Wednesday, May 4, 2011

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Paul, boletinero: histrionic ability
By Carlos Z.
Shameful and disgraceful
has been the attitude of rudeness that has been in recent days the sinister and evil Pablo Salazar, who has not only conspired to make a commercially Senator, seeking a "legislative immunity" to circumvent investigations and criminal charges against him there and all those Pabloites who had to do with the ruthless plundering of the budgets of the victims of Stan, but also challenges and through newsletters threat to its name, the authorities and everyone who will make shade for their aspirations to become a Senator of the Republic, tied with the Labour Party, which proves the corruption of Mexican democracy, of how to handle things in this country.

However, we must recognize that the gall and the gall of Pablo Salazar to discuss your issues or evil purposes is not new and therefore should not scare anyone, because it is a individual who has a histrionic and handling capacity to deceive people, using a lexicon that unfortunately he learned in a religion Christian, which also used to persuade many evangelical pastors - not all-who preferred to give importance to Caesar more than his own God.

At first subtle deception was the president Vicente Fox, that to date domestic public opinion is not low and tepocata mandilón, and it was from that time that Salazar began to get sick politically for his "verbal force "to trick Fox, where there is complicity with the case of Stan, and was already a group of evangelical pastors who promoted one of his brothers embedded in the word of God, to become a messiah, ingredients he gave in his person to prescribe a law to gag the people of Chiapas and one of the greatest persecution against journalists critical of Chiapas, where even indirectly mourns death of two journalists in Tuxtla Gutierrez, who sought political asylum outside the country, and so far this crime remains unpunished.

That Gag Rule and the repression against journalists in Chiapas, he did it first so it does not raise his voice in his six years of plunder and repression, and social leaders and communicators, but it was Mother Nature which sent a hurricane to the state of Chiapas, who had said was a "State of the First World" and was that hurricane by now he was denounced in the PGR and the State Attorney, where simulated reconstruction in 41 municipalities. He was not even being investigated for its first four years in office, but is exclusively for federal and state budgets that had invested in favor of the victims of Chiapas, and now it is not known, where they ended the largest budgets on record with a multimillion-dollar fraud

After being a "boletinero" with their respective picture, when I think the strategy of seeking politicians and academics and even made a trip to California (USA), for grasp the status of also being an international character, fooling everyone, now has taken to send their newsletters to deny that he has personally been a thief Stan resources, trying to explain how it happened for the management of budgets and cupcakes and mourners were "short" with the justification that "I was not" the satrap Salazar. When should you send your newsletter is to the PGR and the State Attorney, where lie the preliminary investigations against him at the request of the people injured.

say an evangelical pastor six years ago, "Paul is able to deceive even Satan himself, in his own hell "and did not say a politician, told a deer of God, who did not accept the playing of Pablo Salazar, with God's work in his administration. I agreed!.

Modules .- Until that happens, the Civic Front and Victims of "Stan" continues installing some municipal modules to collect signatures against the former governor liar Pass, which now claims to be a "Little Red Riding Hood "that I was not with the plundering of the budgets of Stan. But what is not said in his personal newsletter, it also is looking for a Senator of the PT and even supported by Andrés Manuel López Obrador, as reported by journalist Carlos Ramirez, "Political Indicator." Certainly the Civic Front had already declared "Persona non grata" in Chiapas, the "repressive of freedom of expression", and repressors can not be vacated, but Just ask the Chileans and Argentineans.

Visit .- Yesterday was in Tapachula, the Secretary of the Interior, Francisco Blake Mora, who was accompanied by Governor Juan Sabines, where did this with the start of a national identity campaign that began in Chiapas . Tomorrow we'll talk more about this important issue. How true that documents would give the holder of Coparmex-Costa, Octavio Marin, all alone, the holder of the Interior, during his stay in Tapachula?.

Paper .- Tomorrow Thursday 5, will be the presentation of the book entitled "Treasures of Tapachula, a regional literary too, where we will see stories and experiences of citizens who are part of the local daily world. Is a summary of interesting experiences that give added value to Tapachula, which still claims its wake development. Thanks for the invitation.

leader .- A large group of leaders and representatives of peasant organizations and social movements in Chiapas, showed their commitment to direct the destiny of your organization (CNC-Chiapas), shared knowledge and social leader Erisel Hernández Moreno, who considered a person with knowledge and cause, to be the champion of men's field. Well.


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