Thursday, May 5, 2011

Holly Willoughby Fakr


+ The point of deterioration ...
. Portela Ruperto Alvarado.

From the edge you want to view or hide, Chiapas is due to its breakdown in the political game and perverse that are staging clans and tribes who can not believe that the power was out of hand. And it is not vision because the armies of both sides have taken "Swords" with the intention of fighting.

What you wanted to hide and came to light and discussed everywhere, former Governor Pablo Salazar and Senator of the Republic Rubén Velázquez López on par with an ally not so convinced as José Antonio Aguilar Bodegas, challenge the governor Juan José Sabines Guerrero.

But seeing today an alliance "unnatural" as would the "gang boss" of Senators PRI, Manlio Fabio Beltrones Rivera, referring to the romance between the PAN and the PRD, it is more when it was unthinkable that Paul Salazar who resigned and oust the PRI position that gave him all his life and then betrayed cruelly, is allied with José Antonio Aguilar Bodegas former local MP, a former federal and former Senator of the Republic more than twice President of CDE PRI seems crazy.

The undercurrent that each party is playing will conclude with a bloody fight and perhaps useless in the 2012 elections for the big loser is the people of Chiapas. There are too many leaks of information made by the former Senator and former Governor of Chiapas, Pablo Salazar with the intention to distance himself from the accusations about the misuse of funds intended for reconstruction of 41 municipalities affected by Hurricane Stan.

probably say that in the struggle for power-and love-anything goes, but is it legal, moral compromise the governance of Chiapas for the sake of ambition and personal? I sure do not. I understand that Paul and Ruben Josean have the right to combine forces to gain power, but should reflect on some points and the first is that since the "trial of the Chiapas" was against the "Nazarene" and "Poblano" and that political heritage Aguilar Bodegas still had what is throwing overboard to make friends with who were their enemies and helped him to lose the governorship in 2006.


old saying goes that neither love nor money can be hidden and former Governor "Nazarene", which now deny others of the same sect - it is down pat, as when he lived in Cologne on June 24, Tuxtla Gutierrez, had no how transported and that his only protector was Rubin Tito Cruz Municipal both PRI and the Congress of the State as was Arturo Morales Urioste who appointed him assistant attorney general when he was the holder the government of President Salomon Gonzalez Blanco.

But Paul and Ruben not only became rich from the governorship of the State of Chiapas, also his brothers Samuel and Clever Salazar Roldán Mendiguchía. Jhon and tasted the sweetness of the budget of the Center for Science and Technology Studies (CECyTECH) which colluded with Náfate Roberto Gomez was then general director of CONALEP.

The history of corruption in the government of the "small circle of hope" is long and ends as "The New Era of Scoundrels" parodying a lengthy article that it will Mendiguchía Salazar devoted to the then Governor of Chiapas, Roberto Albores Guillen Armando.

not be ruled out that Jhonny Salazar was the delegate Mendiguchía BANOBRAS in Chiapas who ran from the more than eleven billion dollars for the reconstruction program of the municipalities devastated by Hurricane Stan and his brother says one of the statements of demarcation.

This is a case of corruption and governments never seen in Chiapas and to exemplify just have to see the size of the former officials jailed for alleged embezzlement, abuse of authority as the former Drug Sar in the government of Ernesto Zedillo Ponce de León and Attorney General of Justice in the State of Chiapas during the administration of Pablo Salazar and Secretary of Economy in the current government, Mariano Herran Salvati.

Another imprisoned and then released was Mario Bustamante Grajales, trucking magnate in Chiapas, a former local deputy for the PRI and director general of the State System of Water and Sanitation, Angel Barrios Zea (Mango Ball) Mayor Tapachula, related to a shortage of nearly one hundred million pesos. Recently, was arrested April 29 Socorro del Carmen Aguilar Molina, former director of the Institute of Housing, former Mayor of Angel Albino Corzo, Magdalena Díaz Molina and former Trustee Pijijiapan, José Chang Sánchez. All related to the issue of the reconstruction program of the Stan.

For this, there are former officials of the municipalities of Bellavista, Mapastepec and Mazapa de Madero, although the former Governor Pablo Salazar in his defense said that the municipal presidents acted with transparency and honesty in the use of resources. What it means is that in the case of alleged millionaire and outrageous act of corruption in the reconstruction program, are grabbing the small fry while the big, fat presumably had to do with these "nest egg" on the loose and doing much mischief.


Without fear of contradiction, the government of Juan Sabines Guerrero has invested several billion dollars and government efforts in promoting tourism in Chiapas, but the truth is I do not see it anywhere on the Secretary of Tourism , Cal y Mayor Juan Carlos Franco.

is also true that Chiapas has been known for tourism policy and business adventure by exposing various regional products such as candy, ceramics, food, textiles, handicrafts, landscapes and ruins ancestors have been well accepted by the national and international tourists.

But after four years of intensive promotion we may ask where in Chiapas is among the tourist destinations in Mexico? That would be a good response from the Secretary of Tourism, Cal y Mayor Juan Carlos Franco, who has become an "excellent" world traveler bearing the image of the state.

Are we as close to other destinations like Acapulco, Cancun, Playa del Carmen, Isla Mujeres, the Riviera of Majagual where they arrive between eight and ten cruisers or just Manzanillo? Nor can we deny that Chiapas has all to the delight of tourists and that they have to verify the servers of tourism as hoteliers, restaurant owners, boaters, ground service, or those who receive the cruise in Puerto Chiapas.

national and international promotion of Chiapas has to increase, but again, be efficient and less costly. Apply a media policy, Internet, facebook, twitter, spectacular promotion out of state strategically, the brochures, television and radio documentaries. In short, any strategy that may lead to a massive reception of tourists.

I say this because the truth that the Chiapa de Corzo attention on food and restaurants, besides being expensive are bad and the same is true of the roads in San Cristobal and Palenque Ocosingo, both through the Ocozocoautla - The Choapas, just to name a few I know.

to see if you ever see the Secretary of Tourism to comment on the subject ...

An aside ...

So as promised on April 8 when he faced the Senator Rubén Velázquez López, Miguel González Alonso columnist keeps track of the "infernal couple" and precisely Last Tuesday, as part of the commemoration of World Day of Press Freedom, "said the outrage committed by the former Governor and current Senator of the Republic to sign a penal reform called" Gag Rule "that raged sanctions defamation that was aimed at journalists critical of his administration ... After speaking of journalism locally, nationally and globally for the event organized by the Autonomous University of Chiapas (UNACH) through the Center for the Study of Building Citizenship and Security, addressed the repressive behavior Pablo Salazar and Rubén Velázquez López accusing them of wrongfully imprisoning Sheratto columnist Mario Ángel Flores, Walter Hernandez Gonzalez, Conrado de la Cruz Jiménez her son Conrado de la Cruz Morales and Enrique Zamora Cruz, director of the newspaper "El Orbe" Tapachula, including other peasant leaders ... The sentence will be served sooner or later, because "every little chapel she gets her little party and each cochi the morning," said my friend as "The Shah of San Roque, Florencio Lopez narcissistic ... / / Now you is over the rope ... AND YOU ALL ...

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