Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Wedding Sayings For Beer Koozies

** Pablo Salazar, in sight of justice **
Sergio Stahl
the end the public outcry over the past four years has demanded justice in the case of diversion of funds from the treasury committed by officials of the regime of former Governor nefarious Pablo Salazar, has been heard by the current President of Chiapas, Juan Sabines Guerrero.

"Better late than never," says a popular saying that applies in the case of Stan. And lo, when it appeared that Pablo Salazar and his henchmen would go with it and would enjoy their ill-gotten wealth without justice will touch a hair of a sudden they dropped the "flying."

Indeed, justice is already walking on the road sooner or later come to knock on doors of the lavish mansions they inhabit Pablo Salazar and his cronies start to feel like in the dock defendants.

In that vein, for now are a few former officials petty Pabloites those already in the hands of the Attorney General of the State, but ongoing investigations could lead to the capture of big fish named Pablo Salazar.

any case the end of the farce called "Case of Stan" The glaring fact is that today Pablo Salazar is proving a taste of their own bitter chocolate that he was swallowing innocent people to whom the soyalense imprisoned only to quench their grudges and revenge.

is, here the point to note is that the infamous former Governor Pablo Salazar is suffering the same ordeal to which he condemned countless people who imprisoned and burned at the stake of public opinion, with the difference that the scapegoats of hatred and resentment of soyalense be confined to a cell based rigged in criminal records and were kept in custody by legal chicanada implemented by Mariano Herran Salvatti, who certainly paid his guilt today in a cell of El Amate.

is, therefore, in this world if there is poetic justice, criminal justice because while it does its job to complete the records that could end with the criminal provision of Pablo Salazar, Figure of soyalense already burning at the stake of public opinion.

So, Pablo Salazar finally begins to atone for their sins. That is a gain for the people of Chiapas. Point.

SURF: How big will the fear of Pablo Salazar and how dirty is your conscience, that the infamous former Governor feels that the fire is burning her gear and prepares to defend layer and sword, both in the media arena and the courts. In the media field, Pablo Salazar is working on its defense by email sent to journalists, in which the soyalense rants against the current president of Chiapas, Juan Sabines Guererro, and also provides information on money from Stan and the investigations that have been made by federal agencies to assess the damage to the treasury. These emails are proof of the desperation of Pablo Salazar, and it is worth asking why never before in four years, the former governor had opened his mouth to defend the newspaper allegations that have been done about it. The answer is obvious: Paul had not opened his mouth to berate Sabines defense and because he felt safe from the course of justice and also because the cares soyalense a damn what you say of his figure and his government in the local press. But as now the thing is serious, since the so-called "media lynching" has come to the plain application of the Act, Pablo Salazar and understood that the Chiapas State Attorney implacable, Raciel Lopez Salazar, it will go after their bones to their ultimate consequences. And as Paul knows the legal capacity and righteous spirit with which the lawyer performs its function tonalteca Attorney General of the State of Chiapas, the fear of soyalense is justified ... and to document acrentar pessimism and fear that consumes Pablo Salazar Attorney Raciel Lopez Salazar said yesterday, in a press release, that "in a number of anomalies reported by the Secretariat of the Comptroller and the Supreme Audit Authority of the State Congress, the Office of Chiapas has initiated 17 preliminary investigations into the crimes of conspiracy, misuse of Public Service, Embezzlement and Fraud. To date, we have performed more than 826 thousand steps, including housing and construction inspections, construction advice, expert statements, statements and other actions that comprise 25 volumes and 68 appendices, in more than 48 thousand 500 folios. In these investigations, are investigated from public works directors, treasurers, trustees, mayors, site supervisors, owners of units and various government officials at all levels "... And to mañana.GRACIAS.

TASK: My condolences to my Aunt Amelia Serrano Espinosa and his brothers Octavius \u200b\u200band Mark Antony, by the sensitive death of your father, Don Octavio Serrano Martínez, occurred yesterday in the capital of Chiapas . Rest in peace, who was a good man and a recognized public official in the field of Mexican diplomacy.


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