Wednesday, May 4, 2011

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* The traditional feast parachicos
* To receive certification in social networks is known
Chisol corruption
Leonel Lopez During the big party of Chiapas, known worldwide for the momentum of this state government, "the parachicos" traditional festival January Chiapa de Corzo were certified for inclusion on the list of Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity UNESCO delivered through the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Mexico City.

In Mexico City, as part of that supply, recognizing the importance of respect for the traditions and plurality for building peace, strengthening democracy and protection human rights, an achievement that promises to make a long-term effort to maintain the continuity of these unique expressions of Mexico.

With this declaration was created committed to safeguarding, promotion and transmission of these cultural elements to the carrier community, said at the time the director general of the National Institute of Anthropology and History Alfonso de Maria y Campos.

This recognition involves both a great responsibility, a commitment to ensure the mechanisms of social reproduction of cultural practices of the people is now magnified with the responsibility of preservation that we assumed before the international community.

On behalf of Governor Juan Sabines Guerrero and deliver the certificate of parachicos, coordinator of the Government Cabinet of the State of Chiapas, Blanca Ruth Esposito made the commitment to protect this intangible cultural heritage of humanity .

Chiapas official said here will ensure a higher profile because it is a fact that this important distinction carries great international commitment by stakeholders at the federal, state and municipal levels to ensure the protection and integrity of our demonstration cultural.

Thus, the state government to fulfill its part, has already plan to safeguard that specifically establishes the specific lines and defines specific projects.

The dance of the parachicos is classified as a living heritage that gives a sense of community identity and ensures its integrity, respect and transmission to future generations.

shouted in his face Isabel Ancheyta official corruption

Back in Comitan, District Assembly members unhappy for not having respected the vote passes to the decision works to be carried out in communities.

The protesters angry that corrupt officials in Chiapas Solidario (Chisol) did not respect the decision of the people, protested to the Secretary of Chiapas Solidarity (SEDEP) Ancheyta Isabel Palacios, who was unable to settle the claim people simply because they have the capacity to solution.

This type of problem is well known, only the authorities, including the owner of SEDEP, Samuel Córdova Toledo Toledo despercibido passes, it ensures that there are other powers that be in the districts, and because of that those affected will not solve the problems of corruption, videaficionado climbed a social network Facebook the altercation between the protesters and Isabel Ancheyta.

Chiapas Solidario program created by Gov. Juan Sabines Guerrero, Chiapas to make a more prosperous and social justice, which generate employment, alleviate poverty, and benefiting the poor people, has been marred by acts of corruption among officials themselves and people outside who have illegally enriched government programs, so that Governor Juan Sabines should act hard and firm hand against those who have failed to comply with his instructions to the letter.

insist, must make a clean throughout the SEDEP, because officials are doing their "August" with the resources that are aimed at those who have less.

For one example: see video

The Governor Juan Sabines drive and the president Jaime Valls

The project driving the governor Juan Sabines Guerrero and the rector of the Autonomous University of Chiapas, Jaime Valls Esponda of the establishment of a branch of the International Centre for Theoretical Physics in Trieste, Italy-ICPT by its acronym in English, "in the state of Chiapas, researchers expressed their support for this project.

In this regard, Professor of the Centre for Research and Advanced Studies of National Polytechnic Institute (IPN), Arnulfo Zepeda Dominguez, said the unconditional support of state authorities and the University, to bring this project in Chiapas, which he said, will result in academic and social benefits to the entity.

researcher at the Autonomous University of Puebla (BUAP), Lorenzo Diaz said that the creation of this center in Chiapas will balance development and training of researchers and scientists in the country.

also commented that the duties of the Center will advance the scientific community in Mexico, which will generate solutions to various problems that exist in Mexico.

also felt that this Center will be an alternative for young Mexicans and neighboring countries, interested in the fields of physics, as in Mexico and Central America and the Caribbean are not enough options to pursue a scientific career.

The International Centre for Theoretical Physics is located in the first instance, the Center for Studies in Physics and Basic and Applied Mathematics (CEFyMAP) of UNACH, in the municipality of Ocozocoautla and devote their efforts to achieving research, the training of scientists and the dissemination of science in this area of \u200b\u200bthe country.

The ICPT was founded in 1964 and is managed by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) and the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO); whose mission is to train investigators and conduct studies at the highest level in all branches of theoretical physics.

Of Plenty

Interior Minister, Jose Francisco Blake Mora, said that federal government authorities issuing the identity card is not an option, because "we do not to see if satisfied or not what the Constitution says, to see if satisfied or not constitutional mandates. " During his tour of Tapachula, carrying out searches of persons under 18 years of stage Like you there are not two, Blake is committed to ensuring the protection of personal data of children with an identity card, that consideration will serve to eliminate the threat of becoming victims of trafficking and kidnappings ... ... ... ... .. José Antonio Aguilar Meza, Mayor of Comitan, along with María Elena Carboney Ruiz, President of the System of Integral Family Development (DIF) Committee, spearheaded the start of the week dedicated to mothers comiteco, starting on Monday in Pamala and the settlement yesterday in Laguna Larga and Cruz Grande neighborhood. Meza Aguilar noted that the DIF-Committee, in coordination with the Municipal Government, will be celebrating the Day Mother's "in various communities and neighborhoods in the city as part of the commitment of both agencies to recognize the great work done by the mothers to be the mainstay of the home, the municipality, the state and across the country ... ... ... ... The Press freedom is the mother of all freedoms, said the journalist Miguel González Alonso, while considering that "in countries where totalitarian regimes restrict freedom of expression, crises tend to worsen because they give way to democracy and in the XXI century a country without democracy is a country with no destination. " Speaking on Press Freedom in Chiapas, Mexico and the World, González Alonso, winner National Mexico "Journalism, the count of the current situation experienced by journalists and media and stressed that" Mexico is a shameful second place among the most dangerous countries for journalists, since according to Federation data Latin American Journalists, 119 journalists have been killed from 2000 to first quarter of 2011. " It blames organized crime to influence those numbers Reds ... ... ... ... That's it for today, until tomorrow with more of the same.


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