Friday, May 6, 2011

Does My Cat Have Herpes

There have been thousands of cases of scorpion stings in northern

From January to April in the northern region there have been thousands of cases of scorpion stings, compared to last year on the same date, 760 poisonings were reported and were attributed to neglect preventive measures to avoid bites.

Indigenous communities are more vulnerable to scorpion bites, such as San Miguel Huaixtita in Mezquitic, and Tuxpan de Bolaños, the conditions of housing.

" As wixárika live, sleeping on the ground, their houses are made of straw, lay on the floor, barefoot children are more exposed to scorpion sting, so the incidence is higher, is a high risk area, apart from that is the habitat of scorpions, and scorpions that are in the Huichol are of high toxicity, such as Centruroides infamatus infamatus "said Angelica Gonzalez, head of Vectors and Zoonosis Department of Health Region 1 North.

For the northern region, the scorpion Centruroides infamatus inafamatus, one of the most poisonous, and because the area is "at risk" scorpion stings, the head of Vectors and Zoonoses in northern recommends checking the bed , shoes and clothing, have firm ground, the ceiling is of material-if it can be tiled or thatched nests, if they live in the countryside, putting aluminum cans in the legs of beds, so the scorpion slip, but spraying is not recommended.

in the region in January there were 147 scorpion stings, in February rose to 177 in March to 262, and in April there were 414 poisoning.

Text: Becerra Hilda.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Kitchen Trash Basket With Bag Clip


Chiapas prepared for Hurricanes: SEGOB
"PGR Stan could open files"
. Wall Alejandro
The National Civil Protection Director attached to the Ministry of the Interior-SEGOB-Ana Lucia Hill, testified the grant of 6 million dollars in computer technology (ambulances, boats, fire truck, tools, training and base of operations) issued by the state Governor Juan Sabines Guerrero to the newly opened "Centre Response to Emergencies and Natural Disasters CRED the State Civil Protection System, located in Tapachula.

little nervous, after being approached by various media, Lucia Hill, accompanied by Luis Manuel Garcia Moreno, Assistant Secretary of Civil Protection Institute, showed a palpable concern about the existence of vulnerable areas, then to announce an average of 16 meteorological phenomena within the hurricane season which is due in 2011, the Pacific Coast and Gulf of Mexico.

In an interview, said to have all the intention together with the Governments state to establish strong coordination measures with the intention of preventing serious incidents such as those raised in the past Hurricane Stan, which occurred in 2005.

2005 Background

As pointed out in that time, the weather phenomenon of Stan, affected more than 41 municipalities in Chiapas, so the federal government headed by Vicente Fox Quesada, announced at that time, an investment of more than 11 billion pesos from the National Fund for Natural Disasters-mix funding with state resources, at the time headed by Pablo Salazar, currently investigated and syndicated by hundreds of media for foolish and ambitious, to not realize the reconstruction, but if you want to venture into national politics through a multi-member senate.

As recalled, the former president, now facing over 17 criminal charges for alleged embezzlement, theft, diversion, theft, embezzlement and whatever is after vitiate the process of reconstruction of houses in various municipalities affected by the disaster.

Questioning SEGOB

On arrival at the Coast of Chiapas Ana Lucia Hill was questioned by journalists and correspondents on the slope that is the reconstruction process in Chiapas and whether there were plans by the Attorney General's Office, PGR, carry out relevant investigations against former officials and former Gov. Salazar who was responsible for managing these resources.

Within seconds, Ana Lucia Hill said not wanting to get to that issue so thorny, and other federal agencies would have to give those details in due course. "Stan will open records in the PGR? ...

As research progresses by the Secretariat of Public-SFP-en Chiapas, was found to grant 10 000 housing bonds, although they were not built. National sources revealed just this May 4, 2011, that housing vouchers are devoid of legal and regulatory as well never had a funding source.

Evidence of this situation have lived for several victims of Hurricane Stan, which were transferred to several sections, called Better Life.

The cases occurred in Suchiate, Frontera Hidalgo, Tapachula, Huixtla, Mazatán and Motozintla, where hundreds of families forced to live in housing bad completed without health services, much less electricity, drinking water, in addition withstand excessive heat leaks and poor construction.

The Journalist Gaspar Romero, through its national publication in the newspaper Excelsior, revealed that there are 24 subdivisions were built without mains, potable water 38 without, 43 with no drainage, no streetlights 73, 11 subdivisions needed storm sewer and not have it and five require retaining walls, but also found in flood zones.

Meanwhile, in Chiapas, the Attorney General of the State headed by Raciel Salazar López, followed the legal procedure which considered 17 criminal complaints against former Chiapas Governor Pablo Salazar, and a number of collaborators who were also involved in budget gaps, which are in effect missing a billion pesos.

Because of these gaps and the misapplication of resources, more than 10 000 families, presently required to give them decent housing and on the other hand, are fully joined by the requirement to complete the investigations and finding the real culprits in this matter ...

High to neglect preventive

Ana Lucia Hill, said the change of government or government officials, NO! should be subject to delays of prevention and instead work harder to continue activities relating to Civil Protection in states such as Chiapas, to avoid vulnerability and high risk areas.

In this regard he acknowledged the activities undertaken in the last four years in Chiapas, where only Tapachula have invested over 20 million pesos in Civil Protection recently awarded the Local Government mobile units to CRED, joining the efforts of Governor Sabines to promote early prevention.

National Recognition Chiapas

The official la-SEGOB-launched a national public recognition to the work and effort of the Governor Juan Sabines, who said, "A proven ability response and preparation for productive and economic sectors, preventative measures, that is, be prepared before the occurrence of a weather phenomenon, which remains a view to avoiding disasters.

coordinated activities and the result of shared work as registered in Chiapas, has made Mexico, has become a global example in the field of civil protection, providing technical advice to other countries.

He was given his shouted to PEJE in Tapachula

And speaking of the case of Hurricane Stan, the President of the Movement in Defense of Victims of 2005 Carlos Tapia Ramirez, shout slogans against the leader of the National Regeneration Movement (MORENA) Andrés Manuel López Obrador, where the latter has been accused of "selling" protection former Governor Pablo Salazar, through the famous Senator multimember by the Workers' Party (PT).

was from the module to collect signatures against the aspirations of Pablo Salazar and Rubén Velázquez López, Carlos Tapia Ramirez, using a loud voice demanded to PEJE, an approach that would support him and let clear, bonding, connection or association with the former governor of Chiapas, described as repressive and repudiated for thousands of families affected.

note that Andrés Manuel López Obrador, was a public event in Tapachula, where he announced his participation the national races in 2012, championing the PT-Convergencia coalition.

eyewitness shouted that gave the PEJE were Senator Ricardo Monreal Avila, former Senator Rutilio Escandon Chain, Pilgrim Abundio and Carlos Pena state leader of the Convergence Party, Oscar Ochoa, Secretary of Convergence the state leader of the Labor Party (PT) Neftali Flores and Sonia Catalina Alvarez. Shameful! ...

INM and Proof

By the way, derived from registered Mutiny on the premises of National Institute Migration-INM-, which ensures the escape of three Cuban and reuptake Five of the same nationality, Central American consulates streamlined the process of repatriation of its citizens (Hondurans, Salvadorans and Guatemalans), given that more than 100 Interior Foreigners are those who allegedly provoked the scuffle, resulting in an agent of the INM-Wounded and whimpering from scraping knee ...

This event, hours after Interior Secretary Jose Francisco Blake Mora, had retired Tapachula and traveled to Torreón Coahuila, to lead other federal event on Tuesday 3 May.

For this situation ... Maria de las Mercedes Gómez Mont, INM delegate present in Chiapas, do not know how to jump in Bull by the horns, because it certainly was a strong wake-up call from headquarters, to the disorder that moved more than 200 items between the Ministry of Defence, PGR, SSPyPC, SSPM, among others.

will be next week when the Federal official, give a press conference in Tapachula COPARMEX breakfast, with the intention of giving the details of this event.

FINALLY ... A strong group of businessmen hot for elected office were very moved by the recent tour of the Governor Sabines by Tapachula. From Huixtla, Tuxtla Gutierrez, and some in Tapachula, sought ways to address the number one. Probably to see the feasibility of electoral projects that could be promoting in 2012. "Then name" ...

Any dimension

What Means White In Facebook Chat


Paul: A master lies
. Carlos Z.
Pablo Salazar, knows that a Senator of the Republic, sponsored by Andrés Manuel López Obrador and Alberto Anaya, moral leader of the Labor Party gives "Constitutional immunity" to avoid that in the next six years , is investigated and brought to court to pay his grave crime to enrich the state and federal budgets are allocated to victims in Chiapas who suffered firsthand the hurricane hit "Stan", and who were those who had complaints the mega-fraud criminal in the PGR and the state.

Many criminal offenses they prescribed in the next six years, saving his skin, through "legislative impunity, very well handled by him, using other characters naive or corrupt national politics. His extensive economic power today can do that and more.

Pablo Salazar, knows that if the PRI and the PRI candidate Enrique Pena Nieto national, came to the Presidency of the Republic, once could be prosecuted and imprisoned by the budgets of the victims in Chiapas. The PRI, would uncover a cesspool of looting that was by the federal PAN government of Vicente Fox, who has been involved with being an accomplice to Mendiguchía Salazar himself in fraud and disappearances of federal budgets billionaires who came to Chiapas to consolidate what they called "The reconstruction of Chiapas."

The new PRI Peña Nieto, would for the first time to jail a former governor in the country, on the side of corruption and not the drug, as has been done. But it is also a former governor who has made a mockery of all national political parties, and especially the PRI, which was his political party, given to him as a State Senator, and then become in disarticulating the same PRI in Chiapas and other states of the country, where he was an "operator failed" in the last elections as in Hidalgo state, Quintana Roo, Veracruz, among others. Paul has wanted to wipe out not only state but national PRI, which sheltered the beginning of his political career.

Pablo Salazar, you know, in short, that the only "exit loophole" is to market by purchasing a "ticket of impunity" in PT and Andrés Manuel López Obrador, as reported by journalist Carlos Ramirez, "Political Indicator "but shrewdly recognized seeks alliance with PRI of Chiapas and nationally, which was where he began his strategy of their newsletters and sending your pictures (Beltrones, Labastida, Coldwell et al.)

Pablo Salazar, is a master of disguise and deceit, and has been known for years when her doctor "Frankenstein" the former governor Chamula Javier Lopez Moreno, created it, and now confirms its recent newsletters which he defends to Socorro Dominguez Aguilar excolaboradora, if a candidate from Chiapas to Beatification at the Vatican, and in the last newsletter explaining how resources are managed "Stan", where a mourner and those "crying" that paid for the theater at funerals before, they have nothing to do with the "Little Red Riding Hood" in Chiapas.

Go way out of the tangent of the tyrant former governor, but it's fool who trusts in him and there are many. Messianism is a mental illness and no cure, except jail or the asylum.

Pablo Salazar, is the authentic and unique character of today, tomorrow and always "Time for Scoundrels." Of him and can not be trusted. If deceived even his own Christian faith.

.- downpours that was announced on 15 May is the formal beginning of the rainy season and hurricanes in the Pacific Ocean and 1 June in the Atlantic Ocean, just the dates that started last year. The National Weather Service (NWS), says many precautions to citizens throughout the national territory, and again said that there are many possibilities that tropical storms are imponderables. In Chiapas, we must always be our "preventive Pepe."

PROFECO .- The truth is that most Mexicans and people of Chiapas, we are very conformist, and a clear example is the action of the Federal Consumer (PROFECO) who would always trade at a time of turmoil, comes to the fore to inform public opinion, as the last one is coming, the season of "Mother's Day," so we must avoid the abuse of merchants, but never does anything. Just happened to Easter, plus before "Friendship Day", and long before the "holiday season", and everything is the same figure as ever, but you never know traders warned, reprimanded, much less imprisoned. The greed of the traders is the whole year and the corruption of the PROFECO, too. And that happens in Tapachula, Tuxtla Gutierrez, Tijuana or wherever you go around the country.

Need For Obesity Treatment

. Paco Andrade
increasingly convinces me that story about the bucket of crabs, which has not only limited to the political class, and is hitting all sectors.

It's classic to hear that members of a community sector rants against another member of that core, when he shows interest to excel in an area outside that practice.

people who when faced with this, refer to other parts of the world where the momentum and make a show of mutual support tolerance.

Before the community partners know the taste of defeat, failure, the other "partners" destroy it.

But surprise! When these renegades succeed and succeed. Some even go to brag about his friendship with "yearling."

Seriously not fair, you have to support us, encourage us, as we see and read every day, I repeat, in all sectors. Are you not the "enlightened" "sacred cows" feel affected in their "interests"? Are not those ideas retrograded who think that the less donkey over corn cob?

When will the day and recoveries actually change tolerance, we have lost forever.

Well, above all and above all I wish all the luck and good vibes to Erisel Hernández Moreno, in search of the state leadership of the NCC; Alexander Moguel, as President of the State Association of Columnists BC, a Roman Delmar, in its pursuit of professional advancement to members of the ARRPRECH, Enoch Hernandez Cruz, who incidentally managed to sail a fairly comprehensive city like San Cristobal de Las Casas, then ruler of the town hall and had her first fall, rose and is now the local deputy and Mrs. Buaum (President of the National Association of Broadcasters ), gave her confidence in Chiapas to coordinate the various delegations of that organization.

probably achieved the consolidation of the fraternal group, in fact, in the coming months Chiapas will host an international gathering of speakers, and so, I hope they go well with anyone who wants to excel in this hypocritical society and coke dealers . As said no I know who: Up and out!


The friend of Chiapas, President Felipe Calderon gave a message on national television to tell Mexicans of seriousness that is to combat organized crime.

Entres highlights, the most remarkable is the request he made to Mexican parents, achieve better communication with their children, discuss what is happening in the country, explaining the risks involved in certain activities at night, that is, prevention.

the message if you have moved minds, because finally, President Calderon can not be alone with him we are stuck to the bottom, it's not worth leaving it alone, at least in these crucial moments.


respectfully request the same attitude, but in a manner inconsistent with the former governor of Chiapas, Pablo Salazar, because evicted homeless shelters, providing them with uninhabitable homes were relocated in flood zones, where services such as water, sewer, electricity, among others, were not considered.

More ten thousand families affected were "benefiting" bottomless bond financing.

All communications sent by the intolerant soyalteco has not explained much less address, the destination of a thousand 589 million pesos exercised heading home in his administration.

The truth has not been the forte of Pablo Salazar, because it showed more than 94 percent improvement in the reconstruction, when it really was only 63.5 percent of physical progress.

With this and more, the former governor tries to distract and confuse public opinion, but the reality is that 24 subdivisions network were built without electricity, 38 without water, without drainage 43, 73 without street lighting, storm drains 11 fractions needed and not have it and 5 require retaining walls.

The Pinochet Chiapas to confuse the people of Chiapas, speaking of an alleged missing and misplaced documents as evidence when all the paperwork has been handled since the beginning of juniper management on the department responsible for housing.

But nevertheless in this government, far from making a political lynching is dedicated to responding to people affected, not wasting time in idle discussions, solving the problem of Chiapas in such actions clearly recorded in more than four years, has treated about two thousand families who had outstanding stock of housing.


And funny thing, distinguished members of the clan of Pablo Salazar, the Center some apparently went very bowling when they went to his blog a comment which lamented the alleged killing of Osama Bin Laden also placed him as a hero, yes, as a reader reads it, as well as "the greatest man in modern history."

Hours later, in the hangover, apparently wanted to note just before and oh surprise, the blog had been discharged, "Sorry, the blog was deleted Pongoch rang their head.


Interior Secretary Francisco Blake Mora and Governor Sabines were Tapachula, witnessing the start of the registration program for identity cards for children and adolescents "As you no two" that seeks to register a Chiapas million 500 thousand children.

Ballots, Blake Mora said, are tools are fundamental barriers, basic steel shields to protect the rights and integrity of our children, so we are committed to working hand in hand with international organizations, with state governments, with mayors, with the Civil Registry and all those who cooperate and collaborate.

The document will serve for life and avoid making too many unnecessary procedures.

was at boarding school "Joaquín Miguel Gutiérrez" where before hundreds of students and parents, Blake Mora said that the document is properly protected, and explained that this registration authorities may better combat human trafficking, theft of infant and child prostitution.

Also the head of the Chiapas said the program is led by President Felipe Calderon will be useful for Mexican families: "We are the first in the Southeast and we have to hurry to meet the target are more than one million 500 thousand children in Chiapas to be recorded, we will meet to Mexico, meeting with our president and to come through Chiapas and Mexican society. "

Child Jesus Urbieta Manuel Olivera, Chiapas is the first to obtain the document.


Although late, I send a greeting to the director-general of CONECULTA Marvin Arriaga Chiapas, for his birthday that he celebrated chamber, as the first day since taking the order by the governor Sabines. Congratuleichon.

At your service:, Facebook: paco.andrade1; Twitter: @ pakoandrade; blog:

Strep Throat Causing Swollen Gums

A TEXTUAL HARASSMENT history seasoned with love ...

The Juchitan
is the story of two women from a caste iron, two copies generations who conquered with their season and a very traditional recipe over the years, they won, thanks to its humanitarian gesture, simplicity, and humility, the love of a land that welcomed them and their daughters ... And shaped them and their history: Tapachula loving and sharing his heart between two borders, Chiapas and Oaxaca ...

By Carlos Morán
Dolores López Marín really do not remember at what point he entered the kitchen says he was born between these aromas and flavors without knowing that eventually would inherit from his mother who was born in that time the Isthmus of Tehuantepec, Rancho precisely Gubin, a picturesque town with a rich culture that is crossed by rivers and Chicapa Holy Spirit, and is today known as Union Hidalgo, Oaxaca.

The story begins in 1920 with the birth of Mrs. Esther López Marín, who was only a year-old girl left her hometown of Union Hidalgo, left hand of the bold and courageous aunt Nemesia Marin, who helped her get on the train with a stop in Tonala, Chiapas. Like all istmeña not pursuing a dream, I just wanted to conquer life in the midst of a country where the conditions were not equal to today, at a time that many women in the rest of the country had to fight prejudice, fear and hardship that faced with the macho world ...

So in the long journey back and forth, from fair to fair and celebration feast, Esther López Marín was learning the best profession in the world that not only satisfy hunger puts the soul in peace, but above all, grew overcoming the fear of life, including pots and pans, frying of Garnacha and art to forge a destiny to pulse until it became self-sufficient woman.

The year was 1940 when Esther López Marín, who had 20 years old, arrived in Tapachula and lavishes on earth did what he could do, to establish a small business that became street fairs traveling close and even cross the border to several Central American countries and offer the best of your kitchen until one day, January 1, 1963, he dared to open "The Juchitan", a simple restaurant in addition to serving the specialty of the house, became the space where many women, coming from his homeland, were helped by this woman, who also give them shelter and work, instructed in what she learned in the way of life, without jealousy or rivalry future because his conscience and dictated it.

course before, Mrs. Esther gave birth to two daughters, Silvia and Dolores were born and registered in Rancho Gubin, complementing the large family of seven nephews who became his nine children.

Lolita, affectionately known as the daughter of this Christian woman who met with their children, friends and countrymen, he inherited from his mother (Dona Esther) that unique culinary tradition, but also the humanitarian gesture continued his countrymen and all who have come to this "Empire of Garnacha" where they find shelter, work and space to continue.

is she who can not remember at what point he entered the kitchen because it was part of their daily lives, just that he was born there, watching her mother work and grew as it integrated the life, so it was still involved of this family business over the years he inherited. Dolores López Marín studied primary school Fray Matías de Córdova and then traveled to Mexico City where he learned dressmaking.

Convinced of its ultimate destination, returned to Tapachula and joined The Juchitán, the business of his mother, who alternated his work in the restaurant being in special occasions delight your kitchen at fairs ... It was 30 years ago when Mrs. Martha Cruz, offers the space in the 5 th Poniente No. 21 B, which had aclient and becomes owner of the property until the day today remains a meeting point at that time that we identified.

But not all work, love and also rocked Dolores López Marín, when he was thirty-five, she married Jorge Cordova Ibarías, who bore him a daughter whom he named Gilda Janeth a daughter who of course did not break with tradition.

Coming of a race where women are the mainstay of society, but above all, a caste in which women always show with husband or not, can survive while maintaining their values, dignity and decorum, confirmed that business is not unique men. She says that being young, alternated his work and was not limited only to the kitchen but also operated sewing and other crafts in her spare time, he was and began paying a future that was not intended exaggerated profits, but forged a heritage what a child learned to do.

She is one of many women who narrates passages from his life similar to many that rise thinking early in the day job, starting the day with shopping in the market for slaughter after 10 to 15 chicken ranch today that are the raw material for your kitchen.

Yes, Dolores since she learned to twist the neck of the chickens, pluck them, pass them by fire to remove any lint, break them and cook them with the secrets of always, take stock and to hold the meat ... His hands memelitas cake were domesticated and halved, dropping gracefully over the beef and fry them seal them with a rich cheese sauce and dry the crown is so popular delicacy in southeastern Mexico: The Garnacha.

Dolores López Marín, speaking of work, parties, large celebrations and of course, his native does not forget. It was thus decided to meet on Monday in The Juchitan ", its new space recently remodeled after serious incidents that did not give up and, while selecting a memelitas which started in the middle and was placing them on an iron skillet with hot light oil I kept telling him that I share with you today.

not know the precise moment, grew with the culture of work, going to school and in his spare time was integrated into the kitchen of his mother, by that time she honed her and knew all the secrets of life, work and how to avoid everyday problems without losing the joy.

Although not speak of the secrets of their cuisine, their joy and optimism is printed on each plate cooking. No presumption but proud ensures the success of their dinner of chicken, because the meat is chicken ranch, the memelitas natural corn that makes the wine grapes are made in the restaurant and the mole, is a family recipe born in the land she loves, Union Hidalgo.
For 48 years, Lolita and her mother, who died in December 1994, founded the "Empire of Garnacha and chicken dinners "over the years became one of the icons of our city. Lolita has never forgotten his roots because every day, every dish in each service and each guest receives, shares this delicious reminders of their homeland and that word of mouth have brought fame and prestige, thanks to fate that brought them to this promised land where they conquered and learned to love its flavor.

In Tapachula, "The Juchitan" is an institution in Panamanian food has been the site of where they graduate with sufficient preparation many other women who have open spaces with the same specialty, except that each one with its particular touch and the secret that every woman can impose. The Juchitán is undoubtedly the place to which everyone, including tourists and tapachulteco, because these parts become fried chicken seasoned with tomato and onion, placed on a bed of fries and accompanied by wine grapes or enchiladas, is our tradition.

My interviewee can not do anything but work and live life as God ordains. She says the job gives him enough joy for living, not working to be rich because it is, has friends, health, hard work and a daughter by profession and a new restaurant now open from early to start the day serving breakfast, and if the nostalgia trap, arranges his suitcases and left for Union Hill, to visit relatives and take a breath of the land that gave birth.

To contact Dona Lolita mark June 5, 1985 62

***************************** *

Lolita and I confirm that the name "The Juchitan" is exclusive to the region, because in fact the native Juchitán or that region, there are called "Tecas" no "Juche" . We talked for about ninety minutes of cooking, traditions, his taste for parties where it looks beautiful embroidered dress worn as ornament chains of solid gold coins. He has been steward and one of the important pillars of the Oaxacan Social Circle, his daughter Gilda Janeth, who was born and has also grown with the same culture, a lover of the traditions of Central and love will continue this family legacy.

Lolita Lopez Marin is 68 years old, was born on April 16, 1943 and is not intended to retire but his daughter, who is an educator, as did his mother, in her spare time enter the restaurant to continue tradition. Lolita speaks and understands the Zapotec never forget the scent of flowers guiechache of his people, he loves parties and according to her in the kitchen there are 10 ingredients, and the joy, not to be missed: red tomatoes, onion, garlic, oil, chicken ranch for "dinner", memelitas corn, cheese, preferably dry San Dionisio del Mar, shredded beef for wine grapes, salt and pepper.

Union Hidalgo Oaxaca (formerly Rancho Gubin meaning "Rancho poor") is located 12 kilometers from Oaxaca Juchitán is a village of fishermen and farmers who have a 5 km a dead sea called "Union" and as a stream "the stalled", "I guided Estero" south of Lake Superior. 80% of the population speaks Zapotec. It is a picturesque village of people who were born to be happy, live and work all year to celebrate the patron saint and other saints and that, years do not pass, is a village frozen in spite of modernity remains a generous people site where the noise sounds like

Is Plax Safe For Teeth

* Cofetel and police function
* Fold-poverty with education
* They call outrage mayor of Tumbalá
For. Leonel Lopez
The actions of the Electoral Supervisory Commission obey their electoral public surveillance and its commitment to not violate election rules, so it is required to conduct monitoring and thorough investigation any well-known fact that notice in a publication in the media, says the dependence in a statement.

Which leads to verify the information contained in the same media, without implying in any way an act of nuisance on the free exercise of journalistic expression, but On the contrary, the media contribute to the electoral authorities to provide information or data that are not reserved to professional secrecy.

And you you love snow!. I think the Cofetel this sin of ignorance, because for certain citizens' rights known, unknown field step, an act as police made the mistake of questioning the managers of a web journal, when we are not obliged to carry out its work for it have sufficient staff and budget to make their own investigations, but never with threats to demand explanations, because then you are violating press freedom.

statement says the information does not necessarily require an act of nuisance, of course not!, Of course, represents an interference, an interference, a lack of respect for the media and any journalist who does not like take over to police who seek information under threat because our role is not to be informants, ears that are "whistles" for a few coins.

If I'm wrong, then what purpose was sent on record number Cofel/POI/002/2011, Technical Secretary, Office Number Cofel/ST/093/2011, Tuxtla Gutierrez, signed by Mr., Marlon Castellanos Molina which says to apply 300 days of minimum wage of fine electronic newspaper "Freedom in Chiapas" in case they ignored his request for an explanation, which certainly did not have feet or head, as the same president of the electoral body.

Cofel Those of had to think long to issue a statement to "conceal their blunder," as from 27 April, thought so much that until just yesterday the crowd responded to criticism generated by their poor proceed.

With the action, the Cofel show inexperience in the electoral arena, all alone themselves "chamaquearon" and today are the "gossip" of the representatives of the media, so the next should be more analytical when they can not solve a case and intend to throw them to others the "ball" because they are other those who are violating the election law, and the Cofel not even realize it.

is the challenge the government to develop the poorest municipalities

Governor Juan Sabines Guerrero is facing one of the major challenges facing municipalities with the lowest human development index, induce them to improve of life through primary, secondary and higher education.

is why in the municipality of Siltepec, Juan Sabines Guerrero gave the families of this mountain town 48 classrooms for 22 campuses in 18 locations.

That's the Chiapas governor's vision of bringing down all lags through education and do it on their homes so that young people do not see the need to abandon their schools, when they are not in their localities, but have to move to other communities, they account for more spending, sometimes their parents can not afford to continue their studies.

The state executive was in the municipality where he accompanied the students of High School Sept. 15 to find their new classrooms.

q There were told the students that already have land to build the headquarters of the institution of higher education that will give young people the opportunity to excel they need a new Institute of Technology, Tuxtla Gutierrez, campus Siltepec a EMSAT.

The promise was that in less than a month began construction and promised to be outstanding, because ensuring education at all levels is also part of fulfilling the Millennium Development Goals of the UN, in Chiapas is a constitutional obligation.

Thus Siltepec have covered all levels from kindergarten to college level but will also work on projects that have asked for special education.

The conference examines outrageous for mayor of Tumbala

It seems that finally the Mayor of Tumbalá the Green Ecologist Party (PVEM), Porfirio Ramos Torres, be outrageous, as last month was another outrageous Mayor, of Jiquipilas for having engaged in an act of violence where a firearm used.

What we know firsthand is that the State Attorney's Office, sent Congress a request for local outrage against the mayor, accused of causing serious injury with a firearm to a person.

In this case, the chairman of the board of the local Congress, Juan Jesus Aquino Calvo, the mayor said, ships still in that area a week ago even though council members did get a document to the Legislative Branch Local and Governor Juan Sabines, claiming that Porfirio Ramos Torres was not in the municipality.

Pretending escape prosecution, the mayor sent a letter to Congress Local stating that the person assaulted, had granted the pardon, therefore, requested not to initiate the impeachment process.

However, the explanation of the mayor Ramos Torres is not sufficient for the forgiveness of the victim because it is a serious crime should be punished according to law.

The crime is serious, so it follows by trade so it is not sufficient for forgiveness of the victim, because it's injuries and damages that take more than 15 days to heal, which categorized as a felony as was the case for this is that the State Attorney's Office to intervene despite the withdrawal already affected.

the mayor of Tumbalá, Porfirio Ramos Torres, is accused of criminal injuries and damages against Simón López Luna, indigenous inhabitants of that locality.

The application was submitted for study and report to the Commission of Justice, although the case must be dealt with by the full Congress or the Standing Committee on Local.

In that way, the commission would have to rule a possible impeachment of mayor is the presiding justice Javin Guzmán Vilchis, which is the same political party as Porfirio Ramos Torres, the Green Ecologist.

Of Plenty

In regular session, the Permanent Commission of the State Congress admitted the State Public Accounts for the Fiscal Year 2010, same as was referred to the Finance Committee for study and opinion. Moreover, after the Financial Secretary of State transmitted to Congress, the desire of Governor Juan Sabines Guerrero of clear and transparent accountability the people of Chiapas, on the exercise of the Public Accounts State of fiscal 2010, lawmakers agreed that it will be next Friday, May 6 when they host Carlos Jair Jimenez Bolaños Cacho ... ... ... .. As expected, the XLIV Congress of the State Legislature opened the evening on Wednesday the fifth special session and declared a recess, which is why the discussion and vote on the planned initiatives will continue on Friday May 6 at 10: 00 hours. In this regard, the Chairman of the Board, Juan Jesus Aquino Calvo, he told the times respectful of each parliamentary group required to complete the analysis of initiatives and reiterated the commitment and responsibility of Members to discuss and vote on the opinions prepared by legislative committees. Moreover, Madrid Tovilla, President of the Political Coordination Board, said the Commission is already working on initiatives dictamination and acknowledged that some legislators required more time to read the documents ... ... ... ... .. That's it for today, until tomorrow with more of the same.

Holly Willoughby Fakr


+ The point of deterioration ...
. Portela Ruperto Alvarado.

From the edge you want to view or hide, Chiapas is due to its breakdown in the political game and perverse that are staging clans and tribes who can not believe that the power was out of hand. And it is not vision because the armies of both sides have taken "Swords" with the intention of fighting.

What you wanted to hide and came to light and discussed everywhere, former Governor Pablo Salazar and Senator of the Republic Rubén Velázquez López on par with an ally not so convinced as José Antonio Aguilar Bodegas, challenge the governor Juan José Sabines Guerrero.

But seeing today an alliance "unnatural" as would the "gang boss" of Senators PRI, Manlio Fabio Beltrones Rivera, referring to the romance between the PAN and the PRD, it is more when it was unthinkable that Paul Salazar who resigned and oust the PRI position that gave him all his life and then betrayed cruelly, is allied with José Antonio Aguilar Bodegas former local MP, a former federal and former Senator of the Republic more than twice President of CDE PRI seems crazy.

The undercurrent that each party is playing will conclude with a bloody fight and perhaps useless in the 2012 elections for the big loser is the people of Chiapas. There are too many leaks of information made by the former Senator and former Governor of Chiapas, Pablo Salazar with the intention to distance himself from the accusations about the misuse of funds intended for reconstruction of 41 municipalities affected by Hurricane Stan.

probably say that in the struggle for power-and love-anything goes, but is it legal, moral compromise the governance of Chiapas for the sake of ambition and personal? I sure do not. I understand that Paul and Ruben Josean have the right to combine forces to gain power, but should reflect on some points and the first is that since the "trial of the Chiapas" was against the "Nazarene" and "Poblano" and that political heritage Aguilar Bodegas still had what is throwing overboard to make friends with who were their enemies and helped him to lose the governorship in 2006.


old saying goes that neither love nor money can be hidden and former Governor "Nazarene", which now deny others of the same sect - it is down pat, as when he lived in Cologne on June 24, Tuxtla Gutierrez, had no how transported and that his only protector was Rubin Tito Cruz Municipal both PRI and the Congress of the State as was Arturo Morales Urioste who appointed him assistant attorney general when he was the holder the government of President Salomon Gonzalez Blanco.

But Paul and Ruben not only became rich from the governorship of the State of Chiapas, also his brothers Samuel and Clever Salazar Roldán Mendiguchía. Jhon and tasted the sweetness of the budget of the Center for Science and Technology Studies (CECyTECH) which colluded with Náfate Roberto Gomez was then general director of CONALEP.

The history of corruption in the government of the "small circle of hope" is long and ends as "The New Era of Scoundrels" parodying a lengthy article that it will Mendiguchía Salazar devoted to the then Governor of Chiapas, Roberto Albores Guillen Armando.

not be ruled out that Jhonny Salazar was the delegate Mendiguchía BANOBRAS in Chiapas who ran from the more than eleven billion dollars for the reconstruction program of the municipalities devastated by Hurricane Stan and his brother says one of the statements of demarcation.

This is a case of corruption and governments never seen in Chiapas and to exemplify just have to see the size of the former officials jailed for alleged embezzlement, abuse of authority as the former Drug Sar in the government of Ernesto Zedillo Ponce de León and Attorney General of Justice in the State of Chiapas during the administration of Pablo Salazar and Secretary of Economy in the current government, Mariano Herran Salvati.

Another imprisoned and then released was Mario Bustamante Grajales, trucking magnate in Chiapas, a former local deputy for the PRI and director general of the State System of Water and Sanitation, Angel Barrios Zea (Mango Ball) Mayor Tapachula, related to a shortage of nearly one hundred million pesos. Recently, was arrested April 29 Socorro del Carmen Aguilar Molina, former director of the Institute of Housing, former Mayor of Angel Albino Corzo, Magdalena Díaz Molina and former Trustee Pijijiapan, José Chang Sánchez. All related to the issue of the reconstruction program of the Stan.

For this, there are former officials of the municipalities of Bellavista, Mapastepec and Mazapa de Madero, although the former Governor Pablo Salazar in his defense said that the municipal presidents acted with transparency and honesty in the use of resources. What it means is that in the case of alleged millionaire and outrageous act of corruption in the reconstruction program, are grabbing the small fry while the big, fat presumably had to do with these "nest egg" on the loose and doing much mischief.


Without fear of contradiction, the government of Juan Sabines Guerrero has invested several billion dollars and government efforts in promoting tourism in Chiapas, but the truth is I do not see it anywhere on the Secretary of Tourism , Cal y Mayor Juan Carlos Franco.

is also true that Chiapas has been known for tourism policy and business adventure by exposing various regional products such as candy, ceramics, food, textiles, handicrafts, landscapes and ruins ancestors have been well accepted by the national and international tourists.

But after four years of intensive promotion we may ask where in Chiapas is among the tourist destinations in Mexico? That would be a good response from the Secretary of Tourism, Cal y Mayor Juan Carlos Franco, who has become an "excellent" world traveler bearing the image of the state.

Are we as close to other destinations like Acapulco, Cancun, Playa del Carmen, Isla Mujeres, the Riviera of Majagual where they arrive between eight and ten cruisers or just Manzanillo? Nor can we deny that Chiapas has all to the delight of tourists and that they have to verify the servers of tourism as hoteliers, restaurant owners, boaters, ground service, or those who receive the cruise in Puerto Chiapas.

national and international promotion of Chiapas has to increase, but again, be efficient and less costly. Apply a media policy, Internet, facebook, twitter, spectacular promotion out of state strategically, the brochures, television and radio documentaries. In short, any strategy that may lead to a massive reception of tourists.

I say this because the truth that the Chiapa de Corzo attention on food and restaurants, besides being expensive are bad and the same is true of the roads in San Cristobal and Palenque Ocosingo, both through the Ocozocoautla - The Choapas, just to name a few I know.

to see if you ever see the Secretary of Tourism to comment on the subject ...

An aside ...

So as promised on April 8 when he faced the Senator Rubén Velázquez López, Miguel González Alonso columnist keeps track of the "infernal couple" and precisely Last Tuesday, as part of the commemoration of World Day of Press Freedom, "said the outrage committed by the former Governor and current Senator of the Republic to sign a penal reform called" Gag Rule "that raged sanctions defamation that was aimed at journalists critical of his administration ... After speaking of journalism locally, nationally and globally for the event organized by the Autonomous University of Chiapas (UNACH) through the Center for the Study of Building Citizenship and Security, addressed the repressive behavior Pablo Salazar and Rubén Velázquez López accusing them of wrongfully imprisoning Sheratto columnist Mario Ángel Flores, Walter Hernandez Gonzalez, Conrado de la Cruz Jiménez her son Conrado de la Cruz Morales and Enrique Zamora Cruz, director of the newspaper "El Orbe" Tapachula, including other peasant leaders ... The sentence will be served sooner or later, because "every little chapel she gets her little party and each cochi the morning," said my friend as "The Shah of San Roque, Florencio Lopez narcissistic ... / / Now you is over the rope ... AND YOU ALL ...

For comments, complaints and curses:
Cell: 961 18 August 1999 45.

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Follow the Gateway

By Christopher Ramos Solórzano
Now through local PRI leader in Tapachula, Gil Lazaro Gonzalez Trujillo has become an advocate for Senator Maria Elena Orantes Lopez, according to radio interview, the PRI leader did nothing to celebrate Children's Day with a festival, but yes, we burned incense to the senator, along with other outdated as Alejandro García Ruiz, who has served as her sponsor favors Arely Madrid Tovilla, but now he is also a promoter of Nena Orantes. What catches the eye is that Gil Lazaro Gonzalez to be leader of the PRI municipal is charging toward a particular person, when he should stand aside and not throw line.

hinted that in the case of Senator Manuel Velasco Coello those who have joined the project for personal reasons do not like prisitas, this comment leaves much to be desired, as he still promotes the PRI Senator and criticizes the other party.

not forget the Green Ecologist Party of Mexico has been an ally of the PRI in various electoral contests, so there is no reason to disagree with the proposed Velasco Guero, eventually also have the right to seek a nomination for the governorship of the state.

The good Gil Lázaro we suggest you take her quiet, there is no reason to marry a simple idea or rumor, in politics anything can happen and things change from one moment to another.

Tips Tips ...

bit his tongue seudodirigente Cardenista the Campesino Central, René González Pérez, who recently declared that the field not hold no more extreme poverty and hunger remains to this sector. The trouble is that this leader does not suffer from anything because he is constantly seen in the cantinas and bars Cacahoatán Tapachula and consuming alcohol and you take pure dumb WISKI Buchanans, the poor do not have to eat, but well it comes to suck, with this type of leader the farmer will always be neglected. Recently in the town of Cacahoatán was arrested by police in a complete state of intoxication insulted people and their agents saying he was John Camaney and that no one could do anything, but even so it was spared get into the patrol and take him for being drunk and outrageous, but so that there are no ... In Huehuetán and the problems started with some works, many of them are paralyzed because they say that there are no resources would have to see what's happening there, they say that it is favoring good friends of the mayor Raul Flores Citalán then we will discuss them of who it is ... The Day of Santa Cruz on May 3 was carried out by the Engineer's Day event where unionized premiered a nice palapa, by the way there were many absentees, including Alfredo Aguila Beristain, why is it ? ... Now for the district say that XII is said that the PRI candidate Luis Armando Melgar council will Bravo, as discussed in political cliques, but in the end is worth dreaming ... In the coming days there will be a meal with disjointed group of Tapachula, the most curious is that say that the dish will cost 300 pesos, or because it was buffet. For many this will be a prohibitive issue, with that amount a family eat well at least ... With the concentration of supporters of five constituencies, the "Peje" Andrés Manuel López Obrador was the zocalo in the city of Tapachula on Wednesday afternoon May 4 where he harangued the audience about the National Regeneration Movement (Morena), the square fills materially Tabasco politician cheered once again seek be the candidate for the presidency of the republic in 2012. The traditional practice carry much criticized as the PRI, this time was no exception, dozens of vans in different municipalities of the coast and mountains this afternoon arrived from the city of Tapachula. Some party leaders who championed the cause of Lopez Obrador as the PT, Convergence and PRD did some work to look good in Peje, wanted you to see who were with him, took the picture, approached the Tabasco and finally all returned to normal ... We read in the next mail DM cel 9626957927.

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Accountability Act Public Servants.
. Baltazar Exal

Verde. Accountability Act of Public Servants of the State of Chiapas, states in Chapter One "of objects and subjects": Article 2 .- They are subject to the application of this law, any person who holds or has held a job, fee or commission, of any kind in the state or municipal public administration, the legislature and judiciary of the state, autonomous bodies under the Constitution Chiapas State Policy and the Attorney General of the State, and all those who manage or public resources.

Article 3 .- The competent authorities to implement this law are: I. - The Congress of State. II .- The High Court of the State. III .- The Secretary of the Civil Service. IV .- The Labour Court in terms of the respective legislation. V. - The municipalities. VI .- The Attorney General of the State. VII .- The Autonomous Bodies under the State Constitution. VIII .- The other courts established by law.

in Title II, Chapter I, Article 6 .- impeachment is appropriate when the acts or omissions of public servants referred to in the preceding article, would run contrary to fundamental public interests or to their own best .

Chapter II. Impeachment procedures. Article 9 .- impeachment can only be started during the time when the public servant performing his employment, office or commission, and during the year following the completion of their duties. Respective sanctions were implemented in a period not exceeding one year from the start of the procedure.

Amarillo. Article 12 .- The determination of impeachment shall be subject to the following procedure:

A) Any citizen under the strictest responsibility and by presenting evidence, will make his written complaint to be filed with the secretary services of the state Congress parliamentarians who in turn will turn it over to the management of legal affairs in order that the complaint before it is ratified within three calendar days of their submission.

B) Once ratified the letter to the management of legal affairs of the state legislature, this turn it over to the investigating committee, to the processing corresponding

C) The investigating committee, no later than thirty calendar days, agreed to the admission of the complaint, taking into consideration that the accused public servant is impeachable, if the charge meets the necessary elements for their source, otherwise, the disposal by gross impropriety.

14th Article .- The investigating committee will open a trial period of thirty calendar days within which the evidence will provide the complainant and the public servant, and which itself commission deems necessary.

Rojo. If at the end of the prescribed period would not have been possible to receive the evidence offered timely, or must cleave other, the investigating committee may extend as far as may be necessary.

In any case, the Commission Instructor qualify the relevance of the evidence, discarding those they consider to be inappropriate.

Complaints and Review: 10 80 934 962 Cel

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Increase the number of gastrointestinal cases

While diseases are not covered and can occur at any time and any person, some seasons are favorable for some conditions to occur more regularly, as is the case of gastrointestinal infections with the hot season appear more frequently.

this in mind, Luis Adrian Rubio, assistant director of the Hospital of First Contact in Colotlán, explained how they are prepared to meet these figures.

" We already assume from the start of the heat that will increase digestive infections, then try to have life oral rehydration salts, for example in the emergency department have the appropriate area for hydration in children, and as we progress I will ask, we have drugs, antibiotics for gastrointestinal infections, we sera and complete treatment solutions . " Although

daily will cater to different people with digestive problems, are children under 5 and the elderly the most vulnerable to this disease.

The poor hygiene conditions in which living and eating habits are among the causes that determine the appearance of gastrointestinal infections.

At Hospital First Contact people come from across the region, precisely because of the hygienic conditions in which they live Wixárika, is the area most vulnerable to acute gastrointestinal infections, according to data from the institution.

Text: Becerra Hilda.

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Urdaci, goes for you. Outlawing

On Monday I reported that on Thursday evening 28 Urdaci my friend had died of a stroke.

are already several deaths of young people who have lived.

When I was in 3 º ESO, Jairo, a fellow of the Institute died of a heart attack. Was only 15 years. I only saw a couple of times, one in a retest of Plastic (never gave me good technical drawing). But my classmates got along very well with him, and in the days following were very concerned.
remember the people who were on the bus to the funeral, the Mass where we were and gave our teacher of religion, and sympathy parents who were my classmates. Another

and narrated in this post . Kimi did not know personally, but through the forum we had a good relationship opining about politics or sports. The foreros heard Kimi's death was a shock and quite strong. This forum was never the same without him. Was only 17 years.

David UJCE comrade, the PCE and IU also died young, at age 30 in August 2009. Do not know much, only seen him 3 times. One in a talk given by Felix on the crisis, another in a demonstration at which he arrived late, and the most intense one day we went for tapas. However
the remaining PCE comrades knew him very well and had great affection. And although to some extent not surprised, because he was sick, of course felt sorry for your loss. I also remember his funeral and the tribute we made a year later in his village, Mambrillas de Lara, of which he was mayor.

has also been some more young people but that have affected me indirectly. For example when I was in Valladolid internal teammate Felipe II to his brother was killed in a traffic accident, and other friends who have loved ones have died young.

And then they tell me hope living is going up and you have to delay retirement age to 67 years. Tell that to Jairo, Kimi, David or Urdaci. See if you have value.

Anyway, wanted to talk about Urdaci. I met him when I was in Valladolid, internal Santa Cruz. My memories are inevitably linked Urdaci my time in Santa Cruz.

I had gone there to study physics, astronomy quite liked me, but I left one and a half later, there were too many math and I pie. Urdaci
was also physics, a year ahead, and interestingly was also Private myself (the only one she was doing this race with me.) Come to my head a lot of memories. When I moved into my room came the 2 nd year to me and when they learned that studying physics called Urdaci quickly. Urdaci
The nickname is due to its strong resemblance to Alfred Urdaci, television presenter,

although I know who is really named Diego Flórez García, and my colleagues in physics known as Florez because there were many Diegos, it was much better person than she appeared on TV.
They all had internal motes. To me Waldo Wolverine put me, for my character like X Men (then I had a beard), and the truth is that I be grateful, because they could have put me far worse nicknames.

When I decorated the room with posters of Tow, Linkin Park, Van Helsing and Star Wars, spent Urdaci and said, "I see too many pictures of guys here eh?", So when I returned to Burgos took care to find posters scantily clad girls. I hope nobody accuses me of XD so macho.
There were several moments, as the water festival, which we had as children by throwing water balloons, the trip to Toledo, he always with his camera piggyback, which was moncayo own included (volcarte the bed), or other moncayo I did it and Rodotod in my room when I was not. I found her all disordered, with a picture of an aunt too fat and ugly as wallpaper on my computer. Fortunately I managed to remove it in time before they do irreparable damage to my sight. They were things typical of hazing. By the way, make no mistake, hazing is no torture, are fun (if not passed). But they serve to remove the fear and integration, and best of all is that next year you're the one rookie to others.

was also the school party, of which I remember especially a picture in which I leave smiling because Urdaci was making faces behind the photographer and I was making us laugh ...
One night we went to party with other friends from Santa Cruz and we drank a jug of Ripple quietly and talked U
long time ... back in the room we were talking about the elections of that year (2007) along with Farruquito and Foo. I remember in those elections, which was in the 1 st when I could vote in Burgos IU lost the only council member who had. Hopefully 4 years after this election to regain representation at City Hall. In reality, all the times I have voted IU worse results in 2007 we were left without representation in 2008 went down from 5 to 2 and in 2009 kept 2 but 1 is we went to the green. The best would get 2 instead of 1 in the city and would return to 1999 instead of 2003. Remove 8 instead of 5 in general, going back to 2000 instead of at 2004, or 2 in Europe, returning to 2001 instead of 2005 (also 1 when we went to the green). It would be a step forward.
O in the inner-side football tournament of Santa Cruz, to which I joined because I was very bad, but Urdaci did. I watched every game of my team (2 nd floor). Urdaci out shortly, but we encouraged him every time he did.

I particularly remember a story that had happened the previous year and they told us. It all went into the dining room at 2 o'clock and Urdaci had not arrived, which was strange because he was always there on 1. Time passed and did not come. All told, that strange, where is Urdaci. At 2 and a half was messy and acolarado. Urdaci, Urdaci what happened? Oh, how I was stuck in the elevator of Sciences. What nerve.
The elevators at the School were fatal. I luckily I was not hung any time (we took classes in the 6 th floor. Yes, what you're thinking, the physics we were up there completely marginalized.) The companions of the Holy Cross Urdaci joked that he had been half an hour trapped in an elevator with 5 or 6 people, including Aunt kindest of all the faculty.

hazing in the race we took off their notebooks. I refused and instead took my case, keeping only a bic. The day could recover before I had to leave because my bus was leaving soon. The days passed and still no box, so internal Urdaci asked to see if I could get my case and the next day I had with me, without missing any part.
Another was when I asked a question about an exercise of the Structure of Matter, a of the few subjects I managed to pass. Or when to my surprise and joy I was informed one morning that there were no classes that afternoon at the School because they had cut the water.
hazing in the following year I was already in year 2, so I helped them. I remember I had bought plastic gloves of the smallest size they had found and I barely fit in his hands. Exploded and several eggs on the heads of the Nerds (me in Year 1 I also did, mind you), and when I saw Urdaci shook hands and then withdrew it and ran a clean, hehe.

I feel sorry especially since Urdaci was a very smart guy who could have come so far. Me in my 1st year only managed to pass a course in February and another in September, both with individual 5. However Urdaci in Year 1 took 4 Tuition, 1 and 2 Outstanding Noteworthy, if I remember correctly. It was the best. There were good students in physics, but most have some subjects suspended (Calculus was the most difficult) or approved scraping. Urdaci was superior.
In fact I remember he had taken a course in 3 rd when he was 2, and having pulled a 8.5 on the 1 st examination did not know if submitted to 2 nd in case down the note in your file. A true genius. He
a fellowship in London. If it had been proposed certainly could have worked for NASA.

The last time I spoke with him was through Tuenti April 21 to congratulate him on his birthday. And a week after we left, with only 24 just turned.

I think the best tribute that I can do is tell you here the memories I have of him. Surely this post is edited several times as they go back to my mind memories of our time together. I only lived for a year with him, but my friends in Santa Cruz were 5 years and has been very hard for them.
Special thanks to Fernando, who first informed me of everything that had happened. He said they would close their account Tuenti it did not want their memories remain in social networks, but in all of us. I really felt good, but I thought the least I could do was to dedicate an entry in my blog.

The truth is that I get a feeling of sadness whenever I think about it or review the photos that appear or the school magazine of the year in which I, in which Urdaci has the 2 nd prize for photography as well appear elsewhere.
thought about death in this post . Urdaci, wherever you are, I hope you do well. Sure, because you were a great person.

So long, pal.

end with a song about some of these issues of death and when it is someone you love.

1st is "Despídeme" Skalariak. The 2 nd, "Historia Triste" by Eskobar. And the 3 rd, "My own heaven," Nach.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

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Colotlán is quiet, there is insecurity, says President colotlense

After the alert issued by the U.S. government which prohibits not visit some states Republic, including Jalisco, and specifically the town of Colotlan, at present there is no insecurity alert for the U.S. government prohibits its citizens to visit, said Jose Luis Carrillo, mayor of the municipality.
The President attributed the ban on assault to colotlenses in the state of Zacatecas, " What happens is that Colotlán is the largest municipalities in the north, jump Colotlán name, but now is quiet, we are not at risk or more violent incidents have raised than last year. As if they are going where the road Colotlán-Guadalajara, but usually these events have occurred in the state of Zacatecas . "

Although violent incidents have occurred in the region, not Colotlán, the most recent was the confrontation on the morning of November 17. The United States issued the warning about the risk of violence, and warning to visit areas Jalisco border with the states of Zacatecas and Michoacan, affect tourism in the municipality and the region, said President of Colotlán.

Text: Becerra Hilda.

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They establish identity card in Chiapas
The alleged kidnappings and crime fighting in Mexico
. Wall Alejandro
As an initiative to counter kidnapping, trafficking, violence and migrant children nationwide, the famous identity card was launched in Chiapas, becoming the first state Southeast Mexico and fourth nationally, behind Tijuana, Tamaulipas and Guanajuato.

Interior Secretary Francisco Blake Mora arrived in Tapachula, Chiapas on the flight from 10:30 of the morning, then was joined by the Chiapas Governor Juan Sabines Guerrero, both visited the boarding number 11 Joaquín Miguel Gutiérrez, located along the road to Puerto Chiapas Tapachula, before a heavy security that cordoned off the entire , area.

With the presence of Chiapas Attorney Raciel Lopez Salazar, Judge Mario Ruiz Coutinho, President of the Congress of Chiapas Juan Jesus Aquino Calvo, Secretary General of Government Noe Castanon Leon and Rene Zenteno Religious Affairs Quintero, members-SEGOB- registered to "Juan Manuel", the first child, a goal of one million 500 thousand children statewide.

According to the statement of the holder of human rights in Chiapas, the identity card will ensure human rights of minors, and promote respect. On the other hand, the President of the Asociación Civil-Common Cause, Elena Moreno Galindo, stressed that the program was started in Tijuana Baja California to the strong concern of the kidnappings and violence against minors.

Minors national database

Later, he spoke of giving benefits to children with social programs, health, education, economic and privilege of proceedings in civil registration, especially the intention to combat trafficking and abduction of minors.

Manuel de Jesus, was the first child registered with the identity card, a request accepted by their parents.

Practically, it is the first child that apply scanning their fingerprints in the iris of their eyes and face registration, which will be from May 3, 2011, in a data center located in offices central Mexico City.

For the Governor Juan Sabines Guerrero, the identity card, a program was expected and is currently implemented in Chiapas, which met the mandate of law by making a commitment to Chiapas.

The project dates back to the 90. Juan Sabines said was endorsed by UNICEF, and allows them to Mexican children, obtaining identification documents, benefiting the children of migrant parents as provided in the Reform number VIII.

Interests SEGOB

In turn, the Secretary of the Interior José Francisco Blake Mora, it was clear to apologize for being late to an event that was scheduled from eight in the morning. That Blake Mora regretted not being able to time and later said that this new program is intended to streamline cumbersome procedures, entry to schools, must comply with the obligations of Mexican citizens, such as taxes, debt payments to banks, doctors and school record.

What was more interesting and detailed commentary on countering threats to human trafficking that drive organized crime groups, in addition to the violation of rights and freedoms, and to avoid abduction.

In this sequence, it was revealed by unofficial sources that the visit of Secretary of the Interior "Francisco Blake Mora" Tapachula, was in order to monitor the national security program for the Southern Border, derived from the initiative bears the same name and is discussed in Congress for the promotion of militarization over 650 kilometers of border crossings to Guatemala and Central America to counter the entry of illegal goods such as drugs, weapons and illegal.

Last week the Ministry of National Defense (SEDENA) announced the deployment of troops to the steps bordering the southern border of Chiapas as a statement of the Federation, with the intention to intensify actions to the suspected presence of organized crime groups.

instances attached to the PGR in Chiapas, revealed in a press release on the presence of members of the Gulf cartel, although most parcel was the transfer of military groups who were guarding the Zapatista area in highland Chiapas, to establish them in Frontera Comalapa and Jiquipilas.

Government Monitoring tour

That same afternoon, it emerged that the Governor of the state, went to an event in the town of Motozintla and then returned to the city of Tapachula.

Officials Wednesday said they could give the official opening of the Center for Response to Emergencies and Disasters (CRED) State Civil Protection, located next to the Olympic Stadium in Tapachula and some streets named for forever.

other hand ... Instances of the three levels of government, sheltered INM facilities in Tapachula, derived from the escape of five Hondurans who led a mutiny of foreign inside.

military arrived Before the riot, federal, municipal and other police officers, with the intention of calming the waters and arrest those who had escaped from the detention facility located in Tapachula Model.

His owner Maria de las Mercedes Gómez Mont, gave no details of this situation and is expected to soon be launching a news release about the troubles that have been recorded within this trench.

Costeño Boosting sports

As part of the Cultural Week in the tournament sports Inter-area technical 06, made last April in Tapachula, Technical High School 15 Cacahoatán had 22 wins first place in the volleyball matches, basketball, foot ball and Athletics.

body representatives sports and physical education Cacahoatán Odiel and Hector Velazco Hernandez Ramos Rocha Lenin agreed that due to the physical preparation of quality and promotion of sport for children of this educational institution, managed to establish a record area in male and female branches of several sports and athletic activities within 200, 400, 800 meters and 4 x 100 meters.

FINALLY ... Merchants and business sectors, called on the Secretary of Health James Gomez Montes, because of the overnight, began to authorize new licenses for the opening of bars and cantinas in the Costa ... The question is focused on just how many permits are approved and how much they cost to at least have a chance to manage your business.

Any dimension