Thursday, May 5, 2011

What Means White In Facebook Chat


Paul: A master lies
. Carlos Z.
Pablo Salazar, knows that a Senator of the Republic, sponsored by Andrés Manuel López Obrador and Alberto Anaya, moral leader of the Labor Party gives "Constitutional immunity" to avoid that in the next six years , is investigated and brought to court to pay his grave crime to enrich the state and federal budgets are allocated to victims in Chiapas who suffered firsthand the hurricane hit "Stan", and who were those who had complaints the mega-fraud criminal in the PGR and the state.

Many criminal offenses they prescribed in the next six years, saving his skin, through "legislative impunity, very well handled by him, using other characters naive or corrupt national politics. His extensive economic power today can do that and more.

Pablo Salazar, knows that if the PRI and the PRI candidate Enrique Pena Nieto national, came to the Presidency of the Republic, once could be prosecuted and imprisoned by the budgets of the victims in Chiapas. The PRI, would uncover a cesspool of looting that was by the federal PAN government of Vicente Fox, who has been involved with being an accomplice to Mendiguchía Salazar himself in fraud and disappearances of federal budgets billionaires who came to Chiapas to consolidate what they called "The reconstruction of Chiapas."

The new PRI Peña Nieto, would for the first time to jail a former governor in the country, on the side of corruption and not the drug, as has been done. But it is also a former governor who has made a mockery of all national political parties, and especially the PRI, which was his political party, given to him as a State Senator, and then become in disarticulating the same PRI in Chiapas and other states of the country, where he was an "operator failed" in the last elections as in Hidalgo state, Quintana Roo, Veracruz, among others. Paul has wanted to wipe out not only state but national PRI, which sheltered the beginning of his political career.

Pablo Salazar, you know, in short, that the only "exit loophole" is to market by purchasing a "ticket of impunity" in PT and Andrés Manuel López Obrador, as reported by journalist Carlos Ramirez, "Political Indicator "but shrewdly recognized seeks alliance with PRI of Chiapas and nationally, which was where he began his strategy of their newsletters and sending your pictures (Beltrones, Labastida, Coldwell et al.)

Pablo Salazar, is a master of disguise and deceit, and has been known for years when her doctor "Frankenstein" the former governor Chamula Javier Lopez Moreno, created it, and now confirms its recent newsletters which he defends to Socorro Dominguez Aguilar excolaboradora, if a candidate from Chiapas to Beatification at the Vatican, and in the last newsletter explaining how resources are managed "Stan", where a mourner and those "crying" that paid for the theater at funerals before, they have nothing to do with the "Little Red Riding Hood" in Chiapas.

Go way out of the tangent of the tyrant former governor, but it's fool who trusts in him and there are many. Messianism is a mental illness and no cure, except jail or the asylum.

Pablo Salazar, is the authentic and unique character of today, tomorrow and always "Time for Scoundrels." Of him and can not be trusted. If deceived even his own Christian faith.

.- downpours that was announced on 15 May is the formal beginning of the rainy season and hurricanes in the Pacific Ocean and 1 June in the Atlantic Ocean, just the dates that started last year. The National Weather Service (NWS), says many precautions to citizens throughout the national territory, and again said that there are many possibilities that tropical storms are imponderables. In Chiapas, we must always be our "preventive Pepe."

PROFECO .- The truth is that most Mexicans and people of Chiapas, we are very conformist, and a clear example is the action of the Federal Consumer (PROFECO) who would always trade at a time of turmoil, comes to the fore to inform public opinion, as the last one is coming, the season of "Mother's Day," so we must avoid the abuse of merchants, but never does anything. Just happened to Easter, plus before "Friendship Day", and long before the "holiday season", and everything is the same figure as ever, but you never know traders warned, reprimanded, much less imprisoned. The greed of the traders is the whole year and the corruption of the PROFECO, too. And that happens in Tapachula, Tuxtla Gutierrez, Tijuana or wherever you go around the country.


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