Friday, May 6, 2011

Does My Cat Have Herpes

There have been thousands of cases of scorpion stings in northern

From January to April in the northern region there have been thousands of cases of scorpion stings, compared to last year on the same date, 760 poisonings were reported and were attributed to neglect preventive measures to avoid bites.

Indigenous communities are more vulnerable to scorpion bites, such as San Miguel Huaixtita in Mezquitic, and Tuxpan de Bolaños, the conditions of housing.

" As wixárika live, sleeping on the ground, their houses are made of straw, lay on the floor, barefoot children are more exposed to scorpion sting, so the incidence is higher, is a high risk area, apart from that is the habitat of scorpions, and scorpions that are in the Huichol are of high toxicity, such as Centruroides infamatus infamatus "said Angelica Gonzalez, head of Vectors and Zoonosis Department of Health Region 1 North.

For the northern region, the scorpion Centruroides infamatus inafamatus, one of the most poisonous, and because the area is "at risk" scorpion stings, the head of Vectors and Zoonoses in northern recommends checking the bed , shoes and clothing, have firm ground, the ceiling is of material-if it can be tiled or thatched nests, if they live in the countryside, putting aluminum cans in the legs of beds, so the scorpion slip, but spraying is not recommended.

in the region in January there were 147 scorpion stings, in February rose to 177 in March to 262, and in April there were 414 poisoning.

Text: Becerra Hilda.


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