Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Colosseum Rom Pokemon


Paco Andrade
Home: Calls accounts on its website, on the transparency, specifically in the Board, no Nothing. On the Structure organic says: "Organizational Structure (Organizational )........... Updating Information.

In Audit Findings reads: "Process Pending Audit 2008", what happened? We are in 2011.

In "VII. Units responsible for Access to Public Information and Liaison, "he refers to the top of the page," idiay?

Well, so on, not because I feel sorry for others.

And addressing the issue a bit more seriously, I think I will take this as hazing. Sano COFEL would be retracted so grotesque form, lack of respect, seriousness and professionalism that made the "requirements" to some media in Chiapas, because not only was in Tuxtla, but also in Huixtla, where indeed the document was delivered in a working day.

addition to the letters in question, had no names of those means, that is, to be there, as saying "the name is not important" than language used a bit abrupt, radical , violent and rather primitive.

Ideally, a signatory to give face to the media, explain this nonsense and start from scratch. Anyone happens, inexperience beat us once in life, and we are little bit to the king of the "settler" but they see Pablo Salazar, now walks with his tail between his legs.


Jaime Valls Esposito, president of the Leading Studies of the entity (UNACH), were encouraged to share bread and salt on Monday with members of the Association Columnist Chiapas.

treatment with casual and jovial after a good talk, promised to promote the signing of a cooperation agreement between that institution and the School of Journalism Carlos Septien-located in the capital, "which allows professional journalists leveling Chiapas who have dropped out of communication truncated or have studied another language, but who are serving as communicators.

was so Valls suggested the formation of a community college, non-existent so far in the state of Chiapas.

So the compromise was also scheduled to UNACH researchers can provide a series of conferences to enhance knowledge of workers media, leaving a bridge of communication José Ovilla, a man of all their trusts, for the next month, has another possible meeting to be defining the points.

Indeed as expected, did not miss the fellow who brought up the subject of Tuchtlán Park; obvious Esponda Valls, recently left the mayor's office to complete his term and said several things, such as: What Park is not destroyed, that the Park measures about 5.7 hectares and only one treatment plant.

commented that the work started planning since Governor Sabines was mayor of the capital, and thanks to its momentum and as head of the Chiapas, the project was achieved with the invaluable support of President Felipe Calderon, but that was until the local administration of Yassir Vazquez work started.

That there are bad odors, if any, but it is because there are underground drains emptied of some houses along the Sabinal River and we are not aware, these are going to cancel, that the sacrifice is minimal at the profit enormous, since the growth of Tuxtla Gutierrez is not stopped and the two water treatment plants in the city (east and west), it is expected that the problem of the precious liquid not fire in the coming years.

Finally, the subject made a noise a bit, but there's nothing more efficient than information that clarifies doubts and suddenly stop the gossip and misunderstandings.

addition that it is the least visited parks in the capital and its location is the ideal place to build Water Treatment Plant. Tan-Tan and otherwise butterfly.


leaders and representatives of peasant and social organizations in Chiapas have agreed to support the candidacy of state leadership CNC Erisel Hernández Moreno, considering it appropriate to represent the peasant class.

must change course to improve the rural sector, acknowledged the representatives of Alcan, CAM, CODUC, ejido communities and municipal officials of Simojovel, El Bosque, Chiapa de Corzo, Suchiapa, and Acala.

said that as leader Hernández Moreno, shall make proposals concerning the field who need such as maize, fertilizer, beans, sorghum, tomato, chile, lemon, vegetables and other products produced in Chiapas but thanks to vivales leaders down to the supports, but for personal gain family of cliques, as officials or businessmen.

So they agreed that in the first days of May, convene a general meeting with the peasant base to conduct workshops and analysis which go work plan agreements and negotiations on the real needs of the rural sector and be attended by more than 12 thousand farmers and where to show the real strength they have.

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