Friday, April 29, 2011

How To Polish A Dog Tag

CONTENTS. . . Semaphore

Amadeo Espinosa, another fake ... the accomplices of the Nazarene ...
. Portela Ruperto Alvarado.
not less than three weeks ago that opened fire on former Governor Pablo Salazar and one of many nominees, Senator of the Republic Fernando Rubén Velázquez López involving the costume party in the electoral complicity and the claim both to access or remain in the electoral tit.

is sensed that this mess is tucked into the hand of the national leadership of the PT, but also explicitly of the "manager" of the franchise in Chiapas, Amadeo Ramos Espinosa who presumably is serving as a bridge to that "infernal couple" to meet its target and he pays all the blessings received during the term of "His Majesty Soyal" .

Espinosa Ramos, a dock master who later earned his place in the Federal High School "Joaquín Miguel Gutiérrez" in Tuxtla Gutiérrez and that negotiations with Mrs Mephistophelian Elba Esther Gordillo Morales, managed to be head of the Section VII SNTE and from then on never to return to the chair and classrooms. Would to see how many are gaining on the payroll of the SEP as the congress.

But, oh coincidence!, The "democratic teacher" by magic arts amounts to a multi-member local council for the Labour Party and is anointed by the evil hand of the then Governor Pablo Salazar, Chairman Policy Coordination LXI Legislature of the Congress of Chiapas where the party was only 5% representation in the Legislature.

And I say that is one of the many injustices and complicity that has to pay Amadeo Espinosa her "lord and master" Salazar because well owe the county council and the chair of the JCP Local Congress, we must strengthen it with so much money they lavished on "Nazarene" to the party and "compact group" for six years.

The PT federal deputy who now regentea Labour Party in Chiapas - as The Cuija Manuel Velasco-PVEM Coello is partly responsible for the many outrages that is charged because it overlapped the former Governor and enjoyed the madness starts When Paul harassed teachers of Section VII and the education sector including the authorities of the Autonomous University of Chiapas (UNACH) and the University of Science and Arts of Chiapas (UNICACH).

But it should be noted only as an accomplice and Amadeo Espinosa Pablo Salazar figurehead, but also their chorus leaders of the PT to form the "compact group" as Hector Hugo Roblero Gordillo, former local MP, former leader of party and current ruler of the City of Tuxtla Gutierrez, Neftali Flores Perez, state coordinator for the party, Arturo Velasco Martinez, who has enjoyed the letters being the first local MP, then director of the Institute of Social Security Workers State Government (ISSTECH) and general director of the College of Bachelors, among others.

They are behind Pablo Salazar paying the "invoices", so in Tapachula, Neftali Flores would not "speak ill" or refer to his boss, former Governor of Chiapas. Everyone, including local representatives, Enoch Hernandez Cruz, Carlos Mario Estrada Urbina and even Margot de los Santos Lara are part of this nefarious "organization" Pablo Salazar wants to put back into circulation.

But whoever leads the way in this dirty project is Amadeo Ramos Espinosa who in his lifetime in village politics has not been characterized precisely for his honesty, transparency and democracy in their political acts. Apart from being another figurehead more the "Nazarene" is a phony opportunist ...


Perhaps the merits of good government or to achieve in an administration should not be recognized because Somehow it is the duty of the authorities conducted with efficiency, effectiveness, honesty, transparency, leading to the development of the governed. But it always stimulates and invigorates the mind to work, receive a prize.

I make this reflection about that yesterday at noon, the State Congress through the Chairman of the Board, Deputy Juan Jesus Aquino Calvo, was recognized by the High Commissioner of the United Nations Organization (UN) "to continue to promote a legislative agenda for human rights." Also for the approval of the draft decree proposed constitutional status to the concept of Human Rights which was turned over by the Congress to the Legislatures.

Valencia Javier Hernández, representative in Mexico of the High Commissioner Navi Pillay United Nations, was a conduit for the congratulations and appreciation to the Members through the Chairman of the Legislature LXIV, Juan Jesus Aquino Calvo MP "by su decisión favorable a la modificación del marco constitucional para fortalecer la consagración de las obligaciones de las autoridades en la ampliación de las causales de NO discriminación, la enumeración de los Derechos Humanos en el eje de la educación, el sistema penitenciario y la política exterior del país”.

Digo, reitero, que el reconocimiento se vale siempre y más de quien viene para seguir estimulando el trabajo diario, franco, honesto, transparente y sin desviaciones a favor de todos los mexicanos y en este caso particular de los chiapanecos. Se vale, vale…


The issue of re-election of federal deputies up to two periods and the Senators for a while is going to be an aberration as the multi-member representatives and senators and senators of the first minority. I think that does not solve anything because, by itself, in Mexico a large majority of politicians have been characterized as a "jumping" ranging from one camera to another and from one party to another. Examples are many, but for better signs, Porfirio Munoz Ledo was the PRI to the PRD, walked through the Authentic Party of the Mexican Revolution (PARM) which tried to be governor of Guanajuato and now represents "dignity" colors where campaigning Labour Party too, with his gift of the "Holy Trinity", Andrés Manuel López Obrador, who identifies himself with orange Convergence ... What can not be allowed re-election because they are further pervert electoral political activity, because if we realize that we are not fools-for-nothing citizens and our votes do not decide who is going to be our President, Senator, U.S. Representative, local, Governor, Mayor or a simple alderman. Those who decide to just two: money and who wields power in turn. If not true, miéntenle mother to front ... When talking Jaime Valls Esponda acting mayor of Tuxtla Gutierrez, recognized the need to increase the number of years to the administration of local councils and we agreed that could be four, although there are pronounced because they are six, but never re-election because money and sponsors, will return to despotism. Or as my countrywoman Dolores Roa referring to the initiative of the governor of Veracruz, Javier Duarte Ochoa for increasing the period of management of the municipalities of Veracruz to four years: "if in three millionaires are made in four will not leave anything ". I totally agree, but worth a re-election four years ... I remember in my village, Alvarado, Veracruz, there was a character that was three times Mayor: Don Ramon "Mon" Hernández and one that was twice the PRI, my math teacher in high school, José Luis Zamudio Alavez who in his third intention bearer for the PRD lost the election. Finally, after all this rant, the Political Reform fails to convince me ... / / For the second time the President of the Political Coordination Board and the Supervisory Committee of the Legislature LXIV Chiapas, Arely Madrid Tovilla has urged Former Mayor to submit the "Public Account" to comply with the obligation accountability and transparency as the mandate on Article 9 of the Supreme Audit Law of the State of Chiapas. The deadline is April 30 which is due tomorrow. He said the deputy chairman of the JCP and how the Monitoring Committee have been presented and those who do not. Until a fortnight ago had made only 28 and others, and were sentenced to who will have trouble with the law ... / / Today was published on the internet and the "Universal" a photo of Alejandro Alcocer PAN senator who, while was conducted the session which lasted 9 hours to pass political reform, he enjoyed watching the film in its iPad "For my guns "starring Mario Moreno" Cantinflas ", demonstrating once again that these" jijosdesu "the country they had better mothers. That reminds me of an alderman of the City of Tuxtla Gutierrez also was surprised and photographed playing with his Black Berry while carrying out the council session. Pure coincidence ... / / "do not give you more rope to the cat, because in itself is abusive "...// the rope is over ... AND YOU ALL ...

For comments, complaints and curses: @ rupertoportela

Cell: 961 18 August 1999 45.


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