.

Extension's role is critical because a bridge is permanent exchange of knowledge, and in the fourth theme: Management and Governance, Rector of CUNorte said more than 36 million dollars were obtained from external resources, an amount that represents four times the regular budget.

After that José Alberto Becerra presented his report of activities carried out nearly a year serving as rector of CUNorte, Marco Antonio Cortés Guardado, director general of the University of Guadalajara, acknowledged the work done in the region by economic needs of the University Center.

" shortcomings must be acknowledged that stop the rate of compliance in any manner that characterizes the University of Guadalajara, but that slows down the effort to place the best in the concert of public university education in the country, especially prevent us from overcoming a painful time for all the asymmetries that characterize the University Network, "the Rector General.

Text: Becerra Hilda.
Photo: Diffusion CUNorte


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