Thursday, May 5, 2011

Myammee I Love Money 2 Ice

Follow the Gateway

By Christopher Ramos Solórzano
Now through local PRI leader in Tapachula, Gil Lazaro Gonzalez Trujillo has become an advocate for Senator Maria Elena Orantes Lopez, according to radio interview, the PRI leader did nothing to celebrate Children's Day with a festival, but yes, we burned incense to the senator, along with other outdated as Alejandro García Ruiz, who has served as her sponsor favors Arely Madrid Tovilla, but now he is also a promoter of Nena Orantes. What catches the eye is that Gil Lazaro Gonzalez to be leader of the PRI municipal is charging toward a particular person, when he should stand aside and not throw line.

hinted that in the case of Senator Manuel Velasco Coello those who have joined the project for personal reasons do not like prisitas, this comment leaves much to be desired, as he still promotes the PRI Senator and criticizes the other party.

not forget the Green Ecologist Party of Mexico has been an ally of the PRI in various electoral contests, so there is no reason to disagree with the proposed Velasco Guero, eventually also have the right to seek a nomination for the governorship of the state.

The good Gil Lázaro we suggest you take her quiet, there is no reason to marry a simple idea or rumor, in politics anything can happen and things change from one moment to another.

Tips Tips ...

bit his tongue seudodirigente Cardenista the Campesino Central, René González Pérez, who recently declared that the field not hold no more extreme poverty and hunger remains to this sector. The trouble is that this leader does not suffer from anything because he is constantly seen in the cantinas and bars Cacahoatán Tapachula and consuming alcohol and you take pure dumb WISKI Buchanans, the poor do not have to eat, but well it comes to suck, with this type of leader the farmer will always be neglected. Recently in the town of Cacahoatán was arrested by police in a complete state of intoxication insulted people and their agents saying he was John Camaney and that no one could do anything, but even so it was spared get into the patrol and take him for being drunk and outrageous, but so that there are no ... In Huehuetán and the problems started with some works, many of them are paralyzed because they say that there are no resources would have to see what's happening there, they say that it is favoring good friends of the mayor Raul Flores Citalán then we will discuss them of who it is ... The Day of Santa Cruz on May 3 was carried out by the Engineer's Day event where unionized premiered a nice palapa, by the way there were many absentees, including Alfredo Aguila Beristain, why is it ? ... Now for the district say that XII is said that the PRI candidate Luis Armando Melgar council will Bravo, as discussed in political cliques, but in the end is worth dreaming ... In the coming days there will be a meal with disjointed group of Tapachula, the most curious is that say that the dish will cost 300 pesos, or because it was buffet. For many this will be a prohibitive issue, with that amount a family eat well at least ... With the concentration of supporters of five constituencies, the "Peje" Andrés Manuel López Obrador was the zocalo in the city of Tapachula on Wednesday afternoon May 4 where he harangued the audience about the National Regeneration Movement (Morena), the square fills materially Tabasco politician cheered once again seek be the candidate for the presidency of the republic in 2012. The traditional practice carry much criticized as the PRI, this time was no exception, dozens of vans in different municipalities of the coast and mountains this afternoon arrived from the city of Tapachula. Some party leaders who championed the cause of Lopez Obrador as the PT, Convergence and PRD did some work to look good in Peje, wanted you to see who were with him, took the picture, approached the Tabasco and finally all returned to normal ... We read in the next mail DM cel 9626957927.


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