Wednesday, May 4, 2011

How Do You Clean Sonicare Toothbrush Base?


They establish identity card in Chiapas
The alleged kidnappings and crime fighting in Mexico
. Wall Alejandro
As an initiative to counter kidnapping, trafficking, violence and migrant children nationwide, the famous identity card was launched in Chiapas, becoming the first state Southeast Mexico and fourth nationally, behind Tijuana, Tamaulipas and Guanajuato.

Interior Secretary Francisco Blake Mora arrived in Tapachula, Chiapas on the flight from 10:30 of the morning, then was joined by the Chiapas Governor Juan Sabines Guerrero, both visited the boarding number 11 Joaquín Miguel Gutiérrez, located along the road to Puerto Chiapas Tapachula, before a heavy security that cordoned off the entire , area.

With the presence of Chiapas Attorney Raciel Lopez Salazar, Judge Mario Ruiz Coutinho, President of the Congress of Chiapas Juan Jesus Aquino Calvo, Secretary General of Government Noe Castanon Leon and Rene Zenteno Religious Affairs Quintero, members-SEGOB- registered to "Juan Manuel", the first child, a goal of one million 500 thousand children statewide.

According to the statement of the holder of human rights in Chiapas, the identity card will ensure human rights of minors, and promote respect. On the other hand, the President of the Asociación Civil-Common Cause, Elena Moreno Galindo, stressed that the program was started in Tijuana Baja California to the strong concern of the kidnappings and violence against minors.

Minors national database

Later, he spoke of giving benefits to children with social programs, health, education, economic and privilege of proceedings in civil registration, especially the intention to combat trafficking and abduction of minors.

Manuel de Jesus, was the first child registered with the identity card, a request accepted by their parents.

Practically, it is the first child that apply scanning their fingerprints in the iris of their eyes and face registration, which will be from May 3, 2011, in a data center located in offices central Mexico City.

For the Governor Juan Sabines Guerrero, the identity card, a program was expected and is currently implemented in Chiapas, which met the mandate of law by making a commitment to Chiapas.

The project dates back to the 90. Juan Sabines said was endorsed by UNICEF, and allows them to Mexican children, obtaining identification documents, benefiting the children of migrant parents as provided in the Reform number VIII.

Interests SEGOB

In turn, the Secretary of the Interior José Francisco Blake Mora, it was clear to apologize for being late to an event that was scheduled from eight in the morning. That Blake Mora regretted not being able to time and later said that this new program is intended to streamline cumbersome procedures, entry to schools, must comply with the obligations of Mexican citizens, such as taxes, debt payments to banks, doctors and school record.

What was more interesting and detailed commentary on countering threats to human trafficking that drive organized crime groups, in addition to the violation of rights and freedoms, and to avoid abduction.

In this sequence, it was revealed by unofficial sources that the visit of Secretary of the Interior "Francisco Blake Mora" Tapachula, was in order to monitor the national security program for the Southern Border, derived from the initiative bears the same name and is discussed in Congress for the promotion of militarization over 650 kilometers of border crossings to Guatemala and Central America to counter the entry of illegal goods such as drugs, weapons and illegal.

Last week the Ministry of National Defense (SEDENA) announced the deployment of troops to the steps bordering the southern border of Chiapas as a statement of the Federation, with the intention to intensify actions to the suspected presence of organized crime groups.

instances attached to the PGR in Chiapas, revealed in a press release on the presence of members of the Gulf cartel, although most parcel was the transfer of military groups who were guarding the Zapatista area in highland Chiapas, to establish them in Frontera Comalapa and Jiquipilas.

Government Monitoring tour

That same afternoon, it emerged that the Governor of the state, went to an event in the town of Motozintla and then returned to the city of Tapachula.

Officials Wednesday said they could give the official opening of the Center for Response to Emergencies and Disasters (CRED) State Civil Protection, located next to the Olympic Stadium in Tapachula and some streets named for forever.

other hand ... Instances of the three levels of government, sheltered INM facilities in Tapachula, derived from the escape of five Hondurans who led a mutiny of foreign inside.

military arrived Before the riot, federal, municipal and other police officers, with the intention of calming the waters and arrest those who had escaped from the detention facility located in Tapachula Model.

His owner Maria de las Mercedes Gómez Mont, gave no details of this situation and is expected to soon be launching a news release about the troubles that have been recorded within this trench.

Costeño Boosting sports

As part of the Cultural Week in the tournament sports Inter-area technical 06, made last April in Tapachula, Technical High School 15 Cacahoatán had 22 wins first place in the volleyball matches, basketball, foot ball and Athletics.

body representatives sports and physical education Cacahoatán Odiel and Hector Velazco Hernandez Ramos Rocha Lenin agreed that due to the physical preparation of quality and promotion of sport for children of this educational institution, managed to establish a record area in male and female branches of several sports and athletic activities within 200, 400, 800 meters and 4 x 100 meters.

FINALLY ... Merchants and business sectors, called on the Secretary of Health James Gomez Montes, because of the overnight, began to authorize new licenses for the opening of bars and cantinas in the Costa ... The question is focused on just how many permits are approved and how much they cost to at least have a chance to manage your business.

Any dimension


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