Thursday, May 5, 2011

Surenos, Nortenos And Tyres

Urdaci, goes for you. Outlawing

On Monday I reported that on Thursday evening 28 Urdaci my friend had died of a stroke.

are already several deaths of young people who have lived.

When I was in 3 º ESO, Jairo, a fellow of the Institute died of a heart attack. Was only 15 years. I only saw a couple of times, one in a retest of Plastic (never gave me good technical drawing). But my classmates got along very well with him, and in the days following were very concerned.
remember the people who were on the bus to the funeral, the Mass where we were and gave our teacher of religion, and sympathy parents who were my classmates. Another

and narrated in this post . Kimi did not know personally, but through the forum we had a good relationship opining about politics or sports. The foreros heard Kimi's death was a shock and quite strong. This forum was never the same without him. Was only 17 years.

David UJCE comrade, the PCE and IU also died young, at age 30 in August 2009. Do not know much, only seen him 3 times. One in a talk given by Felix on the crisis, another in a demonstration at which he arrived late, and the most intense one day we went for tapas. However
the remaining PCE comrades knew him very well and had great affection. And although to some extent not surprised, because he was sick, of course felt sorry for your loss. I also remember his funeral and the tribute we made a year later in his village, Mambrillas de Lara, of which he was mayor.

has also been some more young people but that have affected me indirectly. For example when I was in Valladolid internal teammate Felipe II to his brother was killed in a traffic accident, and other friends who have loved ones have died young.

And then they tell me hope living is going up and you have to delay retirement age to 67 years. Tell that to Jairo, Kimi, David or Urdaci. See if you have value.

Anyway, wanted to talk about Urdaci. I met him when I was in Valladolid, internal Santa Cruz. My memories are inevitably linked Urdaci my time in Santa Cruz.

I had gone there to study physics, astronomy quite liked me, but I left one and a half later, there were too many math and I pie. Urdaci
was also physics, a year ahead, and interestingly was also Private myself (the only one she was doing this race with me.) Come to my head a lot of memories. When I moved into my room came the 2 nd year to me and when they learned that studying physics called Urdaci quickly. Urdaci
The nickname is due to its strong resemblance to Alfred Urdaci, television presenter,

although I know who is really named Diego Flórez García, and my colleagues in physics known as Florez because there were many Diegos, it was much better person than she appeared on TV.
They all had internal motes. To me Waldo Wolverine put me, for my character like X Men (then I had a beard), and the truth is that I be grateful, because they could have put me far worse nicknames.

When I decorated the room with posters of Tow, Linkin Park, Van Helsing and Star Wars, spent Urdaci and said, "I see too many pictures of guys here eh?", So when I returned to Burgos took care to find posters scantily clad girls. I hope nobody accuses me of XD so macho.
There were several moments, as the water festival, which we had as children by throwing water balloons, the trip to Toledo, he always with his camera piggyback, which was moncayo own included (volcarte the bed), or other moncayo I did it and Rodotod in my room when I was not. I found her all disordered, with a picture of an aunt too fat and ugly as wallpaper on my computer. Fortunately I managed to remove it in time before they do irreparable damage to my sight. They were things typical of hazing. By the way, make no mistake, hazing is no torture, are fun (if not passed). But they serve to remove the fear and integration, and best of all is that next year you're the one rookie to others.

was also the school party, of which I remember especially a picture in which I leave smiling because Urdaci was making faces behind the photographer and I was making us laugh ...
One night we went to party with other friends from Santa Cruz and we drank a jug of Ripple quietly and talked U
long time ... back in the room we were talking about the elections of that year (2007) along with Farruquito and Foo. I remember in those elections, which was in the 1 st when I could vote in Burgos IU lost the only council member who had. Hopefully 4 years after this election to regain representation at City Hall. In reality, all the times I have voted IU worse results in 2007 we were left without representation in 2008 went down from 5 to 2 and in 2009 kept 2 but 1 is we went to the green. The best would get 2 instead of 1 in the city and would return to 1999 instead of 2003. Remove 8 instead of 5 in general, going back to 2000 instead of at 2004, or 2 in Europe, returning to 2001 instead of 2005 (also 1 when we went to the green). It would be a step forward.
O in the inner-side football tournament of Santa Cruz, to which I joined because I was very bad, but Urdaci did. I watched every game of my team (2 nd floor). Urdaci out shortly, but we encouraged him every time he did.

I particularly remember a story that had happened the previous year and they told us. It all went into the dining room at 2 o'clock and Urdaci had not arrived, which was strange because he was always there on 1. Time passed and did not come. All told, that strange, where is Urdaci. At 2 and a half was messy and acolarado. Urdaci, Urdaci what happened? Oh, how I was stuck in the elevator of Sciences. What nerve.
The elevators at the School were fatal. I luckily I was not hung any time (we took classes in the 6 th floor. Yes, what you're thinking, the physics we were up there completely marginalized.) The companions of the Holy Cross Urdaci joked that he had been half an hour trapped in an elevator with 5 or 6 people, including Aunt kindest of all the faculty.

hazing in the race we took off their notebooks. I refused and instead took my case, keeping only a bic. The day could recover before I had to leave because my bus was leaving soon. The days passed and still no box, so internal Urdaci asked to see if I could get my case and the next day I had with me, without missing any part.
Another was when I asked a question about an exercise of the Structure of Matter, a of the few subjects I managed to pass. Or when to my surprise and joy I was informed one morning that there were no classes that afternoon at the School because they had cut the water.
hazing in the following year I was already in year 2, so I helped them. I remember I had bought plastic gloves of the smallest size they had found and I barely fit in his hands. Exploded and several eggs on the heads of the Nerds (me in Year 1 I also did, mind you), and when I saw Urdaci shook hands and then withdrew it and ran a clean, hehe.

I feel sorry especially since Urdaci was a very smart guy who could have come so far. Me in my 1st year only managed to pass a course in February and another in September, both with individual 5. However Urdaci in Year 1 took 4 Tuition, 1 and 2 Outstanding Noteworthy, if I remember correctly. It was the best. There were good students in physics, but most have some subjects suspended (Calculus was the most difficult) or approved scraping. Urdaci was superior.
In fact I remember he had taken a course in 3 rd when he was 2, and having pulled a 8.5 on the 1 st examination did not know if submitted to 2 nd in case down the note in your file. A true genius. He
a fellowship in London. If it had been proposed certainly could have worked for NASA.

The last time I spoke with him was through Tuenti April 21 to congratulate him on his birthday. And a week after we left, with only 24 just turned.

I think the best tribute that I can do is tell you here the memories I have of him. Surely this post is edited several times as they go back to my mind memories of our time together. I only lived for a year with him, but my friends in Santa Cruz were 5 years and has been very hard for them.
Special thanks to Fernando, who first informed me of everything that had happened. He said they would close their account Tuenti it did not want their memories remain in social networks, but in all of us. I really felt good, but I thought the least I could do was to dedicate an entry in my blog.

The truth is that I get a feeling of sadness whenever I think about it or review the photos that appear or the school magazine of the year in which I, in which Urdaci has the 2 nd prize for photography as well appear elsewhere.
thought about death in this post . Urdaci, wherever you are, I hope you do well. Sure, because you were a great person.

So long, pal.

end with a song about some of these issues of death and when it is someone you love.

1st is "Despídeme" Skalariak. The 2 nd, "Historia Triste" by Eskobar. And the 3 rd, "My own heaven," Nach.


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