Friday, May 6, 2011

Does My Cat Have Herpes

There have been thousands of cases of scorpion stings in northern

From January to April in the northern region there have been thousands of cases of scorpion stings, compared to last year on the same date, 760 poisonings were reported and were attributed to neglect preventive measures to avoid bites.

Indigenous communities are more vulnerable to scorpion bites, such as San Miguel Huaixtita in Mezquitic, and Tuxpan de Bolaños, the conditions of housing.

" As wixárika live, sleeping on the ground, their houses are made of straw, lay on the floor, barefoot children are more exposed to scorpion sting, so the incidence is higher, is a high risk area, apart from that is the habitat of scorpions, and scorpions that are in the Huichol are of high toxicity, such as Centruroides infamatus infamatus "said Angelica Gonzalez, head of Vectors and Zoonosis Department of Health Region 1 North.

For the northern region, the scorpion Centruroides infamatus inafamatus, one of the most poisonous, and because the area is "at risk" scorpion stings, the head of Vectors and Zoonoses in northern recommends checking the bed , shoes and clothing, have firm ground, the ceiling is of material-if it can be tiled or thatched nests, if they live in the countryside, putting aluminum cans in the legs of beds, so the scorpion slip, but spraying is not recommended.

in the region in January there were 147 scorpion stings, in February rose to 177 in March to 262, and in April there were 414 poisoning.

Text: Becerra Hilda.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Kitchen Trash Basket With Bag Clip


Chiapas prepared for Hurricanes: SEGOB
"PGR Stan could open files"
. Wall Alejandro
The National Civil Protection Director attached to the Ministry of the Interior-SEGOB-Ana Lucia Hill, testified the grant of 6 million dollars in computer technology (ambulances, boats, fire truck, tools, training and base of operations) issued by the state Governor Juan Sabines Guerrero to the newly opened "Centre Response to Emergencies and Natural Disasters CRED the State Civil Protection System, located in Tapachula.

little nervous, after being approached by various media, Lucia Hill, accompanied by Luis Manuel Garcia Moreno, Assistant Secretary of Civil Protection Institute, showed a palpable concern about the existence of vulnerable areas, then to announce an average of 16 meteorological phenomena within the hurricane season which is due in 2011, the Pacific Coast and Gulf of Mexico.

In an interview, said to have all the intention together with the Governments state to establish strong coordination measures with the intention of preventing serious incidents such as those raised in the past Hurricane Stan, which occurred in 2005.

2005 Background

As pointed out in that time, the weather phenomenon of Stan, affected more than 41 municipalities in Chiapas, so the federal government headed by Vicente Fox Quesada, announced at that time, an investment of more than 11 billion pesos from the National Fund for Natural Disasters-mix funding with state resources, at the time headed by Pablo Salazar, currently investigated and syndicated by hundreds of media for foolish and ambitious, to not realize the reconstruction, but if you want to venture into national politics through a multi-member senate.

As recalled, the former president, now facing over 17 criminal charges for alleged embezzlement, theft, diversion, theft, embezzlement and whatever is after vitiate the process of reconstruction of houses in various municipalities affected by the disaster.

Questioning SEGOB

On arrival at the Coast of Chiapas Ana Lucia Hill was questioned by journalists and correspondents on the slope that is the reconstruction process in Chiapas and whether there were plans by the Attorney General's Office, PGR, carry out relevant investigations against former officials and former Gov. Salazar who was responsible for managing these resources.

Within seconds, Ana Lucia Hill said not wanting to get to that issue so thorny, and other federal agencies would have to give those details in due course. "Stan will open records in the PGR? ...

As research progresses by the Secretariat of Public-SFP-en Chiapas, was found to grant 10 000 housing bonds, although they were not built. National sources revealed just this May 4, 2011, that housing vouchers are devoid of legal and regulatory as well never had a funding source.

Evidence of this situation have lived for several victims of Hurricane Stan, which were transferred to several sections, called Better Life.

The cases occurred in Suchiate, Frontera Hidalgo, Tapachula, Huixtla, Mazatán and Motozintla, where hundreds of families forced to live in housing bad completed without health services, much less electricity, drinking water, in addition withstand excessive heat leaks and poor construction.

The Journalist Gaspar Romero, through its national publication in the newspaper Excelsior, revealed that there are 24 subdivisions were built without mains, potable water 38 without, 43 with no drainage, no streetlights 73, 11 subdivisions needed storm sewer and not have it and five require retaining walls, but also found in flood zones.

Meanwhile, in Chiapas, the Attorney General of the State headed by Raciel Salazar López, followed the legal procedure which considered 17 criminal complaints against former Chiapas Governor Pablo Salazar, and a number of collaborators who were also involved in budget gaps, which are in effect missing a billion pesos.

Because of these gaps and the misapplication of resources, more than 10 000 families, presently required to give them decent housing and on the other hand, are fully joined by the requirement to complete the investigations and finding the real culprits in this matter ...

High to neglect preventive

Ana Lucia Hill, said the change of government or government officials, NO! should be subject to delays of prevention and instead work harder to continue activities relating to Civil Protection in states such as Chiapas, to avoid vulnerability and high risk areas.

In this regard he acknowledged the activities undertaken in the last four years in Chiapas, where only Tapachula have invested over 20 million pesos in Civil Protection recently awarded the Local Government mobile units to CRED, joining the efforts of Governor Sabines to promote early prevention.

National Recognition Chiapas

The official la-SEGOB-launched a national public recognition to the work and effort of the Governor Juan Sabines, who said, "A proven ability response and preparation for productive and economic sectors, preventative measures, that is, be prepared before the occurrence of a weather phenomenon, which remains a view to avoiding disasters.

coordinated activities and the result of shared work as registered in Chiapas, has made Mexico, has become a global example in the field of civil protection, providing technical advice to other countries.

He was given his shouted to PEJE in Tapachula

And speaking of the case of Hurricane Stan, the President of the Movement in Defense of Victims of 2005 Carlos Tapia Ramirez, shout slogans against the leader of the National Regeneration Movement (MORENA) Andrés Manuel López Obrador, where the latter has been accused of "selling" protection former Governor Pablo Salazar, through the famous Senator multimember by the Workers' Party (PT).

was from the module to collect signatures against the aspirations of Pablo Salazar and Rubén Velázquez López, Carlos Tapia Ramirez, using a loud voice demanded to PEJE, an approach that would support him and let clear, bonding, connection or association with the former governor of Chiapas, described as repressive and repudiated for thousands of families affected.

note that Andrés Manuel López Obrador, was a public event in Tapachula, where he announced his participation the national races in 2012, championing the PT-Convergencia coalition.

eyewitness shouted that gave the PEJE were Senator Ricardo Monreal Avila, former Senator Rutilio Escandon Chain, Pilgrim Abundio and Carlos Pena state leader of the Convergence Party, Oscar Ochoa, Secretary of Convergence the state leader of the Labor Party (PT) Neftali Flores and Sonia Catalina Alvarez. Shameful! ...

INM and Proof

By the way, derived from registered Mutiny on the premises of National Institute Migration-INM-, which ensures the escape of three Cuban and reuptake Five of the same nationality, Central American consulates streamlined the process of repatriation of its citizens (Hondurans, Salvadorans and Guatemalans), given that more than 100 Interior Foreigners are those who allegedly provoked the scuffle, resulting in an agent of the INM-Wounded and whimpering from scraping knee ...

This event, hours after Interior Secretary Jose Francisco Blake Mora, had retired Tapachula and traveled to Torreón Coahuila, to lead other federal event on Tuesday 3 May.

For this situation ... Maria de las Mercedes Gómez Mont, INM delegate present in Chiapas, do not know how to jump in Bull by the horns, because it certainly was a strong wake-up call from headquarters, to the disorder that moved more than 200 items between the Ministry of Defence, PGR, SSPyPC, SSPM, among others.

will be next week when the Federal official, give a press conference in Tapachula COPARMEX breakfast, with the intention of giving the details of this event.

FINALLY ... A strong group of businessmen hot for elected office were very moved by the recent tour of the Governor Sabines by Tapachula. From Huixtla, Tuxtla Gutierrez, and some in Tapachula, sought ways to address the number one. Probably to see the feasibility of electoral projects that could be promoting in 2012. "Then name" ...

Any dimension

What Means White In Facebook Chat


Paul: A master lies
. Carlos Z.
Pablo Salazar, knows that a Senator of the Republic, sponsored by Andrés Manuel López Obrador and Alberto Anaya, moral leader of the Labor Party gives "Constitutional immunity" to avoid that in the next six years , is investigated and brought to court to pay his grave crime to enrich the state and federal budgets are allocated to victims in Chiapas who suffered firsthand the hurricane hit "Stan", and who were those who had complaints the mega-fraud criminal in the PGR and the state.

Many criminal offenses they prescribed in the next six years, saving his skin, through "legislative impunity, very well handled by him, using other characters naive or corrupt national politics. His extensive economic power today can do that and more.

Pablo Salazar, knows that if the PRI and the PRI candidate Enrique Pena Nieto national, came to the Presidency of the Republic, once could be prosecuted and imprisoned by the budgets of the victims in Chiapas. The PRI, would uncover a cesspool of looting that was by the federal PAN government of Vicente Fox, who has been involved with being an accomplice to Mendiguchía Salazar himself in fraud and disappearances of federal budgets billionaires who came to Chiapas to consolidate what they called "The reconstruction of Chiapas."

The new PRI Peña Nieto, would for the first time to jail a former governor in the country, on the side of corruption and not the drug, as has been done. But it is also a former governor who has made a mockery of all national political parties, and especially the PRI, which was his political party, given to him as a State Senator, and then become in disarticulating the same PRI in Chiapas and other states of the country, where he was an "operator failed" in the last elections as in Hidalgo state, Quintana Roo, Veracruz, among others. Paul has wanted to wipe out not only state but national PRI, which sheltered the beginning of his political career.

Pablo Salazar, you know, in short, that the only "exit loophole" is to market by purchasing a "ticket of impunity" in PT and Andrés Manuel López Obrador, as reported by journalist Carlos Ramirez, "Political Indicator "but shrewdly recognized seeks alliance with PRI of Chiapas and nationally, which was where he began his strategy of their newsletters and sending your pictures (Beltrones, Labastida, Coldwell et al.)

Pablo Salazar, is a master of disguise and deceit, and has been known for years when her doctor "Frankenstein" the former governor Chamula Javier Lopez Moreno, created it, and now confirms its recent newsletters which he defends to Socorro Dominguez Aguilar excolaboradora, if a candidate from Chiapas to Beatification at the Vatican, and in the last newsletter explaining how resources are managed "Stan", where a mourner and those "crying" that paid for the theater at funerals before, they have nothing to do with the "Little Red Riding Hood" in Chiapas.

Go way out of the tangent of the tyrant former governor, but it's fool who trusts in him and there are many. Messianism is a mental illness and no cure, except jail or the asylum.

Pablo Salazar, is the authentic and unique character of today, tomorrow and always "Time for Scoundrels." Of him and can not be trusted. If deceived even his own Christian faith.

.- downpours that was announced on 15 May is the formal beginning of the rainy season and hurricanes in the Pacific Ocean and 1 June in the Atlantic Ocean, just the dates that started last year. The National Weather Service (NWS), says many precautions to citizens throughout the national territory, and again said that there are many possibilities that tropical storms are imponderables. In Chiapas, we must always be our "preventive Pepe."

PROFECO .- The truth is that most Mexicans and people of Chiapas, we are very conformist, and a clear example is the action of the Federal Consumer (PROFECO) who would always trade at a time of turmoil, comes to the fore to inform public opinion, as the last one is coming, the season of "Mother's Day," so we must avoid the abuse of merchants, but never does anything. Just happened to Easter, plus before "Friendship Day", and long before the "holiday season", and everything is the same figure as ever, but you never know traders warned, reprimanded, much less imprisoned. The greed of the traders is the whole year and the corruption of the PROFECO, too. And that happens in Tapachula, Tuxtla Gutierrez, Tijuana or wherever you go around the country.

Need For Obesity Treatment

. Paco Andrade
increasingly convinces me that story about the bucket of crabs, which has not only limited to the political class, and is hitting all sectors.

It's classic to hear that members of a community sector rants against another member of that core, when he shows interest to excel in an area outside that practice.

people who when faced with this, refer to other parts of the world where the momentum and make a show of mutual support tolerance.

Before the community partners know the taste of defeat, failure, the other "partners" destroy it.

But surprise! When these renegades succeed and succeed. Some even go to brag about his friendship with "yearling."

Seriously not fair, you have to support us, encourage us, as we see and read every day, I repeat, in all sectors. Are you not the "enlightened" "sacred cows" feel affected in their "interests"? Are not those ideas retrograded who think that the less donkey over corn cob?

When will the day and recoveries actually change tolerance, we have lost forever.

Well, above all and above all I wish all the luck and good vibes to Erisel Hernández Moreno, in search of the state leadership of the NCC; Alexander Moguel, as President of the State Association of Columnists BC, a Roman Delmar, in its pursuit of professional advancement to members of the ARRPRECH, Enoch Hernandez Cruz, who incidentally managed to sail a fairly comprehensive city like San Cristobal de Las Casas, then ruler of the town hall and had her first fall, rose and is now the local deputy and Mrs. Buaum (President of the National Association of Broadcasters ), gave her confidence in Chiapas to coordinate the various delegations of that organization.

probably achieved the consolidation of the fraternal group, in fact, in the coming months Chiapas will host an international gathering of speakers, and so, I hope they go well with anyone who wants to excel in this hypocritical society and coke dealers . As said no I know who: Up and out!


The friend of Chiapas, President Felipe Calderon gave a message on national television to tell Mexicans of seriousness that is to combat organized crime.

Entres highlights, the most remarkable is the request he made to Mexican parents, achieve better communication with their children, discuss what is happening in the country, explaining the risks involved in certain activities at night, that is, prevention.

the message if you have moved minds, because finally, President Calderon can not be alone with him we are stuck to the bottom, it's not worth leaving it alone, at least in these crucial moments.


respectfully request the same attitude, but in a manner inconsistent with the former governor of Chiapas, Pablo Salazar, because evicted homeless shelters, providing them with uninhabitable homes were relocated in flood zones, where services such as water, sewer, electricity, among others, were not considered.

More ten thousand families affected were "benefiting" bottomless bond financing.

All communications sent by the intolerant soyalteco has not explained much less address, the destination of a thousand 589 million pesos exercised heading home in his administration.

The truth has not been the forte of Pablo Salazar, because it showed more than 94 percent improvement in the reconstruction, when it really was only 63.5 percent of physical progress.

With this and more, the former governor tries to distract and confuse public opinion, but the reality is that 24 subdivisions network were built without electricity, 38 without water, without drainage 43, 73 without street lighting, storm drains 11 fractions needed and not have it and 5 require retaining walls.

The Pinochet Chiapas to confuse the people of Chiapas, speaking of an alleged missing and misplaced documents as evidence when all the paperwork has been handled since the beginning of juniper management on the department responsible for housing.

But nevertheless in this government, far from making a political lynching is dedicated to responding to people affected, not wasting time in idle discussions, solving the problem of Chiapas in such actions clearly recorded in more than four years, has treated about two thousand families who had outstanding stock of housing.


And funny thing, distinguished members of the clan of Pablo Salazar, the Center some apparently went very bowling when they went to his blog a comment which lamented the alleged killing of Osama Bin Laden also placed him as a hero, yes, as a reader reads it, as well as "the greatest man in modern history."

Hours later, in the hangover, apparently wanted to note just before and oh surprise, the blog had been discharged, "Sorry, the blog was deleted Pongoch rang their head.


Interior Secretary Francisco Blake Mora and Governor Sabines were Tapachula, witnessing the start of the registration program for identity cards for children and adolescents "As you no two" that seeks to register a Chiapas million 500 thousand children.

Ballots, Blake Mora said, are tools are fundamental barriers, basic steel shields to protect the rights and integrity of our children, so we are committed to working hand in hand with international organizations, with state governments, with mayors, with the Civil Registry and all those who cooperate and collaborate.

The document will serve for life and avoid making too many unnecessary procedures.

was at boarding school "Joaquín Miguel Gutiérrez" where before hundreds of students and parents, Blake Mora said that the document is properly protected, and explained that this registration authorities may better combat human trafficking, theft of infant and child prostitution.

Also the head of the Chiapas said the program is led by President Felipe Calderon will be useful for Mexican families: "We are the first in the Southeast and we have to hurry to meet the target are more than one million 500 thousand children in Chiapas to be recorded, we will meet to Mexico, meeting with our president and to come through Chiapas and Mexican society. "

Child Jesus Urbieta Manuel Olivera, Chiapas is the first to obtain the document.


Although late, I send a greeting to the director-general of CONECULTA Marvin Arriaga Chiapas, for his birthday that he celebrated chamber, as the first day since taking the order by the governor Sabines. Congratuleichon.

At your service:, Facebook: paco.andrade1; Twitter: @ pakoandrade; blog: