Thursday, May 5, 2011

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Increase the number of gastrointestinal cases

While diseases are not covered and can occur at any time and any person, some seasons are favorable for some conditions to occur more regularly, as is the case of gastrointestinal infections with the hot season appear more frequently.

this in mind, Luis Adrian Rubio, assistant director of the Hospital of First Contact in Colotlán, explained how they are prepared to meet these figures.

" We already assume from the start of the heat that will increase digestive infections, then try to have life oral rehydration salts, for example in the emergency department have the appropriate area for hydration in children, and as we progress I will ask, we have drugs, antibiotics for gastrointestinal infections, we sera and complete treatment solutions . " Although

daily will cater to different people with digestive problems, are children under 5 and the elderly the most vulnerable to this disease.

The poor hygiene conditions in which living and eating habits are among the causes that determine the appearance of gastrointestinal infections.

At Hospital First Contact people come from across the region, precisely because of the hygienic conditions in which they live Wixárika, is the area most vulnerable to acute gastrointestinal infections, according to data from the institution.

Text: Becerra Hilda.


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